Driver wounded by own gun | DrumhellerMail
Last updateThu, 06 Mar 2025 11am

Driver wounded by own gun

    A Stettler man injured himself on Friday after his gun discharged in his motor vehicle while he was driving.
    Three Hills RCMP report that a 32-year-old male driver was travelling west on Highway 590, east of Highway 21. He had a loaded 30-06 rifle in the cab of his truck leaning against the passenger seat. The gun was pointed at the roof of the truck.
    While he was turning on the highway to head in an easterly direction on Highway 590, the gun slid and struck something in the truck causing it to fire.
    The round hit the driver in the stomach and travelled through the driver-side door.
    Witnesses who were driving behind the truck assisted while emergency crew attended.
    The driver was taken to the Red Deer Hospital with a gunshot wound to his abdomen. At the time his injuries were classified as critical, but he has since been deemed to be in stable condition.
    Three Hills RCMP said the matter is currently under investigation and charges of careless use of a firearm are pending.

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