Delia aims for solar array expansion | DrumhellerMail
Last updateTue, 07 Jan 2025 5pm

Delia aims for solar array expansion

    The Village of Delia is hoping to continue cashing in on the abundance of sunlight in the area. Plans are in the works to expand the solar system presently in Delia.
    The Village has partnered with the Henry Kruger Water Commission to build another solar array in Delia. The goal is to attach it to another municipal building, likely the Village Office, to help reduce the utility costs of the Village.
    “The municipalities that work with them are supporting the project and possibly putting up another solar system in the village,” said Caroline Siverson, Delia CAO. “They’re trying to do some alternate energy to reduce power costs.”
    Delia currently has a solar array attached to and powering its pump house. When the array produces more energy than what is needed, the excess is sold to the grid. Since the array was installed, the Village saves roughly $600 per month on utility costs.
    “We’ve got the solar array up on the pump house and it’s running great,” said deputy mayor Jeff Collins. “When I step under the shower I’m grateful for the sun, because that’s generating the power that allows us to pressurize our water supply.”
    The first array cost nothing to village residents, thanks to grant funding.
    “We didn’t pay anything for the solar array we have in the back. We provided the land and it came to us through federal, provincial, and county grant money,” said Collins.
    Plans to install more solar power have been stymied by the lack of grants available, but the Village is on the lookout for more.
    “When we put the first one in here it was over $100,000, so the costs have come down significantly. Like all technology, the longer it’s around, the cheaper it gets. We’re keeping our eyes open for grants,” said Siverson.

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