Youth Justice gets boost from Province | DrumhellerMail
Last updateTue, 07 Jan 2025 5pm

Youth Justice gets boost from Province

    Youth Justice Committees around Alberta recently got a boost from the Alberta Government. The Drumheller Committee received $1,500 and the Hanna Committee $1,000.
    The money will be used to help train volunteers so they may better help youth on the wrong side of the law atone and avoid getting stuck with a criminal record. One of the ways the Drumheller Committee trains is to see how things are done in Calgary.
    “We like to have our volunteers sit in a meeting of the Calgary Youth Justice to see and learn how they do things,” said Drumheller Committee member Amy Jopp.
    The Drumheller Youth Justice started over a year ago. The committee meets with youth who have been charged with a crime and have admitted their guilt. Committee members learn the details of the crime, why the youth did what they did, and then determine a meaningful punishment.
    “We get referrals when there is a youth with a criminal record. We review the file to see why they got a criminal record and what we feel is fitting for them to do to have it removed. They have to admit doing the crime and explain their side. Then, we give them sanctions,” said Jopp. “When they complete it, they get a letter they take back to court and the criminal record is removed.”
    For the youth, completing their assignment, which can be as simple as writing an essay or making restitution, can make a huge difference later in life. A criminal record can prohibit travel and limit what jobs are available.
    The opportunity to have their criminal record wiped clean is a one time shot. Those who failed or committed another crime are not eligible to participate.
    So far, the committee has met with 14 youths, 12 of whom have passed. Those who fail the program are sent back to the courts.
    The committee could always use more volunteers. It can be difficult to get three members together to meet with youth and more members offer more skills and perspectives. There are currently nine members of the Drumheller Youth Justice.
    To get involved, contact Jopp at 403-334-0897 for Drumheller and Joe Schnurer at 403-854-2770 for Hanna.

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