Young man pleads guilty to drug possession | DrumhellerMail
Last updateMon, 17 Feb 2025 11am

Young man pleads guilty to drug possession


A young man is learning the price for his ways after appearing in Drumheller Provincial Court on Friday, July 13. That price is $1150.


Scott Gerald Painter, 19, plead guilty to one count of breach of release conditions in an incident where he was found by RCMP in a residence he was restricted from entering in Trochu last year.

Painter then plead guilty to two counts of possession of a restricted substance.

In March of this year, Painter was pulled over near Three Hills, was found with no driver’s licence and 6 g of cocaine.

A month later just east of Hanna, Painter was pulled over in a lawful traffic stop. Officers were met with a strong cannabis odour and found a 73 g bag of marijuana.

Prior to these charges, Painter did not have a criminal record. Painter plead guilty with the understanding further breaches could lead to more trouble. Painter spoke and expressed his intention to use this to help turn his life around.

Judge Judith Shriar indicated these were not trivial amounts of drugs and Painter would be unlikely to find further leniency in the future.


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