Fine Arts program ready for action at St. Anthony’s | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 07 Mar 2025 3pm

Fine Arts program ready for action at St. Anthony’s


When first walking into the new drama space at St. Anthony’s it is quite apparent why drama teacher Tom Stolz is excited. 


“One of my students said ‘wow this is like a real stage’,” said Tom Stolz. 

Walking into about $30,000 worth of lights, to which Stolz calls “a real blessing,” he said he was wondering if he would even do justice to the program. Stolz said his expectations for the program automatically increased along with his students’ expectations.

He said  the lights helped dramatically because when students are performing a scene, the lights come up and they are in that scenario.

“What a magical difference it makes,” said Stolz. 

The drama room can be closed in to create a “black box,” effect, which enables students to practice scenes just as if they were in a professional theatre. Then when it comes time to perform for an audience, a “sliding wall” can easily be moved. This allows visibility for people sitting on large bleachers in Padua Hall to view the stage. Stolz said the drama program is hoping to put in a K-12 production in the coming year. 

“It’s an ideal time coming into a new facility, and to dream big dreams,” said Stolz.  

Attached to the drama space is also the band/music room. This will enable easy access for students either putting on a band concert or drama production to make use of both spaces. 

Laurie Lotts, music and band teacher at St. Anthony’s, said it is about twice the size of the old space and is designed accoustically for band music.

“I really enjoy the new band room, there is so much space to set up and the high ceiling makes the music sound great,” said Abby Fooks, a Grade 7 band student at St. Anthony’s. 


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