New fire truck ready for action | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

New fire truck ready for action



It was like Christmas for the Drumheller Fire Department. Their long awaited new truck rolled into the Drumheller Fire Station, ready to respond should any emergency arise.


The truck, which had to travel from Winnipeg, arrived on Thursday, May 10. That evening, firefighters had a chance to get to know the new vehicle during a five hour practice session.

“Reception from the guys has been fantastic. They seem to be able to operate it easily, due to the simplicity of the truck,” said Fire Chief Bill Bachynski.

The process to purchase the new truck began two years ago. Once the budget was approved and the needs were identified, Fort Garry began construction. The new truck cost $342,000, paid for by the Town of Drumheller.

“Each municipality is you design a truck to fit the needs of the people and the community,” said Bachynski.

Features include the ability to pump and roll (spray and drive at the same time), night lights, extrication equipment, and a diesel engine to better traverse the topography in the municipality. Basically, the vehicle is equipped for any situation the fire department responds to.

“We’re certainly enthused about it. It’s got a lot of new special features that were not available the last time Drumheller purchased a truck,” said Bachynski. “I’m sure it will do a good job for the community.”

It was five years ago when Drumheller last received a new fire truck. That truck currently is housed in the Rosedale Fire Hall. 

The new truck is already in service. Bachynski stated that the new truck would be the first responder out of the Drumheller Fire Hall.

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