DVSS looks to offer new hockey program | DrumhellerMail
Last updateTue, 24 Dec 2024 1pm

DVSS looks to offer new hockey program

    Drumheller Valley Secondary School (DVSS) is looking to hit the ice in a new hockey program.
    To get the puck sliding on developing the program, a minimum of 20 interested students is required. The program would be for any students, male or female, and offered in Grades 10, 11, or 12.
    Should there be enough interest, the school would then hire a certified teacher with a background in hockey and coaching.
    The inspiration for the program comes from the successful high school hockey programs in Strathmore and Three Hills.
    “The programs have turned out well in Strathmore and Three Hills. In Strathmore they have a waiting list,” said Curtis Lapierre, principal of the DVSS. “I think this would be a good program for Drumheller. A big part of what we do here is athletics and hockey fits nicely into our school culture.”
    Lapierre went on to explain  the ability to market the DVSS international program to Eastern Europe makes the creation of such a program a good move for the school.
    The program would be a skills development program. Students would learn the skills needed to play the game, leadership, and coaching. On top of the skills being learned, students would earn five high school credits per year.
    Unlike other sports at  DVSS, the hockey program would not be competitive. Competitive play is restricted to minor and junior hockey leagues.
    The cost for participating is estimated to be between $400 and $500 per student. The fees would cover renting ice time and transportation to and from the arena.
    The deadline to express interest is mid February. For more information visit www.dchs.ca or call Lapierre at 403-823-5171.

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