Music Festival approaches this March | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

Music Festival approaches this March

    The date is set, registrations have closed, and venues have been booked. In less than two months the valley will be filled with music.
    This will be the 72nd year for the Drumheller and District Music Festival. The event runs from March 12 in venues throughout the valley, and concludes with its final concert on March 23 at Greentree School.
    The festival showcases a wide array of disciplines including piano, band, instrumental, dance, musical theater, vocal, choir and speech.    
    Thousands of young Drumhellerites have participated in the music festival over its illustrious history, and many have gone on to successful careers in their disciplines.        Names such as Jaydee Bixby, David Schumacher and Rob Shapiro come to mind as examples of past performers who have gone on to success in the music industry. The next crop of performers may have that same talent and drive to succeed.
    Registrations closed on January 12, and the committee has already confirmed a talented slate of adjudicators who will encourage and mentor each performer in their craft. Performers are rewarded with trophies, scholarships and the opportunity to go on to provincial music festival competitions.
    Doug Wade of the organizing committee says they could always use more volunteers, both on the committee and during the festival to manage venues. The committee meets the second Tuesday of the month at the Civic Centre.
    For more information, contact President Lynn Edwards at 403-823-7483.

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