Relay for Life looking for volunteers | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

Relay for Life looking for volunteers

    After hosting five successful Relay for Life events in the valley, the committee that organizes the event is looking for some fresh blood to bolster the event.
     Relay for Life began with a bang, and at its inception, was one of the best performing events in the province. By its fourth year it hit the million-dollar mark. Last year the event topped $40,000 with just seven teams.
    This year’s event is slated for June 8 at the Drumheller Stampede and Ag Society. Last year’s organizer Shari Christensen says the committee is hoping for some new members to carry on the tradition.
    “The former committee is burnt out. We need an influx of new volunteers, that is for sure,” said Christensen.
    Christensen says that everyone has been touched by cancer and for her, working on Relay was a great way to pay tribute. “It is great fun, and I loved it. There is a lot of cancer in my family, so for me it was a great way to try and do my part,” said Christensen.
    If you are interested in
volunteering to help put
on this year’s Relay for Life, contact Christensen at 403-823-6739.

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