Drumheller man takes on lifestyle journey, sheds 50 pounds | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

Drumheller man takes on lifestyle journey, sheds 50 pounds

    As the new year rolls around, many see it as a time to make a change for the better. It may be for a healthier lifestyle or to finally rid oneself of a nasty habit. However, new year's resolutions often fall by the wayside sooner than most hope.
    One Drumheller man has proved that you can make a change; it can be drastic, and for the better.
    Sanjay Kumar, field engineer for ATCO Electric, knew he didn’t like how his body had changed, and believed he could transform it. In September, he began a journey of healthy living, and in about three months he lost 50 pounds, and he is doing it the right way.
    “I didn’t have the health problems, but I wanted to reduce my weight,” said Kumar. “That was my goal for 2011 and 2012, and continuing on.”
    His goal was to lose 50 pounds and reduce his body fat to 15 per cent.  At 5-foot 3, he weighed 217 pounds.
    He said it wasn’t just dieting or exercise that made the difference, it was a shift in lifestyle. Diet and exercise of course played a role, but so did changing habits such as when and how he ate.
    “I used to take my dinner at night around 9 p.m., so I changed that to about 7 p.m. so all my carbs are not stored in fat,” he said. “I have completely cut the junk food from my diet.”
    Kumar is vegetarian already, but he has gone away from foods that are prepared by frying, although he still does cheat now and then.
    He was also cognizant that he lost the weight properly. This means shedding the fat and not the muscle. He was helped along by Judy McElroy of Everybody’s Gym. His progress was tracked, as he was one of a few in a competition at Everybody’s Gym.
    At 37, he thought now was the time to make a change, because after 40 he thought it would be tougher.
    He has come a long way. He is now about 170 pounds and has 17.5 per cent body fat. He said he hasn’t seen his weight at this level since 1993.
    Now that he has made the change, he has found he has more energy, strength and feels healthier physically and mentally. He does realize that it is an ongoing lifestyle change, but now that he is on the right track, it is easier not to stumble.
    “Nothing in life is that difficult,” he laughs.
    One thing he has found with the changes is that none of his old clothes fit him any longer. That’s not a bad problem to have.

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