Speeder clocked at 235 km/h, faces dangerous driving charges | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

Speeder clocked at 235 km/h, faces dangerous driving charges

    A Saskatoon man will be in court in Airdrie in October to answer to  a dangerous operation of a motor vehicle charge after being clocked at more than twice the speed limit on Highway 9.

    On Friday September 2, at about 2 p.m., a member of the Airdrie Integrated Traffic Unit, observed a white newer model Chevrolet Camaro  eastbound on Highway 9, east of Highway 21.
    The officer obtained a speed reading of 235 kilometres per hour. The maximum for this stretch of highway is 100 kilometres per hour.
    The 58-year-old driver was the only occupant of the vehicle. He was stopped and arrested, and now faces charges of dangerous operation of a motor vehicle.
    He was released from detention on $500 cash bail and is to appear in provincial  court in Airdrie on October 27.
    According to a press release, speeding is a factor in approximately 30 per cent of all motor vehicle collisions in rural Alberta. A dangerous driving conviction can result in a prison sentence up to five years in jail.
    Integrated Traffic Units, consisting of RCMP Traffic Service members and Alberta Sheriff Highway Patrol members exist throughout the province and were busy with increased long weekend enforcement. They targeted impaired drivers, distracted drivers, aggressive and speeding drivers, seatbelts and intersection related offences.

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