Demo Derby cancelled after 28 seasons | DrumhellerMail
Last updateSat, 04 Jan 2025 2pm

Demo Derby cancelled after 28 seasons


    One of the valley's longest running events, the Drumheller  Demolition Derby, has been cancelled for the first time since 1983.

             Future events may be cancelled as well, unless the volunteer position of director is filled.
    The Drumheller Demolition Derby, which was scheduled for August 13, has been cancelled. Demo fans will not be hearing the roaring crowd, or the sound of revving engines at Dinosaur Downs.           
    The Drumheller Stampede & Ag Society president Mike Hansen  said the former  Demo Derby chair Larry Duxbury has moved out of the area and has resigned from the board. Since then there has not been anyone to organize and oversee one of the Ag Society's flagship events. “We have had a few people interested, but no one has stepped up.” Mike said.
    He adds, there is a lot of leg work that goes into preparing and hosting the event. Volunteers are required for gate, ring and flags.   
    The demolition derby was started in 1983. Bob Davidson helped found the Derby and provided some of the funding. August 2008 marked the 25th anniversary of the derby in Drumheller.
  The derby offered 4 cylinder classes, truck demos, the powder puff ladies classes. In 1984 and 1985 they also hosted a combine demolition.
    “People like to see cars getting wrecked,” Bob said. “The community support has been strong through the years.”  
    The Drumheller Stampede and Ag Society meets every second Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. For more information go to

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