East Coulee community achieves playground goal | DrumhellerMail
Last updateTue, 24 Dec 2024 1pm

East Coulee community achieves playground goal


    After 18 months of waiting, youngsters in East Coulee still had to wait an extra day for the rain to stop to enjoy the new community playground.

     A committee in the Drumheller community has worked hard to raise the funds to build a new modern, safer playground and last week they succeeded.
    Jamie Gerlinger of the East Coulee playground committee says the playground was much needed as the community is seeing more young families coming to make East Coulee home. There is also an increase in visitors who could make good use of the playground.
     The committee set to work raising the funds for the playground. Thanks to fundraisers, donations from residents and businesses, as well as a Community Facilities Enhancement Project grant from the Alberta Government, the committee raised in the area of $80,000 for the project.
    The Town of Drumheller also contributed with an in-kind donation, helping to install the apparatus.
    The playground the committee ordered, Geringer said, has a little bit for everyone. There are swings for toddlers as well as older children, and the apparatus is varied, suitable for all ages.
    This round of fundraising allowed the community to install the playground and a chain link fence, but they aren’t done yet. The community has plans for installing washroom facilities, a gazebo and improvements to the rink area. They are already actively fundraising for the next phase.

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