Age: 24.
Employer: Greentree School.
Job Title: Grade 1 teacher.
Hobbies and interests: Piano, swimming, being outside.
Favourite food? Spaghetti.
What’s in your CD player? Down With Webster.
Favourite colour? Purple.
Where do you want to travel to most? Wales, that’s where my family originated from.
What’s your dream job? Being a teacher.Coke or Pepsi? Coke.
What three things would you take to a deserted island? My iPod, sunscreen, and water.
If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who’d it be? My grandma and great grandma, I’d serve them a roast beef dinner.
Words of wisdom? Try your hardest, and live life to the fullest.
Who’s your hero? My dad, he’s always been there for me
Favourite movie? 101 Dalmatians.
What is the main thing you want your students to take away? I want them to be kind and caring, and to attempt anything they wish to be in the future.
What’s your dream car? Chevelle, in black, with white racing stripes
What would you do with $1,000,000? Buy a nice big house and travel.
If you were Prime Minister, what’s the first thing you’d change? Provide more money for education, especially in the technology department.