Who Are You? Betina Gross | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 07 Mar 2025 3pm

Who Are You? Betina Gross



Employer: St. Anthony’s School

Occupation: Grade 1 Teacher

What do you like most about your job? Teaching children how to read & how the kids make me smile each day.

How long have you worked there? 8 years.

What was your very first job? Lifeguard.

How long have you worked in the Valley? 8 years.

Where are you from? Montmartre, Saskatchewan.

What do you like to do while on vacation? Camp with my family.

If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
Across Canada – we have such a beautiful & diverse country I would love to see it.

If you were stranded on a desert island and could bring three things what would they be?
A book, a lighter and my husband (together we’d find a way off the island).

Who has the biggest influence on your life? My children – they have given me perspective.

Favorite movie? 50 First Dates or Collateral Beauty.

If your life had a theme song what would it be? God Bless the Broken Road.

Favorite book? There are so many, I can’t decide.

Favorite food? Tacos.

Ski or snowboard? Ski.

Favorite winter activity? Curling.

Favorite season? Spring.

If you had to go without one of these two things what would you give up, cell phone or microwave oven and why?
Cell phone because I can never find it anyway and I have three kids so living without a microwave would be challenging.

Any words of wisdom that you live by or like to share?
We all make a difference to those around us, it is up to us whether our impact is positive or negative.

If you had to be in a reality T.V. show, which would you choose? Survivor.

If you had to lie, what job would you say you did? Professional curler.

If you could go back and give your teenager self advice, what would it be?
Remember that actions speak louder than words. Look for the people around you who show their love and friendship through their actions.

If you could speak to everyone in the world at the same time, what would you say?
Be kind to each and every person you see today.

If you could bring one fictional character to life, who would it be and why?
Miss Frizzle and her magic school bus because her field trips are the greatest.

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