July 14 - July 20, 2010 > Call 403-823-2580 to place an ad | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

July 14 - July 20, 2010 > Call 403-823-2580 to place an ad


FOR SALE... Commercial shelving. Will cover 20 x 30 sq. ft. second floor. Complete with steel stairwell. Replacement cost $22,000. Accepting offers. Phone 403-823-2981.            23tfc

FOR SALE... Colorado Blue Spruce trees, from 2 foot to 10 foot trees. $30 to $80. 403-860-5582 or 403-235-5678. 20p30

FOR SALE... Household furniture, complete silversmithing outfit, hand tools, garden tools. Call 403-572-3228 - Carbon. 27p28

FOR SALE... Like new XBox 360 Elite console, plus 7 games. $150. Phone 403-334-1851 or 403-820-9144. 28p

FOR SALE... 50 inch Panasonic TV, one year 5 month old. Asking $995 o.b.o. Paid $1795. Phone 403-823-3735. 28p

FOR SALE... Peas - U-Pick or we pick at Sun Valley Farm. Call 403-823-9191. 28c

FOR SALE... Rear Tyne 5 H.P. B & G Garden Tiller. Phone 403-823-2874. 28p

FOR SALE... 2003 Honda Jazz Scooter. Blue and white, excellent condition, $1200. Call 403-823-2431 to arrange viewing. 28p30

FOR SALE... 535 John Deere Baler, $9000. Comes with 1000 PTO hydraulic pick-up and bale kicker. Also a 1600A J.D. Haybine 14 ft. hydro swing, shedded, ready to go, $10,000. Call 403-820-1501. 28p30


FOR SALE... 1- 7’6” x 8’ walk-in general freezer. Complete with compressor. Can be seen running. $5000 o.b.o. Phone 403-820-1241.23tfc


 Help for seniors… Light housekeeping, meal preparation, respite help for caregivers and personal companions for Continuing Care residents - all available. Reasonable hourly rates with bondable insured staff. Call HELPING HANDS 403-364-2476.2tfc

Need $$$? Looking for a car loan, second mortgage or consolidation? Bank say no? Then call us! Call 403-334-5555 or visit drumhellerfinancial.com.4p3

 Shady Time Tent Rentals. Rent a tent for your next event. Phone Chris at 403-820-1869 or Don at 403-321-0150.    24c29  


Pups for sale - Golden Retriever/ Yellow Lab cross. The best of two breeds. Very reasonable. Enquire at 403-854-2468 (Hanna). 26p29 

Now accepting applications for CKC Registered Shih-tzu pups. For more information contact 403-876-2802.27nc28 


FOR SALE... Harley-Davidson 2003 Heritage Softail Classic Flstch 100-Anniversary. 5000 kms, extras. Asking $18,000. Call 403-823-4218. 28p29


FOR SALE... 1994 Jeep YJ. 200+ kms. $3000. Phone 403-823-4772. 27p28

FOR SALE... 2002 Dodge Quad Cab c/w 14’ Tri Haul fishing boat. Asking $15,000 for both. Phone 403-820-3077. 28p


RV FOR SALE. 1996 Georgie Boy, 34’, Ford gas engine, 114,000 km. Generator, solar panel, queen bed. New batteries, roof and dash air. Asking $16,000. Phone 403-823-5577.


FOR RENT... House in East Coulee. 3 bdr, recent renos, double lot with house and additional cabin for storage/workshop. Available Aug. 1. $850/month plus utilities, $850 DD. Call 403-363-4112. 28p

FOR RENT... 2 bedroom beside store in Rosedale. F/S/W/D, Bell XPress Vu programming. Plus utilities. Available now. Phone 403-823-2406 days or 403-823-3743 evenings/weekends. 28p

FOR RENT... 4 bedroom trailer at 1618 4 Ave SW, c/w stove, fridge. Available July 31. Rent $775 net. Phone 403-823-2406 or 403-823-9405. 28p

FOR RENT... House close to downtown, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, living room, bathroom, W/D, F/S. $700/month plus utilities, D.D. Available immediately. Non-smoker, no pets. Phone 403-239-5461 or 403-889-5366, Janet. 28p29

FOR RENT... Small 1 bedroom house near downtown, N/S, W/D included, small pets allowed, $595. plus utilities. Ref. required and D/D $595. 403-823-3921. 28p

FOR RENT... Small 2 bedroom house in Bankview. Rent $800/month, includes utilities. S.D. $800. Available immediately. Phone 1-780-221-5966 or 1-780-986-6693. 27p28


FOR RENT... Hunt’s Place Apartments (Corner of Hunts Dr. and 2nd St. East). Quiet, adult-oriented. Garden patios or large balconies, fridge, stove, drapes. Laundry facilities. Security door and intercom. No pets, no smoking. Phone 403-823-2823.  48tfc    

FOR RENT... Furnished luxury apartment next to Everybody’s Gym with a dishwasher, fireplace, jet tub, includes all utilities as well as cable TV and wireless internet, laundry facilities. $1100/mth plus DD or $400/wk plus DD. Phone 403-823-6501.22tfc 

FOR RENT... Juniper Manor, large one bedroom available July 1. Adult building. No pets. Phone Chris 403-823-2564. 28c 

FOR RENT... Sept. 1, apartment in downtown Drumheller (332 Centre Street). This one bedroom apartment is located above the Bits and Pieces Quilt Shop. Rent is $675 a month (includes power). Damage deposit in the same amount is required. References are required. The apartment can be furnished (extra charge) if the tenant wishes. Contact Karen at 403-823-3231 or Don at 1-403-793-0132. 28c29 

FOR RENT... Nice 2 bedroom apartment. $725/month. Available September 1. DD $725. No kids, no pets. Non-smoker preferred. C/W fridge, stove, A/C, parking, utilities minus power. References upon request. Mature and responsible. Call 403-823-6343. 28p30 


ATTENTION OILFIELD WORKERS... New beds, cable, A/C, microwave, fridge, bathroom. New lower monthly rates. Also available weekly. Phone 403-823-6844.    25c27 

ROOM FOR RENT... Greentree Area. $380 per month, bedroom in clean, quiet, bilevel house. Utilities, included. 403-695-7987 or calrent@shaw.ca.26p29


AVAILABLE... Seasonal sites - monthly, weekly and daily rates also available. Water, sewer and 30 amp power. Quiet country setting 15 minutes west of Drumheller on Hwy 575. Phone 403-823-8281. www.thepopeleasepines.com.        16c30   


 FOR RENT... 2 bedroom trailer. S/F, D/W, A/C. N/S, N/D, N/D. $780/month plus utilities, phone, cable, $780 DD. Call Gwen Price at 403-854-3532 or 403-854-0837 (cell).26p28

FOR RENT... Mobile home in Morrin. Available immediately. F/S, W/D, garage. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. 1150 sq ft. $700 plus utilities. DD $700. Phone 403-364-2296.27p28


Storage lot for rent. Approximately 196’ x 200’ . Phone 403-823-2981. 23tfc


HOUSES FOR SALE - Can’t find it here or on MLS? Check out www.powerrealty.ca.     5tfc
FOR SALE... House in Drumheller. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, approx. 800 sq ft, lot size 41’ x 132’, small garage, currently rented with good income. $95,000. 403-932-6721. 28p

HOUSE FOR SALE... Fixer upper. Large 100’ x 140’ lot, Nacmine. Phone 403-823-6213. 27p28

FOR SALE:  Immediate Occupancy. 1970 2-bedroom mobile home with new well-enclosed yarded fence, perfect for pets. Good storage shed. Interior - new renovations, fresh paint. Newer washer/dryer/furnace. #32 Greenwood Villa Trailer Park. Pad rent $400. Nice front lawn. Well maintained trailer. Owner motivated to sell - moving. Reduced to $18,000. Possible financing available. Phone 403-820-2637 for info and viewing.


Mobile Home lots available. Located in trailer park. Lot rent $435/mo. Conditions apply. Also selling new mobile homes starting at $99,000. 403-823-4499.    12tfc            

WANTED... Cultivated farmland in the Drumheller area for cash rent or sale. 403-321-0214.    49tfc   

WANTED... Farmland to rent in Drum, Dalum, Verdant Valley area. Cash or crop share. Phone 403-823-9222.    18p17   


 Stay at home mom offering child care for ages 0-6. Call Jaimie at 403-823-5434.


HELP WANTED... South Central Alberta feed yard looking for a Mill Manager. Experience in handling and processing commodities is an asset but will train the right applicant. Please fax resume to Mel at (403) 546-3709. 22p28

ATTN: 29 overweight people needed to lose 10-30 pounds in time for summer. We pay you to lose. Call 403-546-2792. 27p30

HELP WANTED... Machine Operators: Experienced civil installers for shallow utility installation.  Must be willing to commute to Drumheller area, to job site.  Please submit resume via e-mail or fax.  No phone calls, please.  E-mail:  dougw@tunnelandtrench.com  Fax: 1-888-881-4563. 27tfc

HELP WANTED... Pickers, weeders needed for mornings. Call Sun Valley Farms at 403-823-9191. 28c

HELP WANTED... Home care aide to assist middle-aged male with day to day personal care. Looking for immediate full-time help in Morrin. This position is salary based with option of reduced rent for a private 2 bedroom residence separate from place of employment. Evening on-call is an expectation for this employment. Please contact Carrie at 403-820-3651 for more information. 28p29


Need roommate to move to Red Deer by end of July. Ages 30 to 50 to apply. Have 2 small dogs. Phone 403-334-0648 AFTER 7:00 pm. 28p


Very experienced painter. 20 yrs experience, will paint your house or building. Phone Ken: 403-823-8140. 21p28


Don’t let them foreclose ... I’ll pay your arrears and purchase your property. 403-820- 3146.    4tfc


BULLS FOR SALE... registered Red Angus. Yearlings and virgin 2 yr-olds. Good bloodlines, good temperament, semen-tested, 100% guaranteed. Papa Jack Red Angus - call Steve 403-823-7037. www.papajack.ca.22p29

Tired of paying commissions? Offering contract and ranch direct cattle purchases at competitive prices. Highway 21 Feeders. Phone Lyle at 403-546-2278 Ext. 6.25p32

HORSES FOR SALE... 30 Paints, colts, mares. Broke and un-broke. Young, old, big and small. Call 403-823-9459 or 403-820-3575.26c28

BULLS FOR SALE... Red Angus yearling bulls. Quiet, easy calving. Performance/semen tested. Phone Anthony Andrew at 403-572-3221 or 403-820-4776.26c28


AL-ANON, Wednesday evenings, 7:00 Civic Centre. Call Lynne (403) 822-0008 or Carol (403) 772-2373.        26nctfc   

THE HAPPY DESTINY Alcoholics Anonymous Group meets every Monday at 7 p.m. in the Badlands Room at the Drumheller Health Complex. “Open Meeting”.    8nctfc   

Saturday Sunrise Meeting, Alcoholics Anonymous,  9 am, upstairs Civic Centre. Contact Helen 403-823-5593.     37nctfc  

 Gamblers Anonymous Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm. Drumheller Alliance Church, 607 - 7 Avenue East in the basement.48oam


 LOST... A brown leather bag, light brown shoulder strap, with motorcycle tools wrapped up inside. Lost around Centre Street and Railway Ave or Highway 575. Phone 780-297-1544. 28p 


The family of Eleanor (Nellie) Mahoney invite friends to join us as we celebrate her 100th birthday - 2 to 5 pm, Saturday, July 24 at Morrin Community Hall. 28p29

Come and help Victor & Elsie Garson celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary Sunday July 25 at Orkney Community Centre. Casual dress. Your presence is your gift. 12 pm - 3 pm. 28p29

Please join us in celebration honouring Ron & Vivian Bertsch 50th Wedding Anniversary. Drumheller Alliance Church, July 18, 1:30 - 4:30 pm. Program at 2:30. Everyone welcome. 28p

Jenna and Colin, along with their parents, Deb Wynia and Darren and Pam Connon, wish to invite our friends and neighbors to share in their special day on Saturday, July 17 for the dance at 9 pm at the Morrin Community Hall. 28c

Mixed wedding shower for Jessie Hankins & Justin Hansen at Drumheller Alliance Church, July 27, 2010, 7 pm, church basement. All welcome. 28p29

CELEBRATING 80th BIRTHDAYS AND 60 YEARS OF MARRIAGE George and Jewel Comstock. Saturday, July 24, 2010, Hussar Community Hall. Open House - 5 pm and on. Buffet Supper - 5 pm to 6:30 pm. Dance - 9 pm with a cash bar. Camping - Yvonne 403-787-2128 or ycollett@hotmail.com. Questions - Gayle 780-679-4039 or galla.50@hotmail.com. Everyone welcome!        28p29

Happy 30th reunion fellow friends of DCHS Graduating Class of 1980. Date: Saturday, August 7, 2010 at 7:30 pm. Location: Vintage Bar & Grill (Old Zoo). Cost: $10 cover charge. RSVP by July 25 to: shannonwade03@gmail.com or call 403-823-5494. Pass the word around! 28c

Daily Vacation Bible School at Bethany Lutheran Church (Morrin). July 19, 20, 21, 22, 9:00 am - 11:30 am. Ages 3 and up welcome. 28p

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church - Handhills will be celebrating their 100th Anniversary on July 18, 2010. Service at 1 pm followed by luncheon and fellowship at the Handhills Clubhouse. All are welcome. RSVP to stpaulshandhills100@hotmail.com or phone (403) 665-2171 if planning to attend. 27p28
The children of Lawrence and Esther Neher invite you to help honor their parents as they celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary.  An Open House will be held on Saturday, July 24th, 2010 from 2:00-5:00 pm at the Carbon Community Center.  No gifts please.


GARAGE SALE... Saturday, July 17, 8:30 am to 2:00 pm. Miscellaneous and furniture. 99 19th Street, Midland.       28c

GARAGE SALE... Saturday, July 17 and Sunday, July 18, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. 273 1st Street West. Household items, toys, planters, clothing, furniture. Moving - must sell everything.                                      28p

YARD SALE... 10 years of accumulating stuff. Cash only. Saturday, July 17, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm only. 700 3rd Avenue West.                                  28p

NORTH DRUMHELLER MULTIFAMILY GARAGE SALE... Friday, July 16, 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Saturday, July 17, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Something for everyone! Furntiure, toys, clothes, baby toys, antiques and lots more. 84 Poplar Street. No early birds!       28nc

YARD SALE... Leather couch, miscellaneous items. Friday, July 16, noon till 4:00 pm. Saturday, July 17, 9:00 am till 4:00 pm. 104 7th Avenue SE, Drumheller.                                   28p

YARD SALE... Saturday, July 17, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at 428 3 Street East in the back alley.                                                28p

YARD SALE... Huge backyard sale, rain or shine. Household furniture and appliances, home decor, toys, camping and fishing supplies, many more quality items too numerous to mention. 112 Main Street, Munson (back alley). Friday, July 16, 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Saturday, July 17, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. Sunday, July 18, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.                             28p


 Thank you to Dr. Jordan, Dr. Olfert, Dr. Paulsen and nursing staff for the excellent care I was given during my recent hospital stay. Also to my family, friends, neighbours and Melissa’s friends for their support and concern by visits, phone calls, flowers, cards and gifts. It all meant so much to me. Thank you, Charlotte Chernoff

Special thanks to Brenda Yavis, my friend who is always only a phone call away and I’ve made many. You have done so much and still are. You’re a TRUE friend. (Thanks, Donnie, for letting her drop things at home to help me.) Also I could never have dealt with the last 2 years and this scary surgery if it wasn’t for my daughter Melissa. She has been my rock. Thank you, I LOVE YOU Melissa xoxo Charlotte (Mom)

Dallis Ziegler and Vicki Jarvis would like to send a big thank you to the ladies of Morrin and Sunbeam who put on a beautiful bridal shower on Sunday, July 11. A heartfelt thank you to the Hillbilly jet-setters for the hilarious entertainment they provided. A final thank you to the community of Morrin for the generous gifts, community gift, and support!Thank you,Vicki Jarvis and Dallis Ziegler 

We wish to thank our Rowley, Rumsey and Morrin friends for their generous gift to our new home. Our door is always open. Thanks again,
John and Lavinia Edwards

On behalf of my son Tyler, and myself, we’d like to thank everyone who contributed in making his grad day so special and one he will always remember. Many thanks for the gifts, cards, well wishes, and for those in attendance. Special thanks go to Marci Steen for all her help including the dinner she hosted for the grads and their families, Good n Plenty staff for the great food I purchased, Janel Berg for all her help and awesome speech, and Ray and Sylvia Cannings for hosting a barbecue the next day. Kudos to all the parents who participated in making it a very safe grad. Most of all, I’d like to thank Tyler for the honor of raising such a terrific son who has always made me proud, and I wish him much luck along life’s path in the arts world. Sending all my love as well. Many thanks,
Diana & Tyler Bertram

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