June 30 - July 6, 2010 > Call 403-823-2580 to place an ad | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

June 30 - July 6, 2010 > Call 403-823-2580 to place an ad


FOR SALE... Commercial shelving. Will cover 20 x 30 sq. ft. second floor. Complete with steel stairwell. Replacement cost $22,000. Accepting offers. Phone 403-823-2981.            23tfc

FOR SALE... Colorado Blue Spruce trees, from 2 foot to 10 foot trees. $30 to $80. 403-860-5582 or 403-235-5678.    20p30

FOR SALE... 14 ft aluminum boat c/w trailer and 15 HP Evinrude. $500. Call after 5 pm. 403-823-7603.26p



FOR SALE... 1- 7’6” x 8’ walk-in general freezer. Complete with compressor. Can be seen running. $5000 o.b.o. Phone 403-820-1241.23tfc

FOR SALE... Kenmore stove, black, 2 years. $300 o.b.o. Phone 403-823-6228.26p


Help for seniors… Light housekeeping, meal preparation, respite help for caregivers and personal companions for Continuing Care residents - all available. Reasonable hourly rates with bondable insured staff. Call HELPING HANDS 403-364-2476.    2tfc 

Need $$$? Looking for a car loan, second mortgage or consolidation? Bank say no? Then call us! Call 403-334-5555 or visit drumhellerfinancial.com.    4p3 

Horses boarded west of Drumheller along Red Deer River. $50 per month, per head. Phone 403-850-0766, leave message.    25p27 
The Broad Squad would like to thank all of our customers for their patronage. New customer bookings will resume Sept. 2010, look for us then.    25p 

Shady Time Tent Rentals. Rent a tent for your next event. Phone Chris at 403-820-1869 or Don at 403-321-0150.    24c29 

Maltese puppies for sale. No papers, first shots. $600 for males, $700 for females. Phone 780-888-7053 or 403-823-9612.    25p26 

Siamese kittens for sale. We have Seal Point and Blue Point. $100 each. Phone 403-823-9612.    25p26 

Pups for sale - Golden Retriever/ Yellow Lab cross. The best of two breeds. Very reasonable. Enquire at 403-854-2468 (Hanna).26p29


FOR SALE... 1996 Ford XL Explorer. Auto. 251,000 km. Good tires, good condition. $1200 o.b.o. Phone 403-821-1948.26p


FOR SALE... 2005 GMC Envoy SLE 4.2 L Vortec 6 cyl. Gray, 80,000 km, new tires, excellent condition. Moving - must sell. $16,000 o.b.o. Call Terry at 403-820-5812.25p26


FOR SALE... 1996 34’ Class A Motorhome. 115,000 km. Phone 403-823-5577.26p



FOR RENT... Mid-City Property Management. www.mid-cityproperty.com or email midcity@telus.net. Would you hire a physician to repair your dishwasher? Why leave a major responsibility to well meaning friends? We are professional Property Managers with a wide range of services. Call us at 403-823-7877 and we will set a program to meet your management needs. 7tfc

FOR RENT... From August 1. 1192 sq. ft., lot and a half in Morrin. 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, large kitchen, fireplace, tons of parking. $1250/month including utilities. $1000 DD. Call Terry at 403-820-5812.25p26

FOR RENT... 3 bedroom house, no smoking, no pets, W, D. $1200/month, $1200 DD. Available July 1. Phone 403-321-0408.25p26

FOR RENT... 2 bedroom beside store in Rosedale and 18 Poplar Grove Trailer Court. Available June 30. Phone 403-823-2406 days or 403-823-3743 evenings. 26p

Tired of renting? 2 bedroom mobile home at 30 Greenwood Villa. Best offer. Owner will finance at 0% interest. 403-823-2406 days or 403-823-3743 evenings.26p

FOR RENT... 3 bedroom trailer in quiet shady park c/w stove, fridge, washer, dryer, AC. Available now. Rent $775 net. 403-823-2406 or 403-823-9405.26p

FOR RENT... House in East Coulee. 3 bdr, recent renos, double lot with cabin. Available Aug. 1. $850/month plus utilities, $850 DD. Call 403-363-4112.26p

FOR RENT... 2 bedroom house. F/S, W/D, storage shed, small deck, fenced yard. $825 plus utilities. 1 year lease. No pets. Phone 403-820-3146.26c27



FOR RENT... Hunt’s Place Apartments (Corner of Hunts Dr. and 2nd St. East). Quiet, adult-oriented. Garden patios or large balconies, fridge, stove, drapes. Laundry facilities. Security door and intercom. No pets, no smoking. Phone 403-823-2823.  48tfc 

FOR RENT... Furnished luxury apartment next to Everybody’s Gym with a dishwasher, fireplace, jet tub, includes all utilities as well as cable TV and wireless internet, laundry facilities. $1100/mth plus DD or $400/wk plus DD. Phone 403-823-6501.22tfc

FOR RENT... Downtown - fully furnished and equipped 2 bedroom suite. Walk in entrance with private patio area and driveway. Includes all utilities plus cable TV and laundry room. Rent $850/month, DD $850. Available end of June. Call 403-823-8843 evenings and weekends.25p26

FOR RENT... Large one bedroom available July 1. Adult building. No pets. Phone Chris 403-823-2564.26c

FOR RENT... 4 - 2 bedroom apartments available. DD $750, rent $750. Water and heat included. Phone 403-823-3191 before 8:00 pm.26p27


ATTENTION OILFIELD WORKERS... New beds, cable, A/C, microwave, fridge, bathroom. New lower monthly rates. Also available weekly. Phone 403-823-6844.    25c27 

ROOM FOR RENT... Greentree Area. $420 per month, bedroom in clean, quiet, bilevel house. Utilities, included. 403-695-7987 or calrent@shaw.ca.26p29



AVAILABLE... Seasonal sites - monthly, weekly and daily rates also available. Water, sewer and 30 amp power. Quiet country setting 15 minutes west of Drumheller on Hwy 575. Phone 403-823-8281. www.thepopeleasepines.com.        16c30 

FOR RENT... 2 bedroom trailer. S/F, D/W, A/C. N/S, N/D, N/D. $780/month plus utilities, phone, cable, $780 DD. Call Gwen Price at 403-854-3532 or 403-854-0837 (cell).26p28

FOR RENT... 2 bedroom trailer in Morrin. W. D. Available July 15. Call Tina at 403-772-3917.26p

Office/Retail space for rent immediately. Call 403-823-2025.    14tfc

Storage lot for rent. Approximately 325 x 3000 sq. ft. Phone 403-823-2981.    23tfc 

Storage lot for rent. 2.8 acres fenced. Possession immediately. Call 403-823-2981.26tfc



HOUSES FOR SALE - Can’t find it here or on MLS? Check out www.powerrealty.ca.     5tfc

FOR SALE... 1995 30' Dutchman 5th wheel w/slide out and deck, 10 x 12 shed at H.H.H Campground. Comes with all contents - deep freeze, BBQ, 2 TVs, satellite dish and solar panel, cookware, dishes, and more. $15,000 firm. Phone 403-823-2880 or email ajorgen@telus.net. 25p27 

FOR SALE:  Immediate Occupancy. 1970 2-bedroom mobile home with new well-enclosed yarded fence, perfect for pets. Good storage shed. Interior - new renovations, fresh paint. Newer washer/dryer/furnace. #32 Greenwood Villa Trailer Park. Pad rent $400. Nice front lawn. Well maintained trailer. Owner motivated to sell - moving. Reduced to $20,000. Phone 403-820-2637 for info and viewing.



Mobile Home lots available. Located in trailer park. Lot rent $435/mo. Conditions apply. Also selling new mobile homes starting at $99,000. 403-823-4499.    12tfc 

WANTED... Cultivated farmland in the Drumheller area for cash rent or sale. 403-321-0214.    49tfc 

WANTED... Farmland to rent in Drum, Dalum, Verdant Valley area. Cash or crop share. Phone 403-823-9222.    18p17 

ATTENTION: Work from home. Turn 10 hours a week into $1500+ a month. Free online training. www.freedomexcel.com    23p26

Approximately 10,000 cubic yards of pit run coal for sale. For details call 403-823-4418.    24c27 

Local business owner looking to sell established profitable oilfield service company. Flexible to vast variety of take over options. Well suited for owner operator type venture. Info inquiries please respond by email to: jamcard@hotmail.com26c


HELP WANTED... South Central Alberta feed yard looking for a Mill Manager. Experience in handling and processing commodities is an asset but will train the right applicant. Please fax resume to Mel at (403) 546-3709. 22p28

HELP WANTED... Central Pest Control Ltd. requires a Pest Control Technician as soon as possible. Email cpest@shaw.ca or call 1-403-373-6182.24p27 

HELP WANTED... Large Scale Ag Operation near Acme, AB has openings for the following positions: Ag Equipment Operators; Class 1 Drivers for grain, silage and cattle. We offer excellent wages, benefits and seasonal or permanent positions. Please contact Daryl at (403) 333-3153 or dmf@wildroseinternet.ca.25p26

HELP WANTED... Customer Service Rep. Mid-sized vertically integrated Agricultural Company in South Central Alberta requires a Customer Service Rep. An understanding of Market Derivatives an asset but not a necessity. Must have excellent communication and organizational skills. Livestock production knowledge and computer experience an asset. Full benefits and bonus incentives. Qualified applicants are invited to apply with references and certificates. We thank in advance all applicants for their interest, however only those selected will be contacted. Please send resume and certificates by e-mail to hwy21@wildroseinternet.ca or fax to 403-546-2278. Attention Lyle.25p26

HELP WANTED... Rivergrove Campground and Cabins is looking for a reliable housekeeper for the summer season. Daytime and weekends. Apply with resume. Call 403-823-6655.26c

HELP WANTED... South Central Alberta Agricultural Business, 1 hour NE of Calgary, has openings for highly motivated Mechanics (licensed or non-licensed), Service Techs and a Journeyman Parts Man. Experience with Heavy and Agricultural Machinery would be an asset. We offer excellent wages and benefits. Please fax resume with references to (403) 546-3709 or call Melanie at (403) 546-2278 Ext. 5. 26p27

HELP WANTED... Weekend Housekeeper. Weekend Housekeeper required at the Heartwood Inn. Drop resume off or call 403-820-1763.26c

HELP WANTED... One live-in caregiver required for a 6 year-old boy. Permanent full time, $9.62 per hour and must be willing to work shifts and weekends. Room and board $336/month. Please call 403-823-9279. Just leave a message. 26p27


WANTED... Retired couple with full-time RV, site included in lieu of some mowing and watering. Phone 403-850-0766, leave message.            25p27 

Very experienced painter. 20 yrs experience, will paint your house or building. Phone Ken: 403-823-8140. 21p28

Carpenter for smaller projects such as decks, sheds, siding, soffits, reno’s, laminate flooring, etc. or job management and supervising. 38 years experience. I also do yard maintenance, landscaping, and grass cutting (lawn tractor). Phone Eldon at 403-823-8455.    25p26 

Don’t let them foreclose ... I’ll pay your arrears and purchase your property. 403-820- 3146.    4tfc


BULLS FOR SALE... registered Red Angus. Yearlings and virgin 2 yr-olds. Good bloodlines, good temperament, semen-tested, 100% guaranteed. Papa Jack Red Angus - call Steve 403-823-7037. www.papajack.ca.22p29

Tired of paying commissions? Offering contract and ranch direct cattle purchases at competitive prices. Highway 21 Feeders. Phone Lyle at 403-546-2278 Ext. 6.25p32

HORSES FOR SALE... 30 Paints, colts, mares. Broke and un-broke. Young, old, big and small. Call 403-823-9459 or 403-820-3575.26c28

BULLS FOR SALE... Red Angus yearling bulls. Quiet, easy calving. Performance/semen tested. Phone Anthony Andrew at 403-572-3221 or 403-820-4776.26c28



AL-ANON, Wednesday evenings, 7:00 Civic Centre. Call Lynne (403) 822-0008 or Carol (403) 772-2373.        26nctfc 

THE HAPPY DESTINY Alcoholics Anonymous Group meets every Monday at 7 p.m. in the Badlands Room at the Drumheller Health Complex. “Open Meeting”.    8nctfc 

Saturday Sunrise Meeting, Alcoholics Anonymous,  9 am, upstairs Civic Centre. Contact Helen 403-823-5593.     37nctfc 

LOST... Set of keys with Las Vegas keychain - June 15. If found, please call 403-823-4934.26p



We are collecting for a community wedding gift for David MacDermid and Christine Stenhouse at the Munson Village office. For more info call Susan at 403-823-9878.25p26

YES WE ARE HOSTING VACATION BIBLE CAMP... JULY 12-16, 9:00 - noon, for children 5 & up. Contact the church office (403-823-2366 or ucknox@telus.net) to register OR volunteer to help with this event. 26c

Paint in Alberta Creative Arts Convention. September 9-12, 2010. Calgary, Alberta. Learn to paint - all levels. Amazing classes and instructors! www.c2cevents.com. Carrie Mashon, 403-822-2216 or audrey@c2cevents.com.26p



GARAGE SALE... Saturday, July 3, 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. #33 Garden Way (new condos across from high school track field on 19th St. East). Motorhome stuff, 2 golf bag travel bags - new.                         26p


Thank you.
A marriage celebrates a new beginning:
A couple starting out as man and wife.
A shower celebrates a happy ending:
The last days of a woman’s single life.
The days ahead will bring much love and happiness:
Our hearts are filled with joy and thankfulness.

To the very special ladies who organized the shower, provided lunch and spoke such kind words, we thank you so very much. To our families, friends and the Morrin community, we thank you for showering us with your gifts whether wrapped or spoken, and for making our lives a true celebration of love. 

Thank you! Jaclyn Riep & Brad Alexander   


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