Dec 23 - 29, 2009 > Call 403-823-2580 to place an ad. | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

Dec 23 - 29, 2009 > Call 403-823-2580 to place an ad.


FOR SALE... Queen sz. mattress & box spring. $250. 3 yrs old. 403-823-9189, can deliver locally. 51c



FOR SALE... Snow blower Yardman by M.T.D. 10.5 HP, 30” cut, electric start, cover. Excellent condition, asking $950. Phone: 403-821-2442.    51nc01



Shape-Up during the Holidays! All natural and effective weight loss solutions. Approved and recommended by doctors. Let us change your life... STARTING TODAY. For a free consultation call 1-780-798-3482.    51p01



Help for seniors… Light housekeeping, meal preparation, respite help for caregivers and personal companions for Continuing Care residents - all available. Reasonable hourly rates with bondable insured staff. Call HELPING HANDS 403-364-2476.    2tfc



FIREWOOD... Firewood for sale starting at $50/cord. Dry pine, spruce, poplar and birch. Large or small volumes. Delivery available. Phone: 1-780-723-8100.            41p13

FIREWOOD FOR SALE... Dry split, Pine or Spruce. 1/2 cord or full cord. Delivery available. Phone 403-823-7948 or 403-823-1961.    44c17



FOR RENT... Mid-City Property Management. or email Would you hire a physician to repair your dishwasher? Why leave a major responsibility to well meaning friends? We are professional Property Managers with a wide range of services. Call us at 403-823-7877 and we will set a program to meet your management needs. 7tfc

FOR RENT... Excellent Landlord seeks excellent tenant. Pet negotiable for right tenant. 2 bdrm, 1 bath and yard. Phone: 1-403-298-5662.    46p52

FOR RENT... 2 bedroom 4-plex unit. 403-252-5488    48p51

FOR RENT... In Standard. 3 bedroom, next to school. Includes 1/2 garage. Rent $1000 per month  plus DD. Includes gas. Phone: 403-644-2456.    49p51

FOR RENT... 2 bedroom house. Fridge, stove, washer, dryer. $650/mo, $650 D.D. Call 403-714-5123.    51p

FOR RENT... Decent, Small, three bedroom house. Close to downtown. $800/mo. $800 DD. Plus utilities. Comes with fridge, stove, washer, dryer & A/C. Available January 1. Call 403-823-6343.    51p52

FOR RENT... Cute, small, two bedroom house. Close to downtown. $700/mo, $700 DD. Plus utilities. Comes with fridge, stove, washer and dryer. Available January 1. Call 403-823-6343.    51p52

FOR RENT... Century 21 has the following properties for rent. 2 - one bdrm apartments at Cedar Manor. 3 bedroom house $900 + utilities. 403-823-2121.    51c



FOR RENT... Hunts Place Apartments (Corner of Hunts Dr. & 2nd St. East). Quiet, adult oriented. Garden patios or large balconies. Fridge, stove, drapes. Laundry facilities. Security door & intercom. No pets, no smoking. Phone: (403) 823-2823.

FOR RENT... Landlord seeking mature bachelor (single person) for downtown apartment living. $500 per month includes all utilities. Rent and DD required upfront. Call 403-823-2222 to leave message with description of yourself, job, etc.    49nc51

FOR RENT... Beginning of January, 2 bedroom apartment. $800 DD, $800 rent. Water and heat included. Phone: 403-823-3191 before 8 p.m.    50p51

FOR RENT... Unique furnished character 2 bedroom suite, main floor has ensuite bath. Fridge, stove, dishwasher, microwave, cable and utilities included. 1 block from downtown. Available immediately - $975. Call Kent at 403-820-3146.    50c52

FOR RENT... Two bedroom apartment in adult building. No pets. Available Jan. 1. 403-823-6122.    51tfc




FOR RENT... The Haven has a room with private bath, shared kitchen, furnished, cable TV, wireless internet, laundry, at $595/mth, upstairs of Everybody’s Gym. Call 403-823-6501.    41tfc

FOR RENT... Attention oilfield workers. New beds, cable, A/C, microwave, fridge, bathroom. New lower monthly rates. Also available weekly. Phone: 403-823-6844.    50c52



FOR RENT... Roommmate wanted to share older house in Delia. $350 includes power, gas, water. 403-999-2693.    51p52



INDIVIDUAL OFFICES... Individual offices for rent, $450 per month, includes light secretarial duties, high speed internet, furniture, etc. Call Bob or Gary at Century 21 for more details. 403-823-2121.    29nctfc

FOR LEASE... Commercial property. 1625 Sq. ft. of office/warehouse space. 3 phase power. 1 - 12 ft. overhead door. Located across from Ralstons. call Rio at 403-823-2981.    25tfc

FOR RENT... 2 Office spaces. Excellent for Barber Shop or Hairdresser. Phone: 403-823-2673, ask for George.    51p52




WE BUY HOUSES - 403-934-3624. Any area, any condition, any size. Need to Move? Need to sell: In foreclosure? 49p02

HOUSES FOR SALE - Can’t find it here or on MLS? Check out     5tfc

FOR SALE... Condo in Radium BC. 2 bedroom, 2 baths. Fully furnished with 5 appliances. Amenities building with pool and 2 hot tubs. Playground for small children. Heated underground parking and storage stall. Walking distance to golf, shopping and hiking. Great for mulit-family use. For more information, call 403-823-7613.    50c51



Mobile Home lots available located in trailer park. Lot rent $400/mo. Conditions apply. Also selling new mobile homes starting at $99000. 403-823-4499.    12tfc


WANTED... Cultivated farmland in the Drumheller area for cash rent or sale. 403-321-0214.  49tfc



HELP WANTED... Mid sized vertically integrated agricultural company in South Central Alberta requires Feedlot help. Pen Riders, Processors, Feed Truck Drivers & Machinery Operators for grain farming. Class 1 license an asset. Shop help, Licensed or Apprentice, Heavy Duty or Ag. Competitive wages & benefits. Fax resume with references & current drivers abstract to 403-546-3709 or call Melanie at 403-546-2278, ext. 5.    51p02

HELP WANTED... Attention: Local people needed to work from home online. $500 - $4500. P/T, F/T. Call Eva 1-877-302-9882.            51p01

HELP WANTED... Recording Secretary (part-time) for Drumheller Public Library & Library Society meetings, 2nd Thursday monthly, 6:00 - 8:30 p.m., $60 per meeting. Experience preferred. Please apply to 224 Centre St., Box 1599, Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0.    51c52



DEKEYSER AUCTION... Phone/Fax 403-823-9871.     4tfc



Don’t let them foreclose ... I’ll pay your arrears and purchase your property. 403-820- 3146.    4tfc




GOOD quality horse hay & straw in small square bales. Free delivery in most areas with self unloading truck. 496 bale loads. Phone or leave message at 403-335-4581, Drumheller, AB.     32p52

BUYING BARLEY, CANOLA & WHEAT... Hwy 21 Feeders of Acme is buying Canola, Wheat and Barley for immediate or deferred delivery. Flat Prices or Basis Contracts available. Contact Ed at 403-546-2278 ext. 3    46p52



AL-ANON, Wednesday evenings, 7:00 Civic Centre. Call Lynne (403) 822-0008 or Carol (403) 772-2373.    26nctfc

THE HAPPY DESTINY Alcoholics Anonymous Group3 meets every Monday at 7p.m. in the Badlands Room at the Drumheller Health Complex. “OpenMeeting”.        8nctfc

Saturday Morning Sunrise Meeting, Alcoholics Anonymous, Salvation ArmyChurch 241 1st St. West. Contact 403-334-0246, Chris W.     37nctfc



THE FAMILY INVITES YOU TO HELP JOHNNY SHIELDS CELEBRATE HIS 80TH BIRTHDAY. SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 2010, Delia Community Hall. Come and Go from 2 p.m. to about 5 p.m. There will be FOOD, FELLOWSHIP and MUSIC. NO GIFTS PLEASE - Just the HONOUR OF PRESENCES.    50c01

Heartwood Inn Christmas Gift Certificate Sale. Tuesday - Thursday; 6 p.m. Choose a free gift with every purchase. 320 N. Railway Ave. E. 403-823-6495.    51c

Rowley Pizza Nite, Dec. 26 -- 5 to 9 p.m. ‘Dew Carver’ entertaining in Sam’s Saloon. Saloon open from 5 p.m. to closing.    51c



Mike and Regan Burfield would like to thank the Munson Community and area for wedding gift.        51c

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