May 27 - June 2, 2009 > Call 403-823-2580 to place an ad | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

May 27 - June 2, 2009 > Call 403-823-2580 to place an ad


Wold's Finest Cutlery - CUTCO KNIVES - Forever Guaranteed!  (403) 823-4914 1p25

FOR SALE... Dining room suite, couch, chair, canning jars, etc. numerous household items to view. Tools: Johnston Craft radial saw and scroll saw. Craftsman lathe & accessories, band saw, grinder, drill press, all kinds of tools too numerous to mention. For viewing after 4:00 p.m., please call or leave a message at 403-823-2694.    20p21

FOR SALE... Satellite internet system $100 includes dish, cable and modem. Phone 403-823-2186    20p22

FOR SALE... Steel Buildings. Recession Disc. 18 x 21 Reg $6,279, Now $4,186; 36 x 51 Reg $15,047, Now $10,031; 105 x 105 Reg. $87,362, Now $58,241. + Code Adj. Erection Avail. Source #11I Phone: 800-964-8335    20p21

FOR SALE... Leaf blower, fountains, cowboy silhouette, concrete bird bath, urn, lawn mower, waterbed suite, 1914 dresser. 403-823-8782    20p21

FOR SALE... Moving, must sell: 3 queen size beds, brass headboards, firm mattress, each like new $90 ea. Cherrywood furniture - night stands, 2 dressers, one with 3 mirrors $500. Kenmore vacuum, decorative glass cutting board, 4’ x 2.5’ fall scene picture, 2 brass accent lamps, $60, antique dresser with mirror $50. Call Eugene 403-823-2297            20p21 

FOR SALE... Oil field equipment for sale - wrenches, sledge hammers, dead weight, scot safety packs, industry fire extinguishers, tools, software - call Zeke 403-820-4755    19c20

FOR SALE... Craftsman lawn mower tractor, 48 inch cutting deck, good running condition. $600. 403-820-1235    21p23

FOR SALE... Intex above ground pool with Krystal Clear Saltwater pool system. Bought in 2007, used for 1 month while waiting for inground pool. Paid $1365, have all receipts and papers. Selling for $700 obo. Call or leave message for Jacquie at 403-823-8897 p.m.     21p22

FOR SALE... 6 kitchen chairs, $10 a piece or $50 for all. Craftsman 10” table saw $50. 12 speed mountain bike $35 403-823-7355        21p


DEKEYSER AUCTION... Phone/Fax 403-823-9871.  4tc 
Convert your unused treasures to cash - Auction sale June 6 at Delia Arena supporting Heather Jager in Sears National Ride for Kids Cancer.


Help for seniors… Light housekeeping, meal preparation, Continuing Care Companion, Caregiver respite. Bondable caregivers. Possible subsidy for stroke survivors and veteran. Call HELPING HANDS 403-364-2476. 2tfc



FIREWOOD FOR SALE... Dry split, Pine or Spruce. 1/2 cord or full cord. Delivery available. Phone 403-823-7948 or 403-823-1961    19c42



FREE kittens to good home. Call Val at 403-823-6546.    21c


FOR SALE... 2005 Toyota Solara SLE. 2 door, heated leather, new tires, V-6, tiptronic. Nice car in excellent condition. 50,000 km. 403-823-2580 days $15,500. 18nc22

FOR SALE... 2003 ALERO New tires, well maintained, original owner $6000 obo. Call 403-823-2819    20p22

FOR SALE... 2001 Buick Century. Excellent condition, new tires, one owner, low mileage. $6500 obo. Call 403-823-7415.    21p


 TRUCKS, VANS, 4x4's

 FOR SALE... 2006 Dodge 3500 1 ton truck. Low mileage, quad cab, long box, 4x4 loaded. $29,000 obo. 403-823-6495 8tfc
FOR SALE... 9 passenger van, 1996 Plymouth Volaire, dark green, good condition. 198,000 km $1750 obo Call 403-823-7133    19p21

FOR SALE... Camperized van - fully loaded. Phone: 403-823-6789 after 2 p.m.    19p21

FOR SALE... Dodge 2006 diesel 1 ton 4x4, under 100,000 k, automatic, large box, loaded, warranty, Original price $54,000. Asking $26,000 obo. Will consider house, mobile home or greenhouse or other trade. 403-820-4755    21c



FOR SALE... 1996 Rustler Travel Trailer. Quad bunk, new battery $9500 obo. Call 403-823-2819        20p22

FOR SALE... 20 foot Banchee Motorboat $1800 obo. Phone 403-823-9530    19p21

FOR SALE... 29’ Travelaire trailer sleeps 6, winterized, excellent condition $10,000. 14’ Lund boat with trailer, 9.9 Evenrude, extras. $2200. 403-823-8012.    21p23 




FOR RENT... Clean centrally air conditioned 3 bedroom duplex in excellent residential area. 1.5 baths, developed basement, fridge and stove included. Fenced yard. June 1 possession. Call 403-820-0128. If no answer, leave message.    15tfc

FOR RENT... 3 bdrm house $800 plus utilities, 3 bdrm mobile in Carbon $1000 plus utilities, 2 bdrm basement suite $1110 including utilities. References required. Please call Century 21 at 403-823-2121 for more information.    21c 

 MID-CITY Property Management. Check out our website, or email: Call us at 403-823-7877 and we will set a program to meet your management needs. 7tfc

FOR RENT... Duplex in Newcastle area. 2 bedrooms up with full bath and 2 bedrooms down with full bath. $950/month + utilities. Call 403-823-3306    19p21

FOR RENT... 2 bedroom house, excellent location, workshop, garage, washer, dryer, dishwasher. No pets, no smoking, references a must. Available now. $900 plus util. 403-823-3925    21c23

FOR RENT... 2 bedroom country home, 1200 sq. ft, 16 km on paved road, carpeted, fireplace, fridge, stove, W/D, ideal for quiet retired couple. Call and leave message. 403-823-5750. Available immediately.    21p23

FOR RENT... 3 Bedroom manufactured home at 12 Poplar Grove. F/S, W/D, wall A/C, water/sewer included. Available now. 403-823-2406 days or 403-823-3743 nights.    21p

FOR RENT... 2 bedroom, new paint, carpet, lino. No pets, non smoking. $600 per month. Long term lease. available June 1st. Nacmine Call 403-334-8886    21p



Hunts Place Apartments (Corner of Hunts Dr.  & 2nd St. East) Quiet,adult oriented. Garden patios  or large balconies Fridge, stove, drapesLaundry facilities Security door & intercom  No pets No smoking Phone (403) 823-2823 


FOR RENT... 1 bedroom bsmt suite $600 monthly - Available June 1/09. Ph: 403-823-6729, leave a message.    19p21


FOR RENT... Roommates wanted to share 5 bedroom house, immediate occupancy, furnished, util. included, $500 mthly plus DD Approx. 15 min. from downtown Drumheller, Phone 403-820-5733    19p21

ATTENTION OILFIELD WORKERS... New beds, cable, A/C, microwave, fridge, bathroom. New lower monthly rates. Also available weekly. Phone 403-823-6844.    20c22

FOR RENT... Very comfortable completely furnished room, includes a sitting room, cable TV and cooking facilities. All utilities are included. Good location $550 per month. Please phone 403-823-4043    20p21

FOR RENT... Short-term, pet friendly loft apartment, sleeps 4. Why book a boring hotel room when you can have trendy digs with full kitchen, living room, satellite TV, wifi, a/c, housekeeping and laundry service. From $40 a day. Call 403-820-1763    21c22

FOR RENT... The Haven has a furnished room with private bath, cable TV, internet, including all utilitiles, shared kitchen and laundry, above Everybody’s Gym. $640/ mth. 403-820-1709    21c





ROOMMATE WANTED... furnished room, all utilities included $450 per month. Call 403-823-9897 or leave message.    20p22



FOR RENT... 1 bedroom, 2 bath condo, sleeps 4 on golf course at Meadow Lake, Montana (near Whitefish) July 4th - July 11th. $1000 per week. Call 403-823-1875 or 403-823-3760    20p22




 INDIVIDUAL OFFICES... Individual offices for rent, $450 per month, includes light secretarial duties, high speed internet, furniture, etc. Call Bob or Gary at Century 21 for more details. 403-823-2121.    29nctfc

STORAGE LOT FOR RENT...  Storage lot for rent, 252’ x 240’ 60,480 sq. ft. fenced. Complete with two gates. Available end of November. Call Rio 403-823-2981.    43tfc

FOR RENT... Commercial property. 1625 sq. ft. Office/warehouse, 3 phase power. 12 foot overhead door, available immediately. Located across from Ralstons. 403-823-2981    10tfc





HOUSES FOR SALE - Can’t find it here or on MLS? Check out     5tfc

FOR SALE... Condo in Keystone Towers. Phone 403-823-3713.            21p22



Mobile Home lots available located in trailer park. Lot rent $400/mo. Conditions apply. Also selling new mobile homes starting at $99000. 403-823-4499.12tfc

MOVING - MUST SELL!! 1) 2 bdrm mobile home; 14’ X 70’ = 980 sq. ft. plus 2 additions. Situated on a huge fenced in, treed corner lot. Comes with workshop and 2 sheds. 2) 2 bdrm mobile home; 12’ x 60’ = 720 sq. ft. plus 2 room addition. new floor tiles, paint, wallpaper, currently being rented, fenced yard. Both homes come with fridge, stove, washer/dryer, A/C. Located at #71 and #32 Greenwood Villa M.H.P. Family oriented, pets allowed. Selling both for $50,000 (great deal) Please call 403-823-3639.        21p



WANTED... Cultivated farmland in the Drumheller area for cash rent or sale. 403-321-0214. 49tfc


Part-time server wanted. Apply in person with resume to Gina or Ken at Diana Restaurant, downtown. 388 Centre Street.    20c22

If you know of anyone who loves playing with You Tube videos, Flash commercials, interested in TV journalism, please have them email with a link to their youtube channel. I am looking for someone to make a video commercial for me.    21nc22

The Heartwood Inn with Drumheller’s finest and cleanest rooms is looking for Summer Housekeeping staff. Top pay and benefits for the right people. Housing may be available. Please call Patrice at 403-823-6495. Or drop off resume at the Heartwood, 320 N. Railway.    21c



Dayhome openings available. 10 mins from Morrin. Call 403-368-2484    19p21


Need your cistern tank filled or your septic tank cleaned? Call us today 403-820-0128. Reasonable rates! 13c21

Experienced farm labourer seeks employment. Can operate air seeder, harrow sprayer, Very mechanical. Call Dan 403-823-6818.    21p22 



WANTED... Used (old) Lariats, all colours and styles. Will pay $4.00 to $6.00 Phone: 403-480-4108            19p21




Don’t Let them foreclose ... I’ll pay your arrears and purchase your property. 403-820- 3146. 4tfc






FOR SALE... 1969 Dodge Fargo 500 Grain truck. 14’ x 8’ x 4’ wood box with new Inland roll tarp. 403-364-3812    19p21


BULLS FOR SALE... CUTBANK CATTLE CO. Innovative genetics, Polled Hereford and Red Angus yearling bulls. At the 100 Lacombe sale we had the three heaviest bulls over all breeds of 120 head. Our bulls perform! Call Mick Kubinec at 403-442-2564 or 403-443-1092 Three Hills    16p21

BULLS FOR SALE... Virgin two year  old black Simmental bull and two year old Red Angus bulls. Ranch raised for ranchers. Call Brad 403-876-2226 at Big Valley.    21p

COWS FOR SALE... Exposed Dexter cows and heifers. Calves due July onwards. $495 each. Must sell by June! Great condition, quiet, black and dun colour. Phone Earl 403-572-3044    21p23

BULLS FOR SALE... Red Angus yearling bulls and one 2 year old herd sire. Quiet, easy calving .Performance/semen tested. Anthony Andrew 403-572-3221 Carbon.    21c23 



AL-ANON, Wednesday evenings, 7:00 Civic Centre. Call Lynne (403) 822-0008 or Carol (403) 772-2373.    26nctfc

THE HAPPY DESTINY Alcoholics Anonymous Group meets every Monday at 7p.m. in the Badlands Room at the Drumheller Health Complex. “OpenMeeting”.        8nctfc

Saturday Morning Sunrise Meeting, Alcoholics Anonymous, Salvation ArmyChurch 241 1st St. West. Contact 403-334-0246, Chris W.     37nctfc

Ken and Mary Brown of Carbon & Connie Makse and the late Joseph Makse of Warfield, BC are very pleased to announce the upcoming wedding of their daughter, Shirlee to Gavin Makse on August 8, 2009 in Drumheller at St. Anthony's Church. Congratulations Shirlee and Gavin!! 

Dan and Elaine Moe of  Morrin and Nicky and Darlene Sereda of Drumheller are very pleased to announce the engagement of their children, Andrea Moe and Chris Sereda! Both families are excited to celebrate their upcoming wedding and wish the happy couple many years of wedded bliss. 21c 

Denise and Corey Urness along with big brother Declan are happy to announce the arrival of Devyn Nicole Elizabeth on May 20, 2009. Proud grandparents are Ed and Aileen Jackson of Drumheller and Darell and Patsy Urness of Grande Prairie. Great grandparents are Beth Siemens of Drumheller, Martha Urness of Grande Prairie, Bill and Grace Lunn of Belloy and Bill Smith of Seba Beach. 21p



Exhibitors - Judges - Convenors Workshop for everyone. You have the expertise, now learn how to Exhibit, Judge or Convene for an Alberta Fair. Photography, flower & Garden, Handicrafts, Baking & more. June 5 at the Delia Community Centre from 1 - 8 p.m. $10 to register. Call Pat at 403-364-2168    17c22
On Thursday, June 4, at 2:00 p.m., the Dalum Friendship Club will once again be holding their spring tea in the Dalum Community Hall. All are welcome.    19p22

HESKETH / ORKNEY 4-H BEEF CLUB 50TH ANNIVERSARY, June 20, 2009 at the Carbon Hall. Refreshments, 5:00 p.m., supper 5:30 p.m., Program 7:00 p.m. Open to alumni, present leaders, members and their families. Bring a salad. Meat, potatoes and buns supplied. Please RSVP by May 29, 2009, to Andrews’ at 403-572-3221, Bertsch’s 403-572-3453, or            19p20

Discussion night regarding the popular book, The Shack, by Wm. Paul Young. Thursday, May 28 at 7 p.m. Knox United Church, 195 - 3rd Ave. East. All are welcome.    21c

Is adoption the option for you? Visit the Central Alberta Adoption Fair . . . May 31, 2009
1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Black Knight Inn, Red Deer and gather information about the children and youth who need loving families the process of adoption in Alberta and the supports available to help adoptive families. A panel of adoptive parents will present at 2:00 p.m. Consider adopting and support our children to grow strong. For more information about being a foster or adoptive parent contact (403) 755-6104  - for toll-free service dial 310-0000, then the number. 21c

90th BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION The children of Kathleen Lowen invite family and friends to a “Come and Go Tea” in the Hillview Lodge Multipurpose Room on June 6, 2009 from 1 - 4 p.m. Please, your presence is gift enough.    21p22 



Drumheller Society for Recovery  - Grace House will be holding its Annual General Meeting, including election of directors, at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 16, 2009 at Grace House (175 - 3rd Street West, Drumheller). For further information, call (403) 823-5437            20c21



The Gratz Family would like to thank family, friends and neighbours who sent flowers, food, cards and made donations to the Lodge in memory of our Mother and Grandmother, Mary Gratz. your many expressions of sympathy, kind words and hugs of support were very heart warming. Thank you to the Staff and Doctors at the Drumheller Hospital. Both in Emergency and Acute Care for the excellent care of Mom following her accident and to Dr. Graham for being her long-term family physician. Also a big thank you to the EMS Staff that transported her to the hospital from the Lodge and also transported her to the Red Deer Regional Hospital. You did an outstanding job by being exceptionally gentle with her and thoughtful of her needs. To Chris Bohnet and Ron Hunter of Courtney-Winters Funeral Homes your help, guidance and Professional services were greatly appreciated. Thank you to Fr. Mario for guiding us in planning the Liturgy of The Word and to Fr. Wayne Poile for performing the service, and to Linda and Don Lema and Paul Rosgen for the beautiful hymns during the service. Finally, words cannot express our heartfelt thanks to the Administration and Staff at the Sunshine Lodge and Hillview Lodge for the many years of wonderful care, kindness and compassion shown Mom while she resided there.    21p
I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to those special people who nominated me for the Rotary Citizen of the Year. Your support is overwhelming. To my family and friends I thank you for your calls and bouquets. It is so very rewarding to be recognized for doing what I love to do. To the Rotary Club, a sincere thanks for your recognition of not only me, but all volunteers. Thank you for a wonderful evening.
God Bless, Olga Rowse.    21p

Thank you again to the Delia fire Department and our neighbours for your quick response last Saturday. We really don’t want to make this an annual affair. What a relief to see the cavalry arrive!
Stan and Lorelee.    21p 


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