May 6 - May 12, 2009 > Call 403.823.2580 to place ad | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

May 6 - May 12, 2009 > Call 403.823.2580 to place ad

DEKEYSER AUCTION... Phone/Fax 403-823-9871.  4tc 
Convert your unused treasures to cash - Auction sale June 6 at Delia Arena supporting Heather Jager in Sears National Ride for Kids Cancer. Consignment Auction at 11 a.m. - Sales commission to Heather’s ride. White elephant auction at 1 p.m. - all proceeds to Heather’s ride. Phone Don Hall (403) 364-2260 or (403) 854-0206 18p20  


Wold's Finest Cutlery - CUTCO KNIVES - Forever Guaranteed!  (403) 823-4914 1p25
FOR SALE... Bluebird and wren house kits - ready to build, or pre-built. Ray Hummel 403-822-3867 16p18
FOR SALE... Steel fame bunk beds (black) great shape. $200 obo. Call 403-823-9130. Please leave a message. 17nc19
MUST SELL... Triple dresser/mirror, chest of drawers, wooden corner cupboard. Priced to sell. Almost new scooter $3500. Phone 403-823-7817. 17p19
Help for seniors… Light housekeeping, meal preparation, Continuing Care Companion, Caregiver respite. Bondable caregivers. Possible subsidy for stroke survivors and veteran. Call HELPING HANDS 403-364-2476. 2tfc
CHILD CARE... Private day home available full time Monday - Friday. Meals included, fenced yard, crafts, in good neighbourhood. 403-823-8156 16p18
AG SERVICES... Lawn Care Services. We have openings for 3 - 5 new clients. For free estimate, call 403-823-5089. 17p19

FOR SALE... Purebred lab puppies. Born March 14, 09. Ready to go. 403-820-2798 18p20
FOR SALE... 3 UKC Bluenose pitbull puppies. 1 male $3000, 2 females $2000. Going fast. 403-823-8086 18p20
GOLF CLUBS FOR SALE... full set 3-PW plus SW; 1 yr. old Cleveland Hi-Bore driver, Callaway 3-wood, will sell together or separately; no reasonable offer refused; call 403-823-2118 evenings or 403-334-0111    17c18 
FOR SALE... 2003 Aero. New tires, 100,405 kms, highway driven, fully loaded. Call 403-823-2819 $6000 obo. 16p18
FOR SALE... 2005 Toyota Solara SLE. 2 door, heated leather, new tires, V-6, tiptronic. Nice car in excellent condition. 50,000 km. 403-823-2580 days $15,500. 18nc22
FOR SALE... 2006 Dodge 3500 1 ton truck. Low mileage, quad cab, long box, 4x4 loaded. $29,000 obo. 403-823-6495 8tfc
FOR SALE... Ford F150 1998 3 dr. cab, short box 4x4, 4.6 L Spd auto trans (270 k), remote start, very clean, rubber good, original owner $3995 obo. Phone 403-823-2798 after 6 p.m. 16p18
FOR SALE... 1991 Chev Suburban. Runs good. $1000 obo. Phone 403-823-9413 after 5 p.m.    18p

FOR SALE... 8 ft. camper. Sleeps 4. Fridge, stove, waterpump. Good condition. Asking $1000 obo. 403-823-3973    16p18

FOR SALE... 1980 - 19 ft. tandem axle Holidaire trailer. Sleeps 6, F & S (oven), awning, hot water tank, bathroom (toilet & sink). Asking $3500. Phone 403-823-8812.    17p19
FOR SALE... 2003 24’ Coachman LT Series. Walk around queen bed, pull down sofa, fold down dinette table, AC. Three piece bath, large fridge/freezer. Never smoked in. Mint condition. Contact 403-823-6368. $12,900.            17p19

FOR SALE... 1978 Jayco 22.5 ft. trailer $2500 obo 403-820-1362            18p19

FOR SALE... 12’ ft. aluminum fishing boat with trailer and 7.5 HP motor. $1400 obo. Call 403-823-9585    18p

FOR SALE... Hijacker SL 16 5th wheel hitch, 4-way swivel w/rails and mounting brackets. $500. Phone 403-823-3773    18p
FOR SALE... 2002 Yamaha CW50P-1 Scooter in excellent condition. 4200 kms. Asking $1700 OBO. Phone 403-823-3090.    17p
FOR RENT... Mid-CityProperty Management has the following unitsavailabe for rent; 2-bedroom house in Rosedale and a 2-bedroom 4-plex. Call us at 403-823-7877  or email us at Also, checkour website 7tfc
FOR RENT... Clean centrally air conditioned 3 bedroom duplex in excellent residential area. 1.5 baths, developed basement, fridge and stove included. Fenced yard. June 1 possession. Call 403-820-0128. If no answer, leave message. 15tfc
FOR RENT... Clean, comfortable 2 bedroom house. Quiet cul-de-sac. Fridge, stove, W/D. No pets, no smoking. Phone 403-572-3562. 17p19 FOR RENT... 2 bedroom house, close to downtown. Phone 403-823-5499. 17p
FOR RENT... in Carbon. 3 bdrm, 1 bath, 1200 sq. ft. 3 appliances, large yard, 10’ x 10’ shed, $1000/month + DD + util. Pets negotiable. Looking for responsible individuals or family. References required. 403-480-4098 17p19
FOR RENT... 3 bedroom houses, 330 4th St. West and 12 Poplar Grove. F/S, W/D, window A/C. Both available June 1. 403-823-2406 Days or 403-823-3743 nights. 18p
FOR RENT... 2 bedroom house, excellent location, workshop, garage, washer, dryer, dishwasher. No pets, no smoking, references a must. Available now. $900 plus util. 403-823-3925 18c20
FOR RENT... 4 bedroom house, excellent location, no pets, no smoking, references a must. $900 plus util. Available now. 403-823-3925 18c20
FOR RENT... Small one bedroom house beside downtown $595/mth plus utilities. Call 403-820-1709 18c
FOR RENT... Nice 1/2 duplex for rent in Morrin. 3 bedrooms. Comes with fridge, stove, washer & dryer. $600/mo, $600 DD. Available June 1. Call 403-823-6343 18p20
FOR RENT... Small 2 bedroom house w/attached garage. Washer/dryer, new fridge/stove. No pets, non-smokers. References req’d. Rent $600/monthly + utilities + full DD. Presently available. Phone 403-823-5457 after 5 p.m. 18p
FOR RENT... Older 2 storey farm home. 3 bedrooms $350 a month plus utilities. About 50 minutes Northwest of Drumheller. Phone Peter at 403-823-5812 18p
FOR RENT... 2 bedroom country home, 1200 sq. ft. 16 km on paved road. Carpeted, fireplace, fridge, stove, W/D. Ideal for quiet retired couple. Call and leave message. 403-823-5750. Available immediately. 18p
Hunts Place Apartments (Corner of Hunts Dr.  & 2nd St. East) Quiet,adult oriented. Garden patios  or large balconies Fridge, stove, drapesLaundry facilities Security door & intercom  No pets No smoking Phone (403) 823-2823 
FOR RENT... 1 bedroom basement suite. $600 includes utilities. Available May 1, 2009. Ph: 403-823-6729 16p18
FOR RENT... 1 & 2 bedroom apartments available. Heat & water included. 2 bedroom $750, 1 bedroom $700 plus equivalent D.D. Phone 403-823-3191 before 7 p.m.. 18p20

ATTENTION OILFIELD WORKERS... New beds, cable, A/C, microwave, fridge, bathroom. New lower monthly rates. Also available weekly. Phone 403-823-6844 16c18
FOR RENT... Furnished room, sitting room, own full bathroom, private driveway/entrance. Includes utiities, cable, internet, shared laundry and kitchen. $550/monthly. Available May 1. 403-823-8939 leave message. 16p18
FOR RENT... Two single rooms in basement plus sitting room. $450 each plus DD. No smoking, no pets. Phone 403-364-2182 or cell 403-823-0872    18p20

FOR RENT... The Haven has a room with private bath, furnished, shared kitchen, cable TV, wireless internet, laundry, at $640/mth, upstairs of Everybody’s Gym. Call 403-823-6501    18c

FOR RENT... Fully furnished room includes utilities, internet & satellite TV, cooking facilities & laundry facilities. $500/mo $100 DD. Phone 403-823-6546 Ask for Val    18p20
FOR RENT... Very comfortable completely furnished room, includes a sitting room, cable TV and cooking facilities. All utilities are included. Good location $550 per month. Please phone 403-823-4043    18p19

ROOM-MATE WANTED... Non-smoking male, unfurnished bedroom. Share rest of apartment. No pets. All utilities included. $450/mo. Call 403-823-9897 or leave message. 16p18

INDIVIDUAL OFFICES... Individual Offices for rent, $450 per month,includes light secretarial duties, high speed internet, furniture, etc.Call Bob or Gary at Century 21 for more details. 403-823-2121. 29nctfc
STORAGE LOT FOR RENT... Storage lot for rent, 252’ x 240’ 60,480sq. ft. fenced. Complete with 2 gates. Available end of November. CallRio 403-823-2981. 43tfc
FOR RENT... Self storage units by the week or month. Please call403-820-0128, if no answer, leave message and your call will bereturned promptly. 50tfc 
FOR RENT... Commercial property. 1625 sq. ft. Office/warehouse, 3phase power. 12 foot overhead door, available immediately. Locatedacross from Ralstons. 403-823-2981    10tfc
FOR RENT... STORAGE - 8x20 ft. containers. Fenced compound / 24 hr access. 403-334-0070 14c16 
TIRED OF THE 9 TO 5 RAT RACE? Start your own Home Business using your computer to teach the Freedom Project. Free online training, great income potential. 16p19
Morrin Hotel kitchen for lease. Fully equipped. Great opportunity for right individual. 403-772-2255 Blaine or Rudy. 18c20  
HOUSES FOR SALE - Can’t find it here or on MLS? Check out tfc
TO BE MOVED... 12’ x 20’ log cabin. $9000. obo. C/w wood stove, outhouse and garden shed. Good condition. Call 403-876-2381 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. only. 17p19
This attractive one level home will be excellent for a retiring couple or small family. The home and yard are low maintenance and have great curb appeal for a property so close to downtown Drumheller. The home, garage and yard have been well maintained since its construction fourteen years ago. Call 403-823-7447 for a showing  $199,000  18p20

Mobile Home lots available located in trailer park. Lot rent $350/mo. Conditionsapply. Also selling new mobile homes starting at $99000. 403-823-4499.12tfc
WANTED... Cultivated farmland in the Drumheller area for cash rent or sale. 403-321-0214. 49tfc
Driver/labourer wanted. Must have class 3 license. Contact Craig at 403-533-3838. 16tfc  
ATTENTION: 29 people needed to lose weight and we pay you to lose weight. Call Eva 780-798-3482. 15p17
CHILD CARE... Child care needed for two boys for the months of July & August. Mon. - Fri., 8:30 - 5:30 p.m. Call 403-823-5746 for more details.    18c20
Part-time personnel for East Coulee post office outlet. Located in the East Coulee School Museum. Mail resume to Box 539, East Coulee, AB, T0J 1B0 or fax resume to 403-822-2111. Enquiries phone 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 403-822-3970. Competition closes May 8, 2009. 17c18
Sewing machine operators needed. Experience preferred but will train. Inland Plastics 403-823-5546, Brian or Neal (Nangangailangan ng Nananahi na May Kaalaman sa pananahi, hung hind naman marvnong ay maaaring turuan! Necesita operadores para maquina de coser nosotros lo (la) entrenamos.)    18c19
 Need your cistern tank filled or your septic tank cleaned? Call us today 403-820-0128. Reasonable rates! 13c21
WANTED... Folding treadmill in good condition. Must have over 1.75 HP motor. Call 403-820-2438    17p19
Don’t Let them foreclose ... I’ll pay your arrears and purchase your property. 403-820- 3146. 4tfc
BULLS FOR SALE... Red Angus yearling bulls and one 2 year old herd sire. Quiet, easy calving. Performance / semen tested. Anthony Andrew (403) 572-3221 Carbon    12c19
BULLS FOR SALE... Registered Red Angus. Virgin 2 yr olds and yearlings are available. Good bloodlines, good temperament, 100% guaranteed. Papa jack Red Angus - Call Steve 403-823-7037    14p19
CUTBANK CATTLE CO. Innovative genetics, Polled Hereford and Red Angus yearling bulls. At the 100 Lacombe sale we had the three heaviest bulls over all breeds of 120 head. Our bulls perform! Call Mick Kubinec at 403-442-2564 or 403-443-1092 Three Hills    16p21

Two year old Black Simmental bulls and two year old Red Angus bulls for sale.  Ranch raised for ranchers.  Call Brad (403)876-2226 at Big Valley.    16p18

Top of the line polled hereford yearling bulls. Ideal for the cross breeding advantage. Great dispositions. Semen tested. Delivery available. 403-224-2111    18p20
FOR SALE... HolmenSeed Farms Quality PED Seed. AC Metcalfe Barley, Superb wheat, StrongField Durum. Competitive prices. Ph: Carsun 403-820-1879, Wallace Res.403-823-9459, Wallace R 403-820-3575 or Seed Farm 403-823-9296 13c18 
AL-ANON, Wednesday evenings, 7:00 Civic Centre. Call Lynne (403) 822-0008 or Carol (403) 772-2373.    26nctfc

THE HAPPY DESTINY Alcoholics Anonymous Group meets every Monday at 7p.m. in the Badlands Room at the Drumheller Health Complex. “OpenMeeting”.        8nctfc

Saturday Morning Sunrise Meeting, Alcoholics Anonymous, Salvation ArmyChurch 241 1st St. West. Contact 403-334-0246, Chris W.     37nctfc

Exhibitors - Judges - Convenors Workshop for everyone. You have the expertise, now learn how to Exhibit, Judge or Convene for an Alberta Fair. Photography, flower & Garden, Handicrafts, Baking & more. June 5 at the Delia Community Centre from 1 - 8 p.m. $10 to register. Call Pat at 403-364-2168    17c22
After 5 Club invites ladies and men to come and enjoy a unique, entertaining and inspirational evening, Monday, May 11, 7 - 9 p.m. $15 dinner buffet Fred & Barney’s Restaurant (banquet room). Our guests are “Luke-Ham-Sandwich Family Band” from Colorado who play bluegrass, country and gospel music.Grandma Jean will tell her story which is funny and encouraging. Reservations essential - call 403-572-3660 or 403-823-4398. Limited seating. Sponsored by Drumheller Christian Women’s Club.    18p
To the gentleman who found my cellphone at the Drumheller Landfill (of all places!), I can’t say or write THANK YOU enough! But, “THANK YOU!!” Lisa 17p
We would like to thank everyone who was so good to Mom, (Isabell Sinclair). She never complained and didn’t ask for much, just if you had time she would like different things done. Thank you Dr. P. Khoza for your time and patience, with all of us. Thank you Pastor Dan. You’re always just a phone call away. Thank you. Thank you to the pall bearers and Shelly for doing the eulogy. Thank you to family and friends for the hugs, numbers of cards, flowers and foods. Thank you to the Sunshine Lodge and Hillview Lodge staff, and all the girls who work very hard to keep everyone happy. Thank you to the girls who did the lunch at the hall in Delia. Thanks Lynn and Crystal for the super job. Thank you to my daughters and their families, being there by my side, and Tara for the poem. Thank you all, Joe and Sandy and family.    17p
Memorial Service for Otto Klix will be held on Saturday, May 9, at 11 a.m. at the Courtney-Winters Funeral Chapel, 2nd St. and 2nd Ave. West in Drumheller.    18p
 Robert and Darlene Sinclair would like to thank their family for the fiftieth anniversary party they held for us. Also, thank you Doris for the cake, Scott for the pictures, Les for the picture frame and the community for their gift. It was a beautiful day and much appreciated.     18p

Edna Kolenz would like to thank all her family for the lovely lunch and gathering held at the hall and also to her relatives and friends who came to celebrate her 80th birthday. Thanks to the East Coulee Hall Association for the use of the hall and to those who helped in setup and clean up. Thanks to the East Coulee Hotel and staff for the food and hospitality she received that evening. Special thanks to Willow Creek Band for the entertainment and I really appreciated the surprise performance by Bud Bixby. Your cards, flowers and gifts were greatly appreciated.    18c
CIB would like to thank all Earth Day volunteers as well as EnCana, Ralstons, Heartwood Inn, Canadian Tire, IGA. and thanks employees of Town of Drumheller. “Thank You!”    18c

Our family would like to thank the ladies of the Starland Hutterite Colony for the lovely buns they provided at our father’s memorial service. All the kindness and assistance to our family is greatly appreciated. Pat, Judy, Sara, Kylie.    18p

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