January 7 - January 13 | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

January 7 - January 13



CUTCO KNIVES... Forever guaranteed, Dianna Boyer 403-823-4914.
FOR SALE… Beautiful upright grand piano. $500 o.b.o. Phone 403-823-4079, after 6:00 p.m. 1p3
FOR SALE… Must sell Haine’s upright grand piano. Appraised at $1,800. Best offer. Phone 403-823-4914. 1p3
FOR SALE… Youths 7 piece bedroom suite, green and blue in colour. 10 in 1 games table, assorted ski’s and boots, youth snowboard. Call 403-823-9261, after 6:00 p.m. 1nc
FOR SALE… Shih-Tzu puppies. 1 male 1 female. First shots, vet checked, paper trained. $400, ready to go February 1, 2009. Phone 403-823-8232, after 5 p.m. 1nc


FIREWOOD FOR SALE... Dry split, Pine, Spruce or Birch. 1/2 cord or full cord. Delivery available. Phone (403) 823-7948 or (403) 823-1961. 36c8 
FOR SALE… 1996 Taurus Station Wagon, new battery, good tires, no rust, no body damage, no reasonable offer refused. 403-772-2417. 52p01
FOR SALE… 1982 Buick station wagon. $500. Phone 403-823-4914. 1p3

FOR SALE… 2005 Ford F-350 Lariat crew cab, fully loaded. 6” Fabtech lift. Mickey Thompson tires and rims. Plus more, $27,000 o.b.o. Phone 306-560-7048 or 403-822-3755. 1p3
FOR SALE… 2003 white Ford F-150 XL 7700, ext. cab, 4x4, 5.4 litre, air, cruise, tilt, box liner, recent tires and step bars. 155,000 km’s. $11500. 403-823-7087. 1p3
FOR SALE… 2006 Dodge 3500 Cummins Diesel. Auto, 93,000 km’s, ext. cab, full size box with liner, loaded. $30,000 o.b.o. 403-820-1763. 1c
FOR SALE.. 2001 Harley Davidson Fat Boy, 22,400 km, 2 new tires, mint condition. $12,000. Phone Rod or leave message, 403-823-2846. 53p2
FOR RENT… Clean 1050 sq. ft. central air-conditioned three bedroom duplex. Kitchen and living room on main floor. 1½ baths, developed basement, fridge, stove, washer and dryer included. February 1, 2009 possession. Call 403-820-0128 if no answer, leave message and your call will be returned promptly. 50tfc
FOR RENT… Small neat 4 bedroom home with double car garage with good fridge and stove, on double corner lot in Newcastle to rent to non-smoker. Available January 1, 2009. $860 per month plus utilities. Damage deposit $800. Call Colin Kloot at 403-823-5186, office hours only. 52c01
FOR RENT… 3 bedroom house 60 Hunts Crescent, $1200/month, all appliances, no smoking, no pets. 403-823-2419, call after January 4. 53p2 FOR RENT… Town house for rent in Lethbridge. Minutes from university, 2 rooms, available with A/C. Bob Davidson. 403-823-0746. 53c01
HOUSE FOR RENT… 3 bedroom house with air conditioning and detached garage. Close to downtown. Non-smoker, no pets. Long term renter preferred. Modern home, great location available, ASAP. For more information call 1-403-254-0191, after 5:00 p.m. 53p2
FOR RENT… Clean 2 bedroom 4 plex. Fireplace and balcony, no pets. Immediate occupancy. $725 per month, plus security deposit and utilities. Call 403-252-8385. 1p3
FOR RENT… 3 bedroom house in Drumheller. For more information call 403-275-9343 or e-mail baydidservices@shaw.ca. 1p3
FOR RENT… $950, rent half duplex. 3 bedrooms, available in February. Phone 403-823-6729. 1p3
FOR RENT… 3 bedroom house, 2 baths, fridge, stove, washer and dryer, A/C, deep freeze, storage/garage, close to town on quiet street, excellent neighbours. $1000/month. Available immediately, please call 403-823-3289 to view. 1c
FOR RENT… 2 bedroom house. $750/month plus utilities. References required. Call 403-823-2121 for more information. 1c
FOR RENT… 3 bedroom house. $900/month plus utilities. References required. Call 403-823-2121 for more information. 1c
FOR RENT… 4 bedroom house. $1200/month plus utilities. References required. Call 403-823-2121 for more information. 1c
FOR RENT… Furnished basement suite in Newcastle beach. For responsible clean individual, includes utilities, laundry. Available January 1. $600 per month plus $600 damage deposit. Please contact 403-823-2629. 52p01
FOR RENT…1 bedroom apartment, available. $700 rent, damage deposit $700, water and heating included. Parking and laundry facilities. Included postal boxes in building. Phone 403-823-3191 before 7:30 p.m. 52p01
FOR RENT… 1 + 2 bedroom apartments. No pets, 6 month lease, mature people, available January 1, 2009. Phone 403-823-2823 or 403-820-5923. 53p3
FOR RENT… Large basement suite for rent in modern home. Close to downtown, air conditioning, non-smoking, no pets allowed, long term renter preferred, minimum 1 year lease. Available January 1. Quiet single person. Phone 1-403-254-0191, or 1-403-934-7349 after 6 p.m. 53p2
Executive suite for rent… 1700 sq. ft. apartment, master bedroom has ensuite and walk-in-closet. Two more bedrooms and a full bathroom. 6 new appliances, balcony, close to downtown and all amenities. 403-823-7680. 1p3
FOR RENT… No smoking, no pets. 17 St. East. Utilities included, $400 a month. 403-443-1471. 53p2
ROOMS FOR RENT… All utilities included, ensuite bath, TV. $400 - $500 per month. Located in Munson. Phone 403-823-7758. 53p2
FOR RENT… Downtown – competitive rate, TV in room, sitting room, daily housekeeping, fridge, microwave and coffee centre. Wireless internet, meals and laundry available. Website – http;//minershaveninn@synthasite.com. Phone 403-823-6700. 51tfc
FOR RENT... The Haven has a room with private bath, shared kitchen, jetted tub, furnished, cable TV, wireless internet, laundry, at $750/month, upstairs of Everybody’s Gym. Also larger room with fireplace, $825. norah97@telus.net 52tfc
FOR RENT… Bachelor’s furnished living room, den and loft bedroom in Rosedale. January 09, $750 includes satellite and utilities. 403-823-7677 or 403-854-2354, evenings. 1p2
FOR RENT… 2 rooms for rent at the Haven with private bath, shared kitchen, jetted tub, furnished, cable TV, wireless internet, laundry, one at $725/month, larger with fireplace $825/month both upstairs of Everybody’s Gym. Call 403-823-6501. 1tfc
ATTENTION OILFIELD WORKERS… New beds, cable, A/C, microwave, fridge, bathroom. New lower, monthly rates. Also available weekly. Phone 403-823-6844. 1c3
FOR RENT... 4 bedroom mobile home. $1200/month plus utilities. References required. Call 403-823-2121 for more information. 1c  


INDIVIDUAL OFFICES... Individual Offices for rent, $450 per month, includes light secretarial duties, high speed internet, furniture, etc. Call Bob or Gary at Century 21 for more details. 403-823-2121. 29nctfc
STORAGE LOT FOR RENT... Storage lot for rent, 252’ x 240’ 60,480 sq. ft. fenced. Complete with 2 gates. Available end of November. Call Rio 403-823-2981. 43tfc
FOR RENT... Commercial property. 1625 sq. ft. Office/ warehouse, 3 phase power. 12 foot overhead door, available immediately. Located across from Ralstons. 403-823-2981. 44tfc
FOR RENT... Self storage units by the week or month. Please call 403-820-0128, if no answer, leave message and your call will be returned promptly. 50tfc
HOUSES FOR SALE - Can’t find it here or on MLS? Check out www.2121.ca. 5tfc
MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE... Greenwood Villa MHP. New and used mobile homes for sale. Starting at $17,500. For more information call Suzanne. 403-823-4499. 38tfc
WANTED... Cultivated farmland in the Drumheller area for cash rent or sale. 403-321-0214. 49tfc
WANTED CULTIVATED LAND FOR LEASE OR PURCHASE… Looking for land for the upcoming spring. Offering competitive, flexible, and negotiable agreements. For more information, please call 403-333-3153. 50p8
Maintenance Person Needed… Large scale feedlot near Acme, Alberta is looking for a general maintenance person. Applicant should have a working knowledge of welding, plumbing, and electrical systems. We offer excellent wages, medical, dental, vision, disability, and paid holiday. If interested please call Shannon at 403-312-5062. 51p01

WANTED... Online trainers wanted, computer a must. Earn an income you deserve. Start a mini-office outlet from home. www.iamfree123.com 53p5

Don’t Let them foreclose ... I’ll pay your arrears and purchase your property. 403-820- 3146. 4tfc
 ROOMATE WANTED… Looking for a roommate to share a 2 bedroom apartment located at the Halsbury Apartment Complex. This 750 sq. ft. apartment is located near the courthouse and close to downtown. Rent would be $450 which includes all utilities, internet and cable. Please call 403-820-4315 if interested. 1p3



Saturday Morning Sunrise Meeting, Alcoholics Anonymous, Salvation Army Church 241 1st St. West. Contact 403-334-0246, Chris W. 37nctfc
AL-ANON, Wednesday evenings, 7:00 Civic Centre. Call Lynne (403) 822-0008 or Carol (403) 772-2373. 26nctfc
THE HAPPY DESTINY Alcoholics Anonymous Group meets every Monday at 7 p.m. in the Badlands Room at the Drumheller Health Complex. “Open Meeting”. 8nctfc

ARMS FAIR... Antique & Modern Firearms & Militaria Collectable Buy • Sell • Trade • Look FREE APPRAISAL. Jan. 10th 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. $5 Admission. Thorncliffe Community Centre 5600 Centre St. North, Calgary. 53p01
 The family of Archie Dodd would like to invite you to an open house at the Morrin Community Hall on January 17 at 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. to help him celebrate his 90th birthday. Cards and gifts are graciously declined. 1p2
After 5 Monday, January 12, 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Fred and Barney’s Restaurant, $15 dinner buffet. Ladies – come and learn all about Mechanics 101 from licensed mechanic BRAD PEAKE, music by soloist RACHEL ROBINSON, speaker TANDY BALSON, who found a way to make a good life better. Reservations essential, 403-572-3660. All ladies welcome. 1p



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