Outstanding in our Field: Wheatland Crossing celebrates grand opening | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 07 Mar 2025 3pm

Outstanding in our Field: Wheatland Crossing celebrates grand opening

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It was a proud day for Golden Hills School Division as it held the grand opening for Wheatland Crossing  School.

The new facility serving communities including Rockyford, Standard, Hussar, Gleichen and Wheatland County opened earlier this year and on Tuesday, September 26 they invited the community in.

Golden Hills superintendent Bevan Daverne said the school is unique in that it is only one of about a dozen in the province not within a town. It is also unique because of all the productive partnerships  that made it possible. Today the school serves 385 K-12  students.

Wheatland Crossing students Justin McQuire, Katie Shephard, Grace Gregory, Abraham Paul, Cale Christensen and Kylie Kleinsasser hold the ribbon with special guests Rockyford Mayor Darcy Burke, Wheatland Reeve Glenn Koester, Golden Hills Superintendent Bevan Daverne, Golden Hills board chair David Price (cutting Ribbon), Hussar Mayor Tim Frank and Standard Mayor, Golden Hills Trustee Alan Larsen and Wheatland Crossing principal Karen Smith.

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