‘She Has A Name’ to be screened at Napier Theatre | DrumhellerMail
Last updateThu, 27 Mar 2025 3pm

‘She Has A Name’ to be screened at Napier Theatre

JASONatPearlwithALEX SheHasAName cropped

    A film highlighting the tragedy of human trafficking, is making its way around the world and into the Napier Theatre.
    inSide Drumheller brought readers the story of the film ‘She Has a Name’ last October. The film is backed by Dean Kohut, and it is having a homecoming of sorts, being screened this Monday, January 30 in Drumheller.
    “We are excited to have it come here, keep it in motion,” Kohut tells The Mail.
     He says the film is being noticed all over the world. “It is getting some huge attention, and so far it has been really good. They have had opening nights in Melbourne Australia, Cape Town South Africa, Johannesburg, London, Belfast, and the reviews have been very good,” he said.
    It has also been at theatres and festivals in Canada, including at the national capital. The word is getting out.
    ‘She Has a Name’, written by Andrew Kooman of Red Deer, is the story of a lawyer, posing as a john, to build a legal case against a pimp trafficking in girls from Asia. It began as a successful stage play and is now on the big screen. It stars Giovanni Mocibob, who spent many years as a student and actor at Rosebud Theatre.
    Kohut says the film is to raise awareness.
    “It is as much a movie as it is supporting a cause to get rid of child prostitution,” he said. “We have had different groups from churches to service clubs that have had an interest in helping us get it out there.”
    The screening is at the Napier on Monday, January 30. Copies of the movie will be available to purchase at the theatre. Kohut is planning to be in Drumheller for the screening.
    “It is a rampant issue out there in this world, and it deserves the attention, so we are trying to get it out there,” said Kohut.

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