Citizens on Patrol looking for new members | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 07 Mar 2025 3pm

Citizens on Patrol looking for new members




Citizens on Patrol in Drumheller has a tradition of having extra eyes and ears on the street to help prevent crime, but they hope to add a few more.
    Linda Schuler is secretary of the non-profit organization. She says they are looking for residents who would like to make a difference in their community by attempting to reduce crime.
    “We have about 20 members but only four or five are active,” she tells The Mail.
    Citizens on Patrol’s role is simple. Members head out in pairs during the evening and keep their eyes and ears open to suspicious behaviour. They are not there to make contact, but simply report to the police what they see.
    She says Citizens on Patrol is a valuable service that has made a difference on a number of occasions.
    “They have found a car thief and different things from time to time. If the police are watching someone they will let us know and we’ll keep an eye on them,” she said. “We know we have prevented things because they know we are there, and we get to know who is who. They know they are being watched.”
    To get involved residents simply have to fill out an application form that they can obtain at the Drumheller RCMP detachment and pass a police clearance. There is a small stipend for gas when they are on patrol. The work is voluntary. She hopes they can get the numbers to a point where at least one group is patrolling each weekend.
    To learn more about Citizens on Patrol, contact Linda at 403-823-3655.

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