Who are you? Kim McDonald | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 17 May 2024 12pm

Who are you? Kim McDonald

Age: 40.
Occupation: I work at home, I’m a professional parent.
How long have you lived in the Valley? Around eight years.
Where are you from originally? I’m from Perry Sound, Ontario.
What brought you here? I moved to BC when I was little and then went to the University of Lethbridge. Then I married an Albertan.
What do you like most about living here? The people. Drumheller has great, friendly, wonderful people.
Anything you would change? More trees and maybe a lake.
Top travel destinations? I love travelling. I’m going to Haiti in July and it’s a big one on my bucket list. We sponsor a couple children there and my daughter and I are going to spend a couple weeks touring different projects there.
What three things would you bring to a deserted island (excluding family/friends)? A Kobo full of books, my iPod with some great music on it, and lots of bags of chips.
One thing you could eat for the rest of your life? It shouldn’t be chips. A spinach salad with raspberries and  some diced chicken.
If you could hang out with anyone, who would it be? Jesus would be cool. For people who are alive now I would say Donald Miller or Anne Lamott.
Any hobbies? Reading, hiking, and acting. I just finished my degree, so I haven’t had a lot of time for hobbies.
What was your degree? I got a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature.
Favourite movies or TV shows: I like artsy movies like Sliding Doors. I try to avoid TV, but I get drawn into stuff like The Bachelor.
Favourite books: There are so many. Time Travellers Wife is a classic. While I Was Sleeping was one I just finished and it was mesmerizing.
Favourite part of spring: Getting outside and going camping.
Any words of wisdom? Don’t worry about the little things, pick the mountain you’re going to die on.

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