Name: O'NEILL, Mary Magdalen
Date of Death: 14/09/1948
Age: 70 y
Place of Death: Calgary, AB
Issue Print Date: 23/09/1948
Name: O'NEILL, Mary Magdalen
Date of Death: 14/09/1948
Age: 70 y
Place of Death: Calgary, AB
Issue Print Date: 23/09/1948
Name: ODORICO, George
Date of Death: 03/08/1948
Age: 53 y
Place of Death: Drumheller, AB
Issue Print Date: 12/08/1948
Name: OSTYNIUK, Robert John
Date of Death: 09/05/1948
Age: 64 y
Place of Death: Newcastle, AB
Issue Print Date: 13/20 May 1948