Condolences to the family of Jenny (Joeanne Mary) Connell | DrumhellerMail

Condolences to the family of Jenny (Joeanne Mary) Connell


(Joeanne Mary)

August 5, 1940 - May 11, 2024

Jenny (Joeanne Mary) Connell, 83, passed away on May 11, 2024 in Edmonton. Jenny was loved and touched the lives of many. She is survived by her 3 children, Stella, Peter and Rhett from two families + 6 grandchildren and multiple nieces and nephews.
Jenny was born on August 5, 1940, to John and Stella Sikora in Drumheller, Alberta. She was the oldest in the family of 7. She is survived by her sisters Lodja Sloan, Hellen Shiloff, Millie Boruk, and Carol Rippe. Her brothers Joseph and Stanley predeceased her.
She started school in Cambria, Alberta where she lived and then eventually finished her studies in Drumheller, Alberta. Jenny was a very adept student. She excelled at shorthand and typing and was awarded the Greggs shorthand pin for accuracy and speed.
Jenny married John Mraz in 1957. Their first child of four children was Mary, born in 1958 and passed away at birth. Stella was born in July 1959 and resides in Calgary, Alberta. Peter was born in January 1961 and currently resides in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Shawna was born in March 1966 and passed away in January 1967.
After their divorce, Jenny married Henry Keith Connell and had three children. They eventually settled in Edmonton where all the children went to school. Shawn was born in December 1969 and passed away April 2002. Lara was born in early 1971 and passed away at birth. Rhett was born January 1972 and currently resides in Edmonton.
Jenny and Keith eventually moved to Hairy Hill, Alberta in 2002 where she resided until Keith’s passing in October 2021. While in Hairy Hill, Jenny resumed her love of gardening. She also loved her grandchildren and her many nieces and nephews. There was never a birthday that went by without either a visit from Granny or Auntie Jenny or a phone call and a birthday card.
Her sisters often shared stories of how fearless Jenny was in her youth. This involved settling some scores with some boys who were bullying her younger brother Joseph. It also included renting a house in Calgary, getting jobs with her sister Millie and some friends for the summer and assuming the role as the parent. All of this as a teenager.
Jenny was also known for her kindness and selflessness and her cooking. Her neighbors in the apartment where she lived in Edmonton before moving to Hairy Hill will tell you she always had a warm cup of coffee and a meal for anyone. She was always available to talk and lend a hand.
Jenny touched the lives of many people and will be missed by all.