News | DrumhellerMail - Page #976
Last updateThu, 03 Oct 2024 12pm

Kurek, Shields win local seats

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Damien Kurek, Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) candidate for Battle River-Crowfoot succeeded in winning his first mandate in a commanding fashion in Monday's federal election.
Kurek garnered more than 85 per cent of the vote in the riding, outpacing all of his competitors.
“It is an incredible honour to be given a strong vocal mandate from folks in the region I call home,” said Kurek. “I look forward to serving Battle River-Crowfoot in parliament and doing everything I can fight for the things I have been talking about the whole way along; common sense, conservative values and the principles of good governance.”
He expresses his thanks to his family and team that supported him all the way from the nomination to this election outcome.
While Kurek won a mandate from his riding his party fell short of becoming government. As of press time the Liberal Party of Canada had captured 155 seats, to form a minority government.
“The election result was clear, there are some serious questions Justin Trudeau needs to answer and his Liberal government has been taken down from a majority to a minority. There are significant changes, and inversely the Conservative team has been built, it is well represented in every area of the country and we will make sure we bring forward those strong voices to ensure we hold the Liberals to account,” said Kurek.
Even with a minority government, he isn’t optimistic that they could find common ground with the Liberals.
“A lot of that is yet to be seen. One thing is the Liberals have shown, whether it is in their own party or with provinces that elect governments with different ideas than their own, they don’t work well with others and that will create an interesting dynamic,” said Kurek.

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In the Bow River Riding, incumbent CPC candidate Martin Shields retained his seat in a landslide victory, winning about 83 per cent of the vote. He is grateful for the people that supported his campaign, and it was personal contact that resonated with the voters.
“Reaching out, door knocking, being on the street, meeting with groups of people. As you know there are 60 communities, a lot of small ones and I had the privilege of visiting with many people in their communities and I think that personal contact makes a difference,” said Shields. “It is really an honour to be supported by this riding.”
He also sees some positives from the national results.
“Trudeau will not form a majority government, which is a good thing,” said Shields. “Of course you want to win and you want to win a majority. In this current case, the Liberals thought they would win a majority and they haven’t which I think shows that Trudeau has really lost, in the sense that he lost a majority because of the mistakes he’s made,” said Shields.
He says he will continue to represent the needs of the riding and the country.
“In a minority government there has to be some give and take, or you are not going to be there very long,” he said. “For example, the Liberal government promised to get the Trans Mountain Pipeline built. All the things have been approved so we will be pushing hard to make sure that happens.”

East Coulee bridge’s future still stalled

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    The East Coulee Truss Bridge, once named one of Canada’s most endangered places, remains fenced off to the public as the Atlas Coal Mine continues “quietly working” toward an agreement with CP Rail to restore the derelict bridge.
    Atlas Coal Mine executive director Sarah Newstead says her and past directors have been working for the last 25 years to find a way to restore the wooden bridge, which she says is a nationally significant resource that has been slowly deteriorating before their eyes.
    The wooden bridge, which was first built in 1936 but rebuilt shortly after a 1948 flood damaged it, is owned by Canadian Pacific Rail, which has participated in a number of discussions with the Atlas Coal Mine and other community partners, but Newstead says CP has always seemed “non-committal” in either turning over the bridge to the mine or selling off the property, even if it includes a significant piece of local history.  She says it’s an issue for historic rail properties across Canada.
    “It would give precedent for thousands of other communities in Canada that have derelict rail properties. We’re talking potentially billions of dollars in property, CP and CN are some of the biggest landowners in Canada,” she says.
    The Atlas and other East Coulee residents have for a number of years voiced their concern over the bridge, which used to be open access until CP put up fences and closed off the property a number of years ago. Attempts have been made by the community to either purchase the site or come to an agreement with CP Rail, but Newstead says CP has so far been reluctant to part with the property.
    “Canadian Pacific continues to evaluate the next steps to take with the bridge,” Salem Woodrow, media relations for CP, said in an email, but did not indicate what those next steps might be.
    Newstead says those who want to see the bridge rehabilitated are facing a ‘catch-22,’ where they are unable to raise the funds needed for an extensive restoration (estimated at over $1 million) since CP Rail has not indicated the property will ever be made available. She says the Atlas board would not be willing to raise funds for a bridge that isn’t guaranteed to be available for purchase, but at the same time that means there is no funds to draw from in the event CP decides to sell the bridge.
    “It’s breaking my heart to just see it out there,” Newstead says.
    While the bridge is technically part of their national historic designation, it is the provincial designation which would provide the Atlas “with some teeth” to protect the bridge, which would require CP Rail, as the property owner, to sign off on. If that were to ever happen, Newstead says they “have all our ducks in a row” to make the restoration happen.
    “We need to recognize it as a nationally important structure that needs conservation at the highest level so it’s conserved forever and not just in the short term,” she says.
    The wooden bridge is a rare, living example of a “Howe Truss” bridge, first patented in the mid-1800s and primarily used in the 19th century for bridges across North America.  After the original bridge was destroyed, it was rebuilt with the same design shortly after and used to ship coal from East Coulee’s mines until the Atlas Mine closed in the mid-1970s. The Atlas Mine, and the bridge included on the site, have since been recognized as an Alberta Provincial Heritage Resource and a National Historic Site of Canada.
    In 2015, the bridge was listed as one of the most endangered places in Canada by the National Trust for Canada, a non-profit which aims to protect historic places in the country.
    “The costs of maintenance and conservation, and the issue of assuming insurance liability has dissuaded the Atlas Coal Mine Historical Society and the community of East Coulee from assuming ownership,” the trust says on their website. “A concerted cost-shared conservation effort is required now to ensure the ongoing sustainability of this nationally significant example of bridge architecture.”
    While the residents of East Coulee and the Atlas Coal Mine hope these efforts are successful, for now, the fate of the East Coulee Truss Bridge is stalled. But there may be hope. The Town of Drumheller has been in talks with CP to reach an agreement to use the former rail line property, which runs through town all the way out to East Coulee, as some kind of walking trail. Newstead hopes if the town is successful there, the Atlas may be able to piggy-back on that agreement to get the bridge. But Mayor Heather Colberg told the Mail there hasn’t been anything firm in their talks with CP yet.
    “There is nothing concrete to say at this moment,” she said.
    Local John Barry Graham has organized the Badlands Boogie in order to raise funds to save the bridge. But the annual music festival at his property has only raised about $4,000 in the last five years for the effort, far short of the $1 million endowment Newstead says would be needed to get a restoration project rolling.
    But time is ticking. When the bridge was surveyed more than five years, engineers said the bridge was in “good shape,” but it has been shifting over the years. River ice flows each spring can cause damage to the bridge, so each year brings another threat to the already decaying bridge.

8th Annual Carlie Bell Memorial Scholarship awarded by Bell family

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Carlie Bell was an exceptional 4-Her. She was extremely active in Drumheller District 4-H and the Morrin Multi 4-H Club. In 2011, Carlie died of viral encephalitis after a work exchange travel adventure in New Zealand and Australia. Carlie had great leadership skills and promoted 4-H involvement. The Carlie Bell Memorial Scholarship promotes working for the benefit of the group at the Club and District Levels.
    The scholarship goes to a senior member who has been a 10 year 4-H member and who has contributed to both his club and district. The 2019 Carlie Bell Memorial Scholarship presented by Terri Huxley, was awarded to Brett Holowath of the Rumsey Rowley 4-H Beef Club.


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