News | DrumhellerMail - Page #2466
Last updateSat, 21 Sep 2024 12pm

Banks wait for provincial flood regulations

    It’s business as usual for Drumheller banks and financial institutions following the flooding late in June.
    Following the flood, rumours surfaced that residents looking to get a mortgage were having difficulty if the house in question was located within the Government of Alberta’s designated floodway.
    At a meeting on August 28, Associate Minister Kyle Fawcett explained Drumheller was a special case, due to the extensive flood mitigation, and flood hazard maps were slated to be remapped.  
    Banks are waiting to see exactly what the province’s regulations regarding Drumheller entail.
    “The province’s decision to exempt Drumheller from the development ban recognizes the significance of the community's flood mitigation infrastructure; This is a good policy, it’s an important first step towards creating a business as usual environment for Drumheller,” said Rob Bennett, Executive Vice President, ATB Financial Retail Financial Services.
    “ATB is working quickly to review our mortgage guidelines for Drumheller specifically but my team needs to understand more details about the recent announcement and we are working quickly with insurers, specifically CMHC and GenWorth to understand how they will partner with us in the Drumheller area.”
    The Royal Bank of Canada is also monitoring the situation and taking each mortgage on a case-by-case basis.
    “We continue to work with our clients in the aftermath of this devastating flood and continue to accept mortgage applications in the impacted areas,” said Pamela Brown, Senior Manager, Corporate Communications with RBC.
    “We are evaluating each application and client on an individual basis. We are also working closely with the Alberta Government as the province evaluates people’s needs, keeping in mind any constraints arising from the Alberta Disaster Relief Program.”
    Otherwise, everything is being treated as normal by banks and financial institutions.
    “Everything is business as usual here,” said Patsy Stokalko, branch manager of the Drumheller Chinook Credit Union.
    The Drumheller Scotiabank says it has made no changes to its application process in the wake of the flood.
    “As of right now, nothing has changed. The government has revamped what they said about Drumheller, so we don’t know what will be in a flood zone,” said Cathy Fournier, customer support at the Drumheller Scotiabank.

…And they're off

2013 Municipal Election season begins

    Nominations are in for 2013 municipal and county elections on October 21.
    The number of candidates may have looked sparse leading up to nomination day, which was held on Monday, but acclamations are few as a number of candidates, both incumbent and new have handed in their papers.

    In Drumheller, Terry Yemen will serve a second term, which is now four years, as Mayor of Drumheller after winning his seat through acclamation.
    However, there is plenty of competition for Town Council’s six remaining seats.
    For incumbents, Jay Garbutt, Lisa Hansen-Zacharuk, Sharel Shoff, and Tom Zariski have put themselves forward. Former Drumheller mayor Bryce Nimmo will be running for a spot as a Town councillor.
    New candidates include Jenny Dannhauer, Crystal Jensen, Patrick Kolafa, Tara McMillan, and Kalon Sykes.

Terry Yemen, right, hands his nomination papers to Town of Drumheller returning officer Byron Nagazina. Yemen will serve another four years as mayor of Drumheller after no other nominations were submitted for the position. Residents in the area will be heading to the polls on October 21, after only a few council seats were determined through acclamation.

Big Valley
    There will be no election in Big Valley after only three candidates submitted their nominations for the village’s three council seats.
    Incumbents Gail Knudson and Lois Miller, and newcomer Ken Johnson were awarded seats on council through acclamation.

    There will be an election in Carbon after six candidates have submitted their papers for the election. There are five seats on the Carbon Village Council.
    Incumbents Richard Ekman and Mike Still will run alongside Marie Koolman, Marty Morgan, Don Morrison, and Steve Reyman.

    There is plenty of competition for Delia’s three council seats. Eight candidates have put their names forward to fill the village’s three council seats.
    John Rogers, who served as mayor last term, and Dennis Thordarson, the two incumbents, will run for election against Glenn Arnold, Irene Arnold, Dawn Bancroft, John Fox, Beverly Hall, and Susan Waye.

    An election is in Hussar’s future after four candidates let their names stand for the three seats on the Hussar Village Council.
    Incumbents Bruce Kaufman, who served as mayor last term, and Tim Frank will be joined by Corey Fisher and Timothy Muir on the election trail.

    An election is on the way for Morrin. Six candidates will vie for the Village of Morrin’s three council seats.
    Howard Helton, Lloyd Hodge, Suzanne Lacher, Maynard MacArthur, David MacLeod, and Janis Siemens have stepped forward to run in the upcoming election.

    Only three candidates submitted nominations for the Village of Munson Council’s three seats, meaning no election is scheduled for the community.
    Laura Cawiezel, Kerry McLellan, and Robert Spencer won their seats through acclamation.

    Rockyford’s next council will be decided through an election after eight candidates submitted their nominations. The Rockyford Village Council consists of only five seats.
    Incumbents Darcy Burke, Rockyford’s mayor during the last three years, Gerry Katterhagen and Leah Smith will run again.
    Five new faces let their names stand for the election, including Greg Baillie, Wayne Beerling, Dalia Cheshire, Natalie Desantis, and Jayne Koester.

    In Standard, six candidates have put their names forward for the village’s five council seats.
    Incumbent mayor Alan Larsen will run for re-election as will fellow incumbents Mark Clark, Ron Corbeill, and Adam Sommerfeldt.
    Martin Gauthier and Joseph Pedersen, both newcomers, will run for election as well.

Kneehill County
    Nominations were extended in Kneehill County to today (Wednesday, September 25) at noon after no candidates came forward in Division 2.
    Most seats, as of press time, were likely to be decided by acclamation. Incumbents Brian Holsworth (Division 1), Jerry Wittstock (Division 3), Greg Keiver (Division 4), Bob Long (Division 5), Ken Hoppins (Division 6), and Bobby Painter (Division 7) will likely serve another four years on the Kneehill County Council.

Starland County
    Several elections are imminent in Starland County.
    In Division 2, incumbent Norman Stanger will defend his seat against Steve Wannstrom.
    Incumbent Allen Avramenko will defend the Division 4 seat against James Krywcun.
    Current Reeve Barrie Hoover will defend the Division 5 seat against Greg Herzog.
    Murray Marshall (Division 1) and Robert Sargent (Division 3) won their seats through acclamation.

Wheatland County
    Two elections are planned in Wheatland County.
    In Division 2, the race is heating up after six candidates have put their names forth to fill the seat left vacant by Ken Sauve. Rex Harwood, Jackie Kirk, Ian Mast, Kevin G. Miller, Colin Smith, and Russell Smith will vie for the Division 2 council seat.
    Incumbent Don Vander Velde will defend the Division 3 council seat against Donna Biggar.
    Alice Booth (Division 1), Berniece Bland (Division 4), Brenda Knight (Division 5), current Reeve Glenn Koester (Division 6), and Ben Armstrong (Division 7), who are all incumbents, won their seats through acclamation.

Golden Hills School Division
    Residents in Ward 1, which includes Three Hills, Torrington, Huxley, Trochu, and area will be voting between three candidates to fill the Ward 1 school board vacancy. Colleen Eyjolfson, Barry Kletke, and Larry Maerz have submitted their names for Ward 1.
    David Price will serve another term as the Golden Hills board member for Ward 2, which includes Acme, Carbon, Linden, and areas.
    Sherri Nielsen will serve as the board member for Ward 3, Drumheller.
    Larry Tucker was acclamated to Ward 4, Strathmore.
    Alan Larsen and Corey Fisher have submitted their names for Ward 5, which includes Carseland, Gleichen, Cluny, Hussar, Rockyford, Standard, and surrounding areas.

Prairie Land Regional Division
    Most of the Prairie Land Regional Division board were awarded their seats through acclamation. Holly Smith (Ward 1, Berry Creek), Dean Hansen (Ward 2, Hanna Rural and Youngstown), Marsha Tkach (Ward 3 Veteran), Barry Davis (Ward 3, Consort and Altario), Lyle Cawiezel (Ward 4, Morrin), and Ed Brinkman (Ward 4, Delia) won their seats.
    In Ward 2, Hanna Urban, several candidates will vie for two vacancies on the Prairie Land board. Jade Hill, Vern Thuroo, and Angie Warwick have let their names stand for the election.

Christ the Redeemer School Division
    Voters in Drumheller will have an extra box to tick as two candidates have submitted their names to run for Drumheller’s seat in the Christ the Redeemer School Division Board of Directors.
    Incumbent Paul Andrew will defend the Drumheller seat against Mark Chung.

    The election is scheduled for October 21. Keep reading The Drumheller Mail for coverage on the 2013 Municipal Elections.

Candidates announced for municipal elections

The names are in. Today at noon, nominations closed for the upcoming municipal elections on October 21.

Candidates have 24 hours to withdraw.

The unofficial candidates are:



Terry Yemen (elected through acclamation)


Jay Garbutt

Tara McMillan

Jenny Dannhauer

Sharel Shoff

Kalon Sykes

Lisa Hansen-Zacharuk

Tom Zariski

Crystal Jensen

Bryce Nimmo

Patrick Kolafa


Glenn Arnold

Irene Arnold

Dawn Bancroft

John Fox

Beverly Hall

John Rogers

Dennis Thordarson

Susan Waye


Corey Fisher

Bruce Kaufman

Timothy Muir

Tim Frank


Richard Ekman

Marie Kooiman

Marty Morgan

Don Morrison

Steve Reyman

Mike Still


Alan Larsen

Ron Corbeill

Mark Clark

Adam Sommerfeldt

Martin Gauthier

Joseph Pedersen


Greg Baillie

Natalie Desantis

Jayne Koester

Wayne Beerling

Darcy Burke

Gerry Katterhagen

Leah Smith

Dalia Cheshire

Munson - All candidates elected through acclamation

Kerry McLellan

Robert Spencer

Laura Cawiezel


Suzanne Lacher

Lloyd Hodge

Maynard MacArthur

David MacLeod

Janis Siemens

Howard Helton

Big Valley - All candidates elected through acclamation

Ken Johnson

Gail Knudson

Lois Miller

Kneehill County - The county will continue accept nominations as Division 2 has no candidates.

Starland County

Division 1

Murray Marshall (elected through acclamation)

Division 2

Norman Stanger

Steven Wannstrom

Division 3

Robert Sargent (elected through acclamation)

Division 4

James Krywcun

Allen Avramenko

Division 5

Greg Herzog

Barrie Hoover

Wheatland County

Division 1

Alice Booth (elected through acclamation)

Division 2

Colin Smith

Kevin G. Miller

Rex Harwood

Ian Mast

Russell Smith

Jackie Kirk

Division 3

Don Vander Velde

Donna Biggar

Division 4

Berniece Bland (elected through acclamation)

Division 5

Brenda Knight (elected through acclamation)

Division 6

Glenn Koester (elected through acclamation)

Division 7

Ben Armstrong (elected through acclamation)


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