News | DrumhellerMail - Page #3395
Last updateThu, 03 Oct 2024 12pm

Morgan Jayne Project sends out Christmas appeal


    Miracles are what the Morgan Jayne Project is all about, and they are hoping to create miracles in the lives of children this Christmas.
    The project is hoping to fill a long list of Christmas wishes for children in Roatan who are affected by the world Aids epidemic. The Christmas appeal is in full swing.
    This year, Fred Makowecki says because of the events of the previous months including the tragic death of Dallas Martens and the volatile political situation in Honduras, the need is even greater.
    He says they usually begin the Christmas campaign in September.
    “That allows us from the end of September until the end of October to gather and ship,” said Makowecki. “With the murder of Dallas it threw everything out of  kilter, but we still have to get it there.”
    He says because of the political climate the need is dire. Due to travel restrictions, the economy of the island has stalled.
    “The people who were desperate before, living hand to mouth are in even more dangerous situations,” said Makowecki. “It means what we are doing is a little window of normalcy in a life of despair.”
    Allowing Santa to come to the poor children of Roatan and the families served by Familias Saludables has become a tradition, and last year Drumheller residents helped give gifts to some 100 children that had never seen Christmas before.
    This year there is a list of 85 children they hope to provide presents to, and situations of the families are desperate, such as the appeal for Jorge 4, Daniela  5, and  Faviola 11.
    “Faviola has had another tough year. Her parents could not afford to pay for the bus to send her to school so she has missed so much that she will have to repeat the grade. Her dad lost his job when he was attacked with a machete and cannot walk properly any more. She is shy and timid and her self-esteem’s pretty low. I think she would appreciate something to remind her that we think she’s great. Let's avoid school supplies and send her some jewellery or girly stuff. Danielle, in her usual tough way, has decided she should have something that has “Dora the Explorer” on it and Jorge likes cars, animals and soccer,” the list states.
    “For every name you see on the list there is going to be three kids watching from outside when the presents are being handed out” said Makowecki. “Last year we sent 650 kilos of presents and that just barely covered all the kids that ended up there.”
    “It is more than just giving Christmas gifts to kids on the Island. It is parents who every day have to decide what they are giving up or how they are going to get one meal a day on the table for their family.”
    Makowecki stresses  time is of the essence. The packages must be shipped within two to three weeks to reach the island in time for Christmas.
    To see the list of items requested go to
    The list is simply suggestions, and Valerie Nelson who administers the program says feel free to send extra gifts for kids missed or who will join the program before Christmas; foodstuffs, towels, perfume or lotions for the moms; outdated electronic games or cartridges; office supplies, in particular HP printer cartridges 22 and 27 for the Familias Saludables office; vitamins, especially infant liquid vitamins and children’s vitamins;      Christmas decorations, even if used, and baby formula of any powdered kind, but not liquid.

Delia rocks


    If there was a perfect storm, as the saying goes, it was last Saturday evening at the Delia Community Centre.
    The Delia Rocks concert and dance combined the perfect format, a 60’s and 70’s dance band with the perfect crowd, a mix of  some 250, 40 to 60-plus twisters and jivers, with a perfect venue at the Delia Hall.
The brainchild of Bob Davidson, himself a 60’s lovechild, the music of the Chevelles and their music instantly  brought the crowd to the dance floor, and it didn’t empty the rest of the night.
    Buddy Holly’s Rave on, Dr. Hook’s Cover of the Rolling Stone and Brown Sugar from the Stones, and dozens of other songs were ably recreated in three sets by the Lethbridge foursome.
    The Hanna Extended Care Facility will be the benefactors of the proceeds from the event which brought together a mixed crowd from Drumheller, Hanna, Morrin, Byemoor and Rumsey with parts in between.
    Proceeds topped $6,500, with $1,000 directed towards the Delia High School’s European  trip in 2011, and the balance will be donated to the Hanna Extended Care Unit in the memory of Bert Marshall.

Downtown looks to create plaza


    Downtown Drumheller is proposing changes to a small part of Centre Street they hope will yield big results in revitalizing the core.
    The committee of the Chamber of Commerce are in talks with the town over an idea to widen the sidewalks on both sides of Centre Street from the alley south of Bits and Pieces to 3rd Avenue. Within this area they are proposing to create a plaza style space. It would contain seating, and would also have a permanent bandstand in front of S&S News. The bandstand will reflect the image of a tipple and future development will include a life sized statue of a miner ready for work.
    The proposal is called Miners Square, and Mike Todor of  Downtown Drumheller says the committee has the support of the Chamber of Commerce.
    “As our downtown core is the result of the creation of shops built here 70-100 years ago, the space should be a tribute to the miners who  lived and worked here, thus facilitating the need for this retail development,” states the proposal.
    Todor says the proposal has the goal of increasing  foot traffic and building on reinventing downtown Drumheller as a tourist destination.
    “We hope to attract  one -quarter of the visitors to the Royal Tyrrell Museum,” said Todor. “This year that would have been 100,000.”
    The new space would allow the downtown core to host special events, as well as allow entertainment. They are also looking at possibly bringing a farmer’s market to the core  with this development.
    The walking and seating area is proposed to be cobbled/ paved with interlocking bricks.
    “This development will create a situation where spontaneous entertainment may occur (buskers) and organized events will have an anchor and ease of access.”
      Todor said he has been sharing the idea with local businesses and has been greeted by positive responses. The group is talking to the Town of Drumheller about the proposal. He says they have raised the idea of creating the new vibrant space in the core because currently the town is looking at a traffic study and proposing changes to downtown parking.
    He sees the development as only being of benefit to the businesses in the core. The proposed change would leave the bulk of parking along Centre Street untouched and only eliminate 13 parking spots. The change however would help downtown Drumheller become more of a destination for visitors to experience the downtown core more fully, and result in an increase of visitors who will likely spend more time using the shops and services.
    They hope to implement the proposed changes by next season, according to Todor.
    “The net result will be a downtown core where visitors and locals will feel welcome, and a growing feeling of community. Our history will be shared by all and the significance of Drumheller and past economic value of the area will be showcased,” states the proposal.
    "The vibrance and camaraderie will assist in the creation of community."


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