News | DrumhellerMail - Page #3323
Last updateFri, 07 Mar 2025 3pm

Retailers make efforts to reduce plastic bags

    A new agreement by grocery industry groups and the Province of Alberta is expected to see a drastic reduction of plastic grocery bags.
    Liked for their convenience, but loathed for the strain they put on landfills and the mess they create, the Alberta  government and Canadian Council of Grocery Distributors, Retail Council of Canada, Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers, and the Canadian Association of Chain Drug Stores have reached a voluntary agreement to cut the number of plastic bags in circulation. They have set a target of seeing the 2008 number of bags cut in half by 2013.
    “Many Albertans are concerned with the number of plastic bags littering streets and entering landfills,” said Rob Renner, Minister of Environment. “This agreement with retailers is an important step in reducing plastic bag waste in every community.”
    Many retailers in Drumheller are already taking steps to curb the number of bags.
    Darryl Jacques, manager of Freson IGA said as much as the bags are a convenience, grocers are concerned with the waste generated by bags, and says more customers are choosing not to use them.
    “More people are conscious of it for sure,” said Jacques. 
    Freson IGA, like many other retailers, have been selling reusable shopping bags. This could help the store’s bottom line by not having expense of supplying plastic bags for many orders.
    “There is an expense, it’s not that great, but when you look at it over the year, it does add up,” said Jacques. “At the same time, we are not trying to make money on reusable bags.”
    Dave Kosolofski, controller for Drumheller Co-op says they too are making an effort to promote reusable shopping bags. 
    “On occasion we’ll do promotions where we give the reusable bags away with certain purchases to get them out there and people using them,” said Kosolofski.
    The store makes other efforts.
    “We try to minimize as many plastic bags as we can throughout the course of the day,” said Kosolofski. “We also accept the plastic bags back in our recycle centre, and we ship them back for recycling. So we do try to keep them out of the landfill by recycling them through our wholesaler.”
    He says plastic bags cost the store anywhere from 3-5 cents each, and while some retailers have begun to charge for bags, he says this is a route the Drumheller Co-op would not explore.
    Some industry best practices list include:
Reduce usage of new plastic bags
•    Train staff to put a sticker or tape on large items instead of bagging.
•    Offer consumers a choice to bring their own bag.
•    Train staff to maximize the efficient use of bags by increasing the number of items packed in each bag.
•    Train staff to ask consumers if they need a bag for smaller purchases.
Provide alternatives to plastic bags
•    Promote and offer for use/sale reusable cotton, net, or recycled plastic bags in lieu of providing free plastic bags.
•    Offer reusable bags for sale at cost, a deep discount or, in some instances, at no charge.
•    Offer reusable bin programs.
•    Offer recycled cardboard boxes as a carry-out option.
•    Offer compostable carry bags for sale or at point-of-sale.
Provide incentives to consumers to reuse or use alternatives
•    Provide consumers with incentives (i.e. rebate, loyalty points) to change behaviour and use fewer plastic bags or no bags at all.

Moose calf wriggles away


    A baby moose proved a little too wily for Fish and Wildlife officers and volunteers as they tried to wrangle a set of twins, orphaned in a car collision.
    On Wednesday evening, June 16, in a collision on Highway 10 near Rosedale, a cow moose was killed, leaving two very young moose to fend for themselves.
    Fish and Wildlife officer Bryce Jensen said when they saw the mother moose the next day they could see she was actively lactating to feed her young at the time of her demise. They also learned of a reported sighting of the youngsters as well as tracks.
    Knowing the young animals would not survive if left on their own, and knowing they had fresh tracks, Fish and Wildlife officers and volunteers gathered to try to capture the animals. One was on a piece of land owned by Clayton Schrock near the accident site.
    Late Friday afternoon the group assembled to attempt a rescue. They targeted one. While six of the volunteers held snow fence, the other eight went out pushing the bush to flush out the moose. They had the youngster in their net, but it managed to wriggle its way out.
    Jensen says they probably will not attempt to rescue the animals again unless there is a very good sighting. He explains that at their age there is a good chance they may not have survived the week.
    He did offer one glimpse of hope. While out spotting for the moose, they came across another cow in the bush. While it is inconclusive, he says it may be possible this second adult moose could have “adopted” one or both calves. He has seen this in deer populations where other female animals have taken over mothering orphans, and it may be possible this is the case with moose as well.

Coal Mining centennial: detectives needed to help tell Drumheller’s story


    Drumheller has a big story to tell, and the Coal Mining Centennial committee, formed to plan a centennial celebration of the birth of the first coal mine next year, has lots of ideas to tell it.
    “Plenty of great ideas came out from the public forums,” said Atlas Coal Mine Historical Society executive director Linda Digby, adding a lot of their realization will depend on the level of interest in the community for people to see them through.
    One of the biggest tasks ahead is to compile a list of the miners to be included on a memorial dedicated to those who lost their lives working in the mines.
    A list was compiled some years ago, however Digby explained to The Weekender they want to try to substantiate those names to ensure nobody gets left out.
    Some volunteers have offered to research the Glenbow Archives in Calgary and others the Provincial Archives in Edmonton.
    There is also another source right here in Drumheller, where volunteers from the community could lend a hand in this detective work by going through The Drumheller Mail archives at the public library
    “Every time I go to the library and scan old editions of The Drumheller Mail, I am fascinated. I  learn stuff about the city that I have never known before, it is a lot of fun,” said Digby, adding that if volunteers could take one year each, then the task becomes a more manageable one.
    “We are going to learn some amazing stories, some heroic ones, some tragic ones. It is something that as a society, we feel really moved by. Our only frustration is we don’t have the capacity to do it all ourselves, we would love to just invest all the man hours ourselves in doing this because we love to learn about all this, but we just don’t have man power to do it, so we will definitely need help from the community.”
    Volunteers who would like to help researching The Drumheller Mail archives should contact Linda Digby at 403-822-2220 to register their interest.


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