News | DrumhellerMail - Page #3019
Last updateSat, 04 Jan 2025 11pm

Morgan Jayne Project working on a Christmas miracle

    While stores have only put away Back-to-School supplies, and are cranking out the Halloween costumes, many in the valley are already bent on creating a Christmas Miracle.
    The Annual Wish List for children being served by Familias Saludables is out. Supporters of the Morgan Jayne Project get behind this project to bring Christmas to children who would normally not have a Christmas at all, if it weren’t for the generosity of valley residents.
    “For the past five years since Morgan’s death and the beginning of the Morgan Jayne Project, we have made Christmas for children who wonder daily if they will have a meal, who are the head of a household at the age of 10, who live with indescribable poverty and who are or have someone in their family who have HIV or AIDS,” said Fred Makowecki. “For one day, thanks to your generosity, these children, have the chance to just be a kid. Something we take so much for granted.”
    The reality for these children is much different than most can even imagine. They or a family member is dealing with AIDS.  Everyday they experience the struggles of illness, poverty and discrimination.
    This year there are 50 families on the list. This includes children such as six-year-old Jenny who is homeless with her mother and infant brother. Last year she received a flower girl dress from a donor, and she was able to wear it in a parade. This was the highlight of her life.
 Ava is the only child of a single mother who live in a tent made of garbage bags and cardboard. Her mother sweeps street to make a little bit of money for food.
    The list is available at Fred Makowecki says that for every child on the list there are three more watching over the fence. As much as they strive to fill the list, also needed are some funds to cover shipping. Formula is always a welcome gift
    “Every small box costs us about $35-$40 to ship to Florida where it is taken by boat to the project. To save lives formula is always welcome. If you want to through a can along with your shipment that would just rock our world,” said Makowecki.
For more information, contact Makowecki at 403-823-8082.

Integrated Traffic Unit launch Operation Impact over holiday weekend

    The Alberta Integrated Traffic Unit will be out in force over the Thanksgiving holiday with Operation Impact.
    Operation Impact runs from October 7 to October 10, over this long weekend. Integrated RCMP and Sheriff Traffic Units along with their road safety partners will be stationed at key locations to remind people that good decisions surrounding safe driving habits such as proper use of occupant restraints, obeying the new distracted driving law, speed limits, intersection laws and responsible alcohol use can save lives and reduce injuries on provincial roadways.
    The Officer In Charge, RCMP, K Division Traffic Services, Superintendent Gary Brine and Alberta Sheriff’s Superintendent Rick Gardner jointly announced the province’s road safety strategies for the month of October. 
    “I expect our provincial traffic officers will be very busy this October in promoting traffic safety by enforcing such traffic laws as proper use of occupant restraints and the new distracted driving law,” said Brine. “In addition, our officers and road safety partners will participate in Operation Impact, a national traffic safety operation targeting driving behavior that endangers other road users. Once again Albertans will be on the roadways travelling to celebrate Thanksgiving Day with friends and loved ones. It is hoped their efforts during “Operation Impact” will lead to a safe and enjoyable long weekend for motorists.” 
    Before heading out onto the roadways, motorists are being asked to consider the following:
•    In Alberta mandatory occupant restraint compliance is the law. Buckle seatbelts and ensure youngsters are properly restrained in the appropriate child restraint; as per height & weight.
•    Refrain from aggressive driving, speeding, following too closely or running lights or stop signs.
•    September 1, 2011, saw the Distracted Driving law come into force. Obey the law, be attentive to your driving and arrive safe.
•    Safe and sober driving is everyone’s responsibility. Never get behind the wheel after drinking or using drugs.    

Electricity runs through veins of Drumheller family

    Providing reliable and safe power to Alberta residents has become a tradition for one Drumheller family.
     Roger Ouellette put in 42 years of service in Drumheller for the electricity utility before he retired. His son Kevin Ouellette has been a serviceman for ATCO Electric for 29 years and a third generation, headed by Brett Ouellette, is a part of ATCO Electric as a lineman in Stettler with three years of  service.
    The youngest of the bunch, Brett Ouellette, is proving that he has the stuff to make it in the industry.
    Every year SaskPower sponsors a “Lineman Rodeo.” The event was in June in Saskatoon. Competitors from the four Western Provinces compete each year testing their ability on the job skill and proficiency. They come and compete in six categories, with events such as the Obstacle Pole Climb and Cross Arm Change.
     Brett came home from the competition with an armful of trophies. He was first place in the Apprentice category.


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