News | DrumhellerMail - Page #741
Last updateThu, 03 Oct 2024 12pm

Starland assess fish habitat


Starland County is looking at some of its water bodies and how to make them healthier.
Manager of Municipal Services Glen Riep was joined by Dominique Primeau and Craig Copeland of Alberta Environment and Parks at the November 10 Starland County council meeting to discuss the state of the fish habitat in the McLaren and Michichi Dams.
Water quality testing was done in both habitats to determine the viability of trout in the reservoirs. He says there is not a single solution to better the health of the

water bodies to support the fish stocks. He also notes it seems there is lots of food in the water, that maybe prevents fish from biting. There is also fish wintering over in the Michichi, but there are areas that could improve the habitat.
“There are some things we can look into in as far as establishing a better habitat for the fish in there, but also there are some major things that would have to go into that, so it is something we are investigating,” Reip tells the Mail.
They have identified issues such as water quality as well as bird predation not allowing the fish stocks to take hold.
He says Alberta Environment is proposing a couple of ideas that could help, including double stocking the water bodies, or possibly stocking with bigger fish.
‘We have issues with predators affecting the fish populations as well, so we are looking at a larger fish which they can’t prey on, so there are different things we are looking at doing,” he said. ‘That was part of the assessment of the waterbodies, to figure out if it is water quality, if is the habitat itself, if there are any influences from the agriculture that could cause a change in the water quality. So they did a fairly in-depth kind of study. It will help them as well as the county if we want to incorporate some initiatives.
There are some ways to protect water bodies from the influence of agriculture.
“The nitrates that come off agricultural land, you can’t stop all of it. That is one of the things we are looking at is the vegetation and maybe some setbacks with just grass as a buffer zone that acts as a natural filter,” he said.
“We are also looking for funding too,” said Reip. “Budgets are being cut everywhere, so finding money is not as easy as it was 10 years ago, but we certainly want to do what we can.”

Red Deer Mayor urges residents to stand up for local ambulance dispatch


On January 12, the Alberta Health Services is planning to centralize ambulance dispatch, however, some municipalities are hoping the government will intervene.
Last week the City of Red Deer placed an ad in The Drumheller Mail urging residents to write the premier to keep emergency ambulance dispatch local.
Currently, ambulance and fire dispatch in Drumheller is handled through Red Deer. With these changes, fire dispatch would still be handled through Red Deer, but EMS would be dispatched through Calgary.
Mayor of Red Deer, Tara Veer says they have been disputing the changes since they were put on notice in August of last year.
“We are concerned because the consolidating of dispatch means the end of integrated emergency dispatch and will have life and death consequences for the people of our region,” she said.
One of her concerns is the potential lag time if an ambulance cannot respond and an emergency first responder, such as a fire department, needs to be dispatched.
“Our concern right now is we have an integrated emergency response system where many times an ambulance isn’t available because of capacity issues with ambulance. Because we have integrated dispatch, we can often send a medical first responder unit through a fire truck to make sure someone in a life and death situation can at least get some emergency care while waiting for an ambulance to transfer them,” she explains. “With siloing of dispatch and all ambulance calls now being proposed to be routed through the south centre in Calgary, means the local knowledge and geography will be lost, but above all the fire medics won’t necessarily be aware an emergency call has come in because that call will only be routed through the ambulance and therefore not be able to respond in a timely manner.”

She said many communities that have been part of consolidation in the past saw issues in service.
“There are many mayors throughout Alberta who have gone on public record saying there has been a degradation of service. That the super centre call answer times are longer on a 911 call than the local regional centres, and they do not always recognize to bounce the call back to call in fire,” she said. “The Minister of Health has indicated protocols could be put in place for that, but the lived experience of other communities indicate AHS does not recognize to do that and is of deep concern for the health and safety of every Albertan.”
According to the AHS website, there will not be any service changes.
“Nothing will change with respect to the process for dispatching Fire/Rescue or Medical First Response (MFR). The instant Computer Assisted Dispatch (CAD) to CAD interface with the four municipalities currently used to request Fire/Rescue or MFR response will remain in place. The CAD to CAD interface model was implemented in 2011 and has performed with minimal interruption. The interfaces successfully manage tens of thousands requests annually for medical first response,” state the website.
Reeve of Starland County Steve Wannstrom says with anything new he has concerns about the transition and says they don’t know all the fine details. He is more concerned about making sure there are enough ambulances in the area to efficiently respond to emergency calls.
Veer says those concerned can contact the Premier.
“We are strongly urging citizens to write to the Premier. The Minister of Health has indicated he will not be overturning AHS,” she said.
“We have appealed, on behalf of the regions served, to the Premier and asked him to overturn AHS.”
For more information, she directs residents to go to

Poppy campaign enjoys banner year

GaryBoucher LegionPresident1

The Drumheller Legion is grateful for the support of the community for not forgetting the veterans during this year’s Poppy Drive.
The annual Poppy Drive precedes Remembrance Day and supports the Poppy Fund. This fund supports veterans and their families and all the funds are used locally. While this year, the Remembrance Day ceremony was much smaller than usual due to COVID-19, there were also concerns that the Poppy Fund would also suffer. Legion President Gary Boucher tells the Mail this is not the case.
“It was outstanding this year. I am so proud of this town,” said Boucher. “This was our best year.”
He said the donation boxes at local businesses did well, but there were also members of the community who stepped up to the plate.
“We had a lot of donations come in this year where people directly donated to the Poppy Fund, some were anonymous and just wanted to make a donation,” said Boucher.
He says he doesn’t have the final figure yet because they are still making deposits, but he figures they are ahead of last year by a few thousand dollars.
“I am very proud to be the president of the Legion in this town. People have really stepped up for us,” said Boucher. “This is for veterans and their families, and this year, with all that is going on (Covid-19), we are out there for our members.”
Along with veterans and their families, they help to support the sea cadets.
“As a Legion, it is our responsibility to help out the cadet corps. They haven’t been able to do any raffles or anything, so the Poppy Fund helps them,” said Boucher.
COVID-19 continues to pose a challenge to the local Legion. While they were able to open the club room, new restrictions have made it a little bit harder.
“With the cancellation of pool, darts and cribbage, income was really helping us, as well as Capture the President and the meat draws,” he said. “We weren’t getting them, and most of our members being older and living in the manors, they are not going to come out. This way we will still have a half-decent bank account when we reopen and keep the Legion viable.”


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