News | DrumhellerMail - Page #2189
Last updateMon, 30 Sep 2024 4pm

Trustees weigh in on gay-straight alliances




David Price, Chair - Golden Hills School Division Board

    After a contentious week in the legislature, the government has pulled back on its legislation regarding gay-straight alliances in schools.
    And while politicians continue to hammer away at policy, most school divisions are focused on making sure all students feel safe in their schools.
     The first movement towards legislation began in April of this year when Liberal MLA Kent Hehr introduced a motion urging school boards to develop policy to support students who wished to form such organizations. It was defeated, however, during these sessions, MLA Laurie Blakeman introduced Bill 202, a private Members Bill,  on November 20.
    A week later Premier Jim Prentice introduced Bill 10, and while there were attempts to amend the legislation, it was panned and by the end of last week the bill was postponed.
    Golden Hills School Division Board Chair David Price said the board had some discussion around the time that Ms. Blakeman introduced Bill 202.    
    “We haven’t had a meeting since Bill 10 came forward, so we haven’t discussed that,” said Price. “From our perspective,  we are committed to providing  safe and caring schools and it is from that angle we are looking at what is coming forward.”
    He does have some concerns over the roles of school divisions when discussing the issue.
    “The thing that needs to be kept in mind from a provincial versus local perspective is that each of our schools have a different mixture of students and we need to be able to respond to those students’ needs on that basis,” he said. “The board is a little bit sensitive to legislation that kind of takes away from that opportunity to prioritize based on the local students’ needs.”
    He says that in Golden Hills, he sees no reason that a group of students interested could not form such a school club. He is not aware of any gay-straight alliances in Golden Hills at present.      
    Christ the Redeemer School Division Trustee for Drumheller Mark Chung says the School Division acknowledges it is a controversial topic, and says that Prentice’s move to put the bill on hold was the right move. He feels writing it into the legislation is the wrong way to do it, and sees these groups could be exclusive rather than inclusive.
    “A Social Justice group would be more inclusive to any kids who are feeling bullied at school,” said Chung. “There are lots of bullying issues, so why not have a group that deals with everything?”
    He says the School Board is in the process of formulating policy on such clubs.
    Ed Brinkman, chair of Prairie land Regional School Division, says they have not had any official discussions about the proposed bills, and sees no real concerns.
    “We think we can care for the needs of our students,” he said, adding that if a group of students came forward wishing to have a gay-straight alliance, they would be able to do so.
    “We hope we could accommodate whatever club the students needed,” he said.

Consumers welcome gas price drop




Gas prices in Drumheller have dropped to 96.9 cents per litre as of December 9, 2014.

    Volatile energy prices can be a blessing and a curse in Alberta, but for drivers it is a welcome respite from the prices at the pumps.
    On Monday oil prices closed below the $65 per barrel mark, continuing a slide from an average of over $100 per barrel for most of 2014. While it took some time for the drop to be reflected in gas prices, last week the price per litre at the pump in Drumheller fell under $1.
 Across Alberta, the lowest price comes in at 81.4 cents per litre. In Drumheller, the price ranges between 94.9 and 98.9 cents per litre.
    Dharminder Nigah, manager of Shell says he is seeing customers in a better mood.
    ”They are happy, they are always happier when they see the gas price lower,” said Nigah.
    He says the lower gas prices help his bottom line and he finds that customers are more apt to maybe spend a little more at the convenience store, rather than just filling their tank.
    “Lower gas prices are always good for business and it is also good for the community too,” he said.
    Gord Van Kannel of Drumheller Co-op says the drop in price is welcome news at this time of year. While many are looking to possibly travel over the holidays, the drop is welcome.


Consumers get a pre-Christmas price break when filling up with gas.

    “Merry Christmas!” he chuckles.  “When it drops under that dollar mark, people really take notice.”
    He says many customers are expressing some relief from the prices.
    “Any time gas goes up there is certainly cause to be heard about the increase in the prices, but when it goes down it is all good,” he said. “I’m a consumer as well, so we enjoy those savings just as much as anyone else, and it is an opportune time.”
    While there is a price break for gas, diesel vehicle owners are not seeing that same savings, with the price sill in the $1.20-1.28 range per litre.
    “The biggest impact we are hearing is the supply issue,  and right now the supply on the gasoline side is high and the supply on the diesel side is low,” said Van Kannel.
    He says typically he does not see a change in people’s consumption patterns with the rise and fall of gas prices, but as the technology in cars improves, becoming more fuel efficient, the consumer also wins on that front.
    “The one thing in this day and age - a lot of vehicles are quite efficient on fuel,” said Van Kannel.
    He says they don’t particularly see an increase in consumer spending at the point of sale, the savings may show up in other places.
    “At this time of year, consumers might take those dollars saved and then it might go towards Christmas purchases,” he said.

Drumheller’s Fire Department thanks chief for service


Members of the Drumheller Fire Department surprised Chief Bill Bachynski on December 1, with a small reception to mark his retirement.

    A new era in the Drumheller Fire Department came this week as Chief Bachynski officially retired from his post and Chief Bruce Wade began his term.
    On Monday morning, December 1, members of the Drumheller Fire Department along with Mayor Terry Yemen surprised Bachynski at the Fire Hall to help send him off into his retirement.
    Chief Wade presented Bachynski with his mug, the same one that Chief Bud Hansen presented when Bachynski started his career 41 years ago.
    Wade thanked Bachynski for his leadership, which saw the department grow from 15 members and three trucks, to 50 members and three halls.
    Mayor Yemen echoed the sentiments.
    “Thank you very much for all your dedication and all you have done for the people of Drumheller, you have made this certainly a better and safer place to live,” said Yemen.
    A special message also came in from the 911 Communications Center wishing Bachynski all the best in his retirement
Firefighter Bob Boyce, on behalf of the Drumheller Fire Association presented Chief Bachynski with a plaque.  
    Bachynski was humble in accepting the mementoes.
    “Without you guys, I would not have been able to do the job. To each and every one of you thank you very much, and I hope that you can give Bruce the same attention, dedication and devotion you gave to me,” said Bachynski.


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