News | DrumhellerMail - Page #2145
Last updateThu, 03 Oct 2024 12pm

Newell County Reeve to run for PC nomination




 Molly Douglass, running for PC nomination in Strathmore-Brooks.


    Molly Douglass, Newell County Reeve, has declared she will be seeking the Progressive Conservative nomination in the Strathmore -Brooks riding.
    Last week The Mail reported that former Canadian Taxpayer Federation director Derek Fildebrandt would be seeking the nomination from the Wildrose Party.  The Mail has learned that Douglass, has decided to run for the PC nomination.
    “I have some support from family and friends and people I work with,” she tells The Mail, adding her experience in politics will help her.
    “I am still the Reeve of the County of Newell and I am in my 11th year. I enjoyed that world and I think these are important jobs. I understand municipal roles and provincial roles being involved, so I thought I can contribute.”
    While MLA for Strathmore -Brooks Jason Hale has not yet declared whether he will be letting his name stand, Douglass is the first to challenge the nomination.
    The riding of Strathmore-Brooks has seen a shift in party politics over the last couple of months. President for the Strathmore-Brooks PC Constituency Association, Karen Bartsch, says they have not yet opened nominations, but they are looking at the process being underway mid February. She says the high profile entry of Fildebrandt doesn’t affect their process.
    “I personally think it would be difficult for him to truly represent the constituents of our riding when he knows nothing about our concerns or issues - which is an MLA’s job first and foremost,” she said.
    Douglass said she is taking the process one step at a time.
    “I can only control what I decide to do, I’m taking it a step at a time because it is a process,” she said. “The nomination is first and then whoever is running for the other parties. It sounds like someone is already announced for the Wildrose Party. Things change rapidly it appears.”
    Douglass says voters will have their work cut out for them.
    “It has been an emotional time for a lot of people because of the floor crossing and how that will turn into come election time no one knows for sure,” she said.     

Warrant issued to Reptile World


The Alberta Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals  (SPCA) has issued a warrant to the ownership the Reptile World, and is in control of the building for the next three days.
     Roland Lines communications manager for the Alberta SPCA confirmed with The Mail that a search warrant was issued and investigators are on scene today at the private zoo.    
    “Alberta SPCA peace officers are in attendance to address animal welfare concerns at the zoo,” said Lines.  “ Our investigation is about the animals. For something like this, we are required to have a search warrant for our investigations that would give us the three day access.”
The animals have not been seized, but the Alberta SPCA does have that authority.
    “ The Animal Protection Act give us the authority to remove animals from a property if our officers believe the owner is either unable or unwilling to give them the care they require,” Lines explains.
He said the search warrant also allows the Alberta SPCA to bring other individuals onto the premise to assist.
“Obviously this situation is complicated by the fact this zoo specializes in reptiles, which have very particular needs. So we have two specialist veterinarians onsite with us to help assess the medical condition and appropriate treatment of each animal,” said Lines.
Dave Bethel, owner of Reptile World, confirms the officers are on site. The Mail observed three marked vehicles as well as an RCMP cruiser at the property Wednesday morning. He says while the officers have the authority to seize animals, they cannot seize the property.
    “Basically we are shut down,” said Bethel. “ We’ve been here 26 years and they haven’t given me a chance to defend myself, they haven’t told me what the charges are, so it is just a nightmare.”
Bethel says the SPCA has asked them to hand over the animals and the building or at the end of three days the collection will be seized.
Lines said he could not speculate what would happen when the authority of the search warrant expires.

Groundhog predictions


February 2 is when four legged prognosticators steal the spotlight as wishes are made for an early spring. Sam Drumheller, Travel Drumheller’s new mascot certainly turned a few heads on Monday when he emerged from his winter hiding place, and The Mail was there. Lucky for residents he wasn’t scared back into his lair by his shadow, signaling an early spring. He was greeted by Chris Curtis of Travel Drumheller and the Krush family visiting the valley. While Sam’s outlook was positive, Sunshine Suzie and Hillview Harold (below) made their annual appearance at their respective lodges but both saw their shadow and scurried back home. Barb Clow, left, managed to meet Hillview Harold and Carol Coffyne, right spent some quality time with Sunshine Suzie.

barb-and-hillview-harold             carol--and-suzie


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