News | DrumhellerMail - Page #3316
Last updateFri, 18 Oct 2024 11am

Chinookers hang their support at Davidson's door



Most neighbours figured Newcastle’s Bob Davidson had simply hung his laundry out to dry, when in fact he was the first victim, er… supporter to be struck by a group of merry pranksters, known as the Chinookers Relay For Life Team. He came home on Tuesday afternoon to find his home decorated with supportive undergarments. He immediately hit the street going door-to-door trying to match up the bras with neighbours hoping to find the culprit(s). Coming home, he found a letter explaining the phenomena (and saving him from explaining to wife Vicky why women’s underwear was all over the house). The Chinookers told him they would ‘graciously’ remove the decorations for a donation of $20, and send them to another deserving victim for a small fee of $10. For the price of $50, he learned he could send the decorations to the person of his choice, and have an insurance policy to see them never return to his doorstep. The display of support made its way to Joyce and Rick Bell’s home in Greentree, and then returned to Newcastle to adorn Irv and Corrine Gerling’s home.

Earth Day clean-up volunteer finds cash

    Many took to the streets, parks and trails on Earth Day, Thursday, April 22, blessed with glorious sunshine, picking up garbage and some even finding treasures.
    Trish Parker, with inmates from the Drumheller Institution Inside Out program, found a $10 bill at the very beginning of her day, while clearing out garbage on Badlands trails by the Tyrrell, while Michelle Olson found a treasure box, part of a worldwide game called Geocaching.
    Judging by the amount of volunteers who took part in the Earth Day Drumheller Valley Trash Challenge and the garbage each brought to the Heartwood Inn & Spa on Earth Day, Drumheller residents were happy to take up the challenge to clear the town of garbage.
    The Earth Day clean-up this year was a collaborative effort between businesses, launched by The Royal Tyrrell Museum and sponsored by the museum, EnCana, The Drumheller Dragons, Barcomp, Communities In Bloom, Century 21, the Drumheller Institution Inside Out program, the Heartwood Inn & Spa, Canalta, L.P.R Concrete, and the Town of Drumheller.    
    “It was an excellent day, we had lots of people helping us out and more local businesses than expected wanting to take part,” said Mike Dooley, from the Tyrrell Museum, who organized the challenge.
    Thanks to the efforts of all the volunteers who took part, Drumheller is now rid of a whole dumpster full of garbage, collected during just one day.    
    Aside from the usual garbage found, many complained about areas littered with cigarette butts.
    Mike Dooley said, as well as abandoned tires found in the museum overflow parking lot, cigarette butts were a big problem.
    Heather Bitz was picking up rubbish on Earth Day morning around the Rotary Spray Park ground and told The Mail cigarette butts were the biggest problem there. 
    Another  resident reported the same around the benches near the Public Library which was littered with butts even though an ashtray was located near the benches.
    As well as getting the reward of knowing they made a difference in their community, Earth Day clean-up volunteers were treated to pop, beef filled buns and Luigi Vescarelli’s classic Caesar salad, all courtesy of Encana, at the wrap up BBQ hosted by the Heartwood Inn, who had also set up their new dinosaurs crazy golf for the younger Earth Day clean-up volunteers to have fun with.

Man receives probation for possession of stolen property, assaults

    A young man whose move to Drumheller was designed to help him get on the straight and narrow, is now on probation after being sentenced on a number of charges including assault, possession of stolen property and mischief.
    Andrew Edwards, 29, was in provincial court in Drumheller on Friday, April 23 for sentencing. He pleaded guilty to possession of stolen property, possession of drugs, assault with a weapon, assault, mischief and a number of breaches on an earlier date.
    Edwards was picked up on September 29, 2009. RCMP in Drumheller were alerted to a stolen Audi from Calgary in town. They placed surveillance on the car, and Edwards and a number of other individuals were observed in the car.
    The car was pulled over and the occupants arrested. Upon searching Edwards, police discovered seven tabs of oxycontin and a stolen iPod. When asked if he had any other stolen property in his possession, he admitted to having car stereos at his residence. When police searched they found a number of stolen items. According to an earlier police release, many of these items were from a rash of thefts from vehicles in the Midland area, and have since been returned to their owners.
    Edwards was arrested again following an incident on October 12 of last year. Edwards was at home with an acquaintance when he insisted the two smoke a joint in the garage. The guest refused, and when a youth known to Edwards approached the house, Edwards told the youth to grab the guest. The guest was punched and kicked and received stitches as a result of the attack. Edwards admitted to kicking the victim.
    Edwards was also sentenced for allegations arising on January 19, when police were again alerted to his activities. His former girlfriend alleges on January 14 he threw a cell phone at her and struck her. On January 18, his girlfriend also alleges she observed Edwards drinking and using illegal drugs, constituting a breach of his release conditions. The two went for a walk and Edwards broke two windows at The Salvation Army Church. When they returned to the home he assaulted his girlfriend again. She fled the home and obtained shelter with a friend before calling the police.
    When the police came to arrest Edwards, he showed resistance to the officers. He has remained in custody since the arrest.
     The court heard that Edwards had had difficulties all his life, and was living in a group home by age 12. His father takes care of his financial matters and about a year and half ago purchased a home in Drumheller for his son to reside to remove him from some of the negative influences in Calgary. A pre-sentence report said Edwards was a moderate risk to reoffend, but the risk increases with his use of alcohol and street drugs.
    The Crown was satisfied the three month of pre-trial custody (giving credit for six months) filled the punitive goals of sentencing. The Crown expressed concern of recidivism of the offender if he continues to reside in Drumheller without daily support, and without access to some of the resources that would help him. He suggested a conditional sentence order rather than probation. That way, if there was a breach, Edwards could be taken into custody to serve his sentence, rather than being charged with a breach of probation.
    Judge Shriar, in sentencing recognized that many consider Edwards not welcome in the community, but could not dictate where Edwards lived. He was given two years probation. For the first year he is to abide by curfew from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. and is barred from having company at his residence between those hours. He is also to have no contact with a number of named individuals, and is to complete 200 hours of community service or structured activity.


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