News | DrumhellerMail - Page #772
Last updateSun, 06 Oct 2024 1pm

Evans military service spans three decades

RonEvans militaryphoto

After more than three decades in the forces, Ron Evans has literally served in all branches of the military, and looking back it afforded him a career to be proud of.

Evans’ father was a member of the air force, and Evans was born in Germany. When he was five years old the family moved to Edmonton. Growing up in the military, he saw some of the other ‘Base Brats’ showing interest in following in the footsteps while others steered away from the lifestyle. For Evans in high school, he joined the Loyal Edmonton Regiment as a reserve.

“I was only there for a little over a year, but in that time I saw all the different trades and all the things that were available in the regular force and it really piqued my interest,” said Evans, adding while it seems cliché, travelling interested him.

In 1988, when he was 19, he joined the regular forces.

He did his basic training in Cornwallis, Nova Scotia, his French language training in St. Jeans, Quebec, and did his trades training in Borden, Ontario. He joined as an admin clerk, however as his career progressed he became more engaged in finances.

“To me, basic training took a boy and turned me into a young man,” he said. “it was hard and challenging and there were a lot of days I wanted to quit.”

“I remember us leaving on Greyhound style busses and we are driving through the gates, finished with basic training. You had a couple of busloads of people who thought they could concur the world. That is how much confidence we had.”

His first posting was in the air force and he lived in Cold Lake in the barracks for two and a half years. His role included record keeping of maintenance. This was in the days of typewriters.

His next posting was in Halifax where he served on three ships in six years, including the HMCS Fraser, HCMS Montreal, and the HMCS Athabasca.

On the Montréal was his first major deployment in 1995. They sailed to the Adriatic Sea for naval support during the Bosnia conflict.

“We were part of the NATO fleet, and part of the operation was out at sea. We never engaged, but we were there in a monitoring capacity,” he said.

This was a six-month tour, and then he was stationed on the HCMS Athabasca.

“All three of these ships I worked in personnel and administration and any shipboard duties that were required. One of the sayings they have that applies is ‘sailor first, tradesman second,’” he said.

In 1997 he was posted back home to Edmonton in an army posting. Being a part of a support trade, it allowed him to easily transition to any military environment. It was in Edmonton where he began to work more in finance. His second major deployment was part of the UN force to the Golan Heights, and then back to Bosnia with the army.

In 2002, he was posted to Colorado Springs in Colorado. This is a NORAD installation, and home of the famous Santa Tracker. This is where he met his wife, who coincidentally is the daughter of a retired member of the Canadian Air Force.

He was then posted at Esquimalt for seven years and served 2 and a half years on the HMCS Algonquin. This was sailing the west coast, including a few trips to Hawaii. His final tour was part of Op Caribbe, which was part of the Canadian contribution to the war against drugs. He said this operation was along the west of Panama where the ship did exercises and patrolled for drug runners.

He finished his career at Kingston with the army. From there he transferred into the federal public service, working for the Department of National Defence. He worked there for a year and a half before he began working for the federal public service here in Drumheller.

Looking back on his career he said it exceeded the expectations he had as a 19-year-old joining up.

“I did what the military asked me to do and went to places it asked me to go to, but I was afforded many opportunities to try different things,” he said. “These are things that are pretty much available to anybody. The military gave me a very good life, and here in my civilian life I am all trained.”

He feels the military is a great choice for young people to get involved with.

“If younger people are looking for careers, based on my experience, I would encourage them to look at organizations such as the Canadian Forces, our police forces, corrections, border services, coast guard, they are all great organizations. I chose the road I did and it worked out well, I am still young and I have a career behind me and I am having fun.”

Brown honours military grandparents

Brown military grandparents

If you look closely next time you pick up your mail, you will notice two antique photographs behind the counter. These two survived the First World War and made a home in Drumheller.
The two are husband and wife, Fitzwilliam Hill and Annie Olive Hill. They are Mike Brown’s grandparents.
Brown tells the Mail how his grandfather Fitzwilliam was born in England but homesteaded near Hanna. He was one of eight children, and all seven brothers served in the military at some point in their lives. When the First World War broke out, he enlisted. It wasn’t as easy as going to the local office and signing up. He walked to Stettler to join up.
“My grandfather signed up for the Canadian military and went overseas to fight,” Brown tells the Mail.
He served as a stretcher-bearer and served in the horrific trenches of World War I. When soldiers were wounded, they had to wait for the stretcher-bearers and hope they would find them. It was a treacherous job.
“He served in the trenches and faced mustard gas they thought he was dead on a couple of occasions,” said Brown.
During his time in the military, tragedy struck at home as his first wife passed away.
Fitzwilliam was wounded while serving. He was shot through both feet.
While recovering in England, he met an English nurse in the hospital, and the two were married.
Eventually, they made their way back to Canada and then Drumheller.
“After the war, when they moved back he worked all over the place. He worked in every province in Canada, and then he settled in Drumheller,” said Brown.
Brown has fond memories of his grandparents, especially his grandmother’s cooking.
‘She was a good cook, those nurses didn’t just tend to the wounded, they did a bit everything,” he said.
He also remembers the scars on his grandfather’s feet and his stories. He has a photo of his grandfather at 70 walking on stilts.
Fitzwilliam and Annie Olive are both buried at the Drumheller cemetery.
Brown feels it is important to honour the memory of his grandfather and all that served for Canada. He recently discovered these photos and felt it was important to display them.

Carbon Mayor served country in Canadian Forces

Copy of peever

Carbon Mayor Bryan Peever served his country for more than 35 years in the Canadian Forces and has served his community in the capacity of both Deputy Mayor and Mayor since he was elected to council in 2017.
His career in the military started at the age of 18.
“I grew up in a small town in Northern Ontario, population about 50,” Mayor Peever told the Mail. “My options in the late 70s were mining or forestry. Being a young lad, I packed my bags and thought the military might be fun. The rest is history.”
After enrollment, he was sent for basic training in Cornwallis, Nova Scotia followed by a posting to Kingston, Ontario for his trades training.
During his military career, Mayor Peever was posted in communities across Canada including several bases in Ontario, Inuvik in the Northwest Territories, and he even spent time in Comox and Haida Gwaii on the west coast of British Columbia.
“I always said when I got out of the military I would get involved,” he said. “In the military you’re not allowed to get involved in communities; you can’t run for council and, as a rule, I never voted in community, council, or municipal elections because I was never going to be there long enough.”
Although he never got involved with local politics, Mayor Peever noted he always voted in federal elections.
The majority of his military career was spent during the Cold War with Russia, though Mayor Peever never served overseas.
“When the Afghan War started (in 2001), I was a Warrant Officer at Kingston at the regiment,” Mayor Peever said. He noted there were many at the same rank lining up for deployment and, later on in the war the availability of positions overseas for his rank were “slim” and there were “people lined up for years.”
His last post, prior to his retirement, was at the National Defense Headquarters in Ottawa as Chief Warrant Officer where he oversaw more than 1,000 individuals.
Now retired from the military, Mayor Peever settled in the quiet village in the valley. Most residents in Carbon are unaware of Mayor Peever’s service to his country; he says, “I’m not one to wave my flag.”
In 2017 he ran for a seat on council and was elected as Deputy Mayor.
Since then, he has moved to the role of Mayor during an organizational meeting, and he now oversees a council of five and some 500 residents. He says the leadership skills instilled from his time in the military have benefited him daily, both as a member of council and in dealing with people.
Mayor Peever was the first in his family to join the military, though he is not the last. His daughter followed in her father’s footsteps and served for a total of five years.


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