News | DrumhellerMail - Page #3393
Last updateFri, 18 Oct 2024 11am

Poppy Campaign out in full force



In Canada, the poppy is a universal symbol of remembrance of those who served and gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. We wear a poppy leading up to Remembrance Day. Boxes have been distributed to dozens of local businesses and institutions leading up to November 11 ceremonies. The funds raised through the sale of poppies support veterans and their families making sure they are cared for with the respect they deserve. On Tuesday, November 3, Mayor Bryce Nimmo, centre received a poppy from Legion President Dave Watkin, while legionnaires Jim Fleming and Frank Fraser look on. The Drumheller Mail will have a full schedule of Remembrance Day ceremonies throughout the area in its next edition.

Community Futures explores health training project without PBI


    While PBI has decided it will not make the former Drumheller Hospital part of its new home, the potential of the site is still being looked at.
    The Drumheller Mail reported in its October 28 edition that PBI has decided at this time not to move any of its operations to Drumheller. As Jordan Webber, business manager for Community Futures Big Country explains, looking for a future for the facility is a Community Futures born initiative.
    “This has been a Drumheller initiative, where PBI was invited to be an educational partner,” said Webber.
    He says Community Futures has been working on what it calls the Health Training Project in Drumheller for eight to 10 months. According to a release, the goal of the project is to attract and retain young professionals to the community by merging health training with specialized medical service delivery to produce a sustainable facility in the area.
    He says the project has remained relatively low key as not to disrupt the decision of the board of PBI while it was making its decision.
    “The more Drumheller pushed the higher the temperature was in Three Hills,” said Webber.
    While they have lost one of their potential partners, the spirit to press on has remained. He says they have a strong relationship with the ownership of the facility as well as partners in the medical and post secondary fields.
    He says they have made presentations on their project to a number of surrounding municipalities.   
    “There are other educational partners we are looking at as well,” Webber said. “We approached Prairie because they were the obvious choice due to their close proximity. Since they have declined we’ll look at others. From our perspective we haven’t decided what route we’ll go next.”
    While the project has remained low key he says it is important to acknowledge that the project continues.
    “We approached businesses and community organizations for letters of support and had a great response from that. Of those people, we need to let them know that definitely the partners have changed; Prairie is doing what is best for them in their eyes, but as far as our project goes, we still have big plans,” he said.
    He adds they have a grant application to the Rural Community Adaptation Program for its assessment.
    Community Futures has scheduled a public meeting on Monday November 30 at the Audio Visual Room at the Drumheller Civic Centre at 7 p.m. to present the project and to receive public input.
    For more on the project, see Some of the documents describing the proposal play will be available at locales including the Drumheller Chamber of Commerce, the Big Country Community Futures office and the Town of Drumheller. For more information contact Webber at 403-823-7703, extension 2.

Flu shot clinics scheduled for Saturday



Update: On Wednesday, November 4, Alberta Health Services announced flu clinics for The Central Alberta Region. There will be an H1N1 vaccination clinic at the Stampede Barn on Saturday, November 7 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The clinic will only be for children between the ages of six months and five years, as of November 1, and pregnant women.

There are also clinics for children between six months and five years of age, and pregnant women in Hanna on Thursday, November 5 at the Hanna Community Centre from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and in Three Hills at the Priairie Bible Institute on Friday, November 6 from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m.

As of Wednesday, November 4, according to the Alberta Health Services web site there are no flu clinics scheduled in Drumheller. On October 31 Alberta Health Services accounced it would be suspending Alberta flu clinics, both for the seasonal flu shots and the H1N1 vaccines. On Tuesday, November 3 it was announced clinics would resume this week targeting spcicially children between six months, and under five years of age, and then pregnant women. So far ther are no clinics scheduled in Drumheller.

The following is the most recent press release from Alberta Health Services.

Targeted immunization of children, pregnant women to begin later this week

November 3, 2009

Due to the unexpected national shortage of the H1N1 vaccine, Alberta Health Services and Alberta Health and Wellness today announced plans to begin targeted immunization of Albertans at high risk.

Starting on Thursday, Alberta Health Services (AHS) will begin targeting children aged six months (on day of vaccination) to under five years as of November 1st.  Proof of age (Health Care card, birth certificate or other valid identification) must be provided.

On Friday, November 6, AHS will expand the program to include pregnant women.

At this time, the vaccine will not be available to other Albertans. When more vaccine becomes available from the manufacturer, the targeted immunization program will be further expanded to include people under 65 with chronic health conditions. Details will be announced as more information becomes available on the vaccine supply.

All Albertans who want to be immunized will have that opportunity when increased supply of the vaccine arrives from the manufacturer.

To ensure vaccine can be provided to high risk groups, no exceptions can be allowed. This is a provincewide roll-out. Everyone is asked to go the AHS website for detailed information on clinic times and locations. One new clinic will be added in both Calgary (Stampede Grandstand) and Edmonton (Commonwealth Stadium); each of which will open on Thursday, November 5. This will bring to six the total number of clinics in each city.
"I want to re-emphasize that the plan we are rolling out is targeting those in high risk groups that are vulnerable to serious medical complications related to H1N1," said Dr. Andre Corriveau, Alberta's Chief Medical Office of Health. "When clinics resume on Thursday, I urge parents who have children aged six months to under five years as of November 1st to be immunized. On Friday, pregnant women will be added to the program. I ask all Albertans to be patient as we deal with the vaccine supply shortage and remind all Albertans there will be enough vaccine for everyone who needs or wants it."

For the most current information on the targeted vaccination campaign, including dates, clinic locations and groups being vaccinated, go to:


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