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Last updateSun, 06 Oct 2024 1pm

Dan Hird shares story of military career

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    A Drumheller man found love and a career in the Airforce, and his motivation was because it was a tough life being a pipefitter.
    Dan Hird had a long career with the Air Force, and it all started when he was in Penhold working as a steamfitter working outside in the cold.
    “I was only 17 but I could get into the base and get a drink with the guys. The Air Force guys were telling me what a good life it was, and I was working in 40 below weather,” he recalls. “That’s the life for me! My dad signed the papers to get in. I never looked back.”
    Dan Hird Joined the Air Force in 1957, he joined up in Calgary, did his training at St. Jean Quebec. By 1958 he was in Edmonton. He was an aero engine tech.
    It was there he found love with another member of the Airforce.
    Freda, originally from Victoria joined in 1958 in Calgary. She did her training and was in Edmonton when Dan was serving.
    She was a medical assistant. The two met and fell in love. In 1960 they were married. Dan also learned she was to be transferred.
  “She got out because they transferred her overseas, and they wouldn’t transfer me with her,” explains Dan.
     In 1967 the family was in Trenton when he was deployed to el-Arish in Egypt during the Six-Day War. There he was part of a UN mission and the planes he worked would do recognizance.
    Freda went to her mother’s home in Victoria with their three children while he was away. While she was worried, Dan’s mother was even more so.
    “It was hilarious. His mother phoned Trenton and said ‘my son is over there,’ and they said ‘he’s fine, we would let you know if something happened,’” she recalls. “I said to her ‘I think they would let me know first!’”
Dan said he was eventually able to call from Lebanon after he was taken out of Egypt.
    “The Israelites gave us 24 hours to get out of there. I was on the last airplane leaving and they were bombing the runway,” he said.
    He was supposed to be gone for six months, but he was home in two. They hoped they would be transferred to BC, but they remained in Trenton.
 From 1968 to 1971 he was stationed in Germany with his family.
“It was good for our kids,” said Freda.
     Dan said whenever they got the chance when they were deployed, they would take them to see as much as they could when the opportunity presented itself.
    “The teachers said don’t worry about their schooling, because they’re going to learn more about history. So we travelled around to Austria and all over the place.”
    He retired from Greenwood Nova Scotia, it was not long after he started his career at the Drumheller Institution.
    “I enjoyed every minute of it, the Air Force was really good for me,” said Dan.

Big Valley Legion volunteers share parallel military careers

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    The military is a career choice that can take young men and women down myriad paths. For two Big Valley men, each took parallel paths, one in the Navy and one in the Air Force.
     Lorne Parkin and Bob Boswell are both heavily involved in their community as volunteers, including the  Big Valley Legion. Boswell Joined up with the Navy in January of 1959. Parkin joined the Air Force in September of the same year.
    “I was allergic to grain dust for one thing,” laughs Parkin, who grew up in Kitscoty when asked why he joined. “I saw a CF100 flying down the Vermillion River, and he pulled it straight up over the bridge. I was about 14 or 15 and I knew where I was going right from that day. I stuck to it in high school and joined up.”
    He was almost 18 when he joined. His parents had to sign a waiver. He first trained in St. Jean in Quebec and then did his trade at Camp Borden in Ontario. That is where he trained on airframe.
    Boswell, originally from Nova Scotia, did his basic training at Cornwallis and he joined as an apprentice.
    “I had an uncle in the Navy and I really looked up to him,” said Boswell.
    He was a Marine Engineer and his responsibility was ship propulsion, power generation, and maintenance. He started his career on the East Coast in Halifax. He served some time in Ottawa and then spent the remainder of his career on the West Coast.
    Parkin’s career took him overseas on NATO tours. He was in France from 1964 to 1976 and Germany from 1983 to 1986.
 “We basically did the same jobs as we did in Canada. But you would always train for the worst… we basically trained for nuclear war,” said Parkin.
     Boswell remembers being issued a respirator and outfit when you would join a ship to protect themselves from a nuclear environment.
    Boswell’s career took home all over the world on the high seas. He sailed all around South America, Europe, and Asia.
    “We would train with other navies so if something did happen, we were prepared,” said Boswell.
    The closest he came to engagement was at the height of the Cold War, his ship sailed to support the US during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
    “We were there to do what needs to be done. To an engineer, it was just another day. I had to get up and keep the fire burning in the boiler and keep the steam up,” he said.
    Parkin said the closest he came to wartime conditions was while in Comox, where they supported the search and rescue.
    “Whenever you had a search, you go all out, and aircraft hours didn’t matter,” he said.
    Something that changed over his career was the diminishing size of the military.
    “We had the third biggest Air Force after WW2, people don’t realize that. The wartime build-up was a lot bigger than most realize,” Parkin said.
    Boswell agrees and said he saw the Navy shrink over his career. He said they had 400 ships in 1945. When he joined in 1959, there were 60. When he left in 1991, there were 25 vessels.
    They also agree the Canadian Military was one of the best trained.
    “I believe we had the best pilots,” said Parkin, adding they would often top US pilots at training competitions. Boswell agrees.
    “We don’t have the best equipment, but we are really good at what we do,” said Boswell.
 Both wholeheartedly loved their careers.
    “I’d do it all again in a heartbeat,” said Parkin.
    Boswell hasn’t been on the water since he retired.
    “I was very fortunate, I enjoyed life on the sea,” said Boswell.
    Today, they consider their work at the Legion as paying back for the veterans that came before them.

Standard, Hussar, Gleichen schools to be demolished

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 The final chapter in the creation of the New Wheatland Crossing School is the disposal of the former schools it replaced.
    Last week demolition began at Standard school. Superintendent of Golden Hills School Division Bevan Daverne explains this was the plan from the beginning.
    “That land is in the process of being handed back over to the Village of Standard,” he said. “Our agreement with them is we would remove the building. That sort of saves them from the liability of that property and the actual land goes back to their ownership.
    He explains as part of Wheatland Crossing School funding, the division had funding to deal with the buildings. That way there would not be vacant buildings left in the communities that were unusable. They will be demolishing the former schools in Standard, Hussar, and Gleichen.
     “These are large buildings and very expensive to maintain, and there is a lot of liability associated with them if you do have to take them down,” said Daverne.
He said they worked with communities to see what would work best.
    “In the case of Rockyford, they elected to keep the building, so we transferred ownership of that building to them, in the case of the other three schools we worked with Wheatland County and the Village of Standard and the local administration in Hussar. We worked with them to establish what they wanted to see happen, what would be best for the community,” he said.
    Daverne said after they are complete at Standard School they will be moving on to do work at the Hussar school site and the former Central Bow Valley School in Gleichen.

Photo Courtesty Kelly Reeves


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