News | DrumhellerMail - Page #249
Last updateMon, 30 Sep 2024 4pm

Trophies for trophies

Big Game 2022 Stephanie Briggs President Jim Pask Nik Briggs Austin Mertz Braden Burrows Robert Sinclair Trevor Burrows Kerra Daem

On Saturday, February 11, the Drumheller and District Fish and Game Association held its 34th Annual Wild Game Dinner and Awards night at the East Coulee Community Hall.
The tantalizing meal was prepared by Karin Miller; the menu for the sold-out crowd's dinner consisted of spaghetti and moose meatballs, antelope curry, whitetail rouladen, moose meatballs in barbecue sauce, mule deer stroganoff, baked ling cod, moose roast and garlic frying sausage with sauerkraut and perogies, as well as some tamer dishes such as roasted pork loin, roast beef and roast turkey with stuffing.
Other dishes included Caesar salad, roast potatoes and a scrumptious roast vegetable platter that made you hungry just to look at it with its bright orange carrots, purple beets, red peppers and cherry tomatoes surrounded by asparagus.
After the hearty meal, if you still had room, there was a delicious cheesecake and chocolate brownie ala mode selection for dessert.
Club President Stephanie Briggs started the evening off with cheque presentations-$250 to The Salvation Army Drumheller Food Bank, $500 to STARS, $500 to Badlands Search and Rescue, $500 to the Heart to Heart Association, and $250 to Zone 2 Alberta Fish and Game Association.
It was also announced they would be sending two youth members to the Cenalta Youth Conservation Academy this summer to upgrade their outdoor survival skills.
The announcements for the award winners were next; the Association met in the summer of 2021 in an outdoor setting to hand out award winner trophies for 2020, but still had two years worth to do.
Fish and bird winners for 2021 are: Biggest Rainbow Trout was taken by Levi Thacker with a length of 19-3/8 inches; Levi was also the winner of the Vaughn Gleiser Best Junior Angler Trophy for his catch; the E.D. McDonald trophy for Biggest Canada Goose, with a weight of 12 lbs 6 oz was won by Rod Dyck.
Winners in the big game categories for 2021-Valley Sporting Goods Trophy for Biggest Archery Mule Deer, with a score of 169-4/8 inches, went to Robert Sinclair; the Eddie Keats Memorial Trophy for Biggest Typical Mule Deer was won by Dean Dwernychuk with a score of 160 inches; the Steve Zacharuk Memorial Trophy for Pronghorn Antelope with a score of 71-4/8 inches was Craig Stanger; the Ned O’Connor-Browne Memorial Trophy for Biggest Typical White-tailed Deer was taken by Kelsey Chambers with a score of 140-5/8 inches; the Biggest Alpine Animal Award was won by Austin Mertz with an Archery Black Bear measuring 18 inches.
Awards are open to members only, however, the association likes to recognize First Time Successful Big Game Hunters with a congratulatory plaque, and is open to anyone in the general public. There were four winners for 2021-Emily Mertz, Issac Molzhan, Jonathon Thomas and Allison Lowen.
The final award for 2021 was the Club's most prestigious award, the Bob Hannah President’s Choice Award for the Best All Around Volunteer of the Year. It is decided solely by the President.
As the President was about to announce the winner she was interrupted and, to her surprise, it was announced the recipient had not felt worthy of the award since the club had been in COVID lock down and unable to do much for activities.
The recipient contacted other Executive members and asked the President's decision be overturned for the first time in the history of the award.
An emotional presentation was then made naming Club President Stephanie Briggs as the winner, and calling it the People’s Choice Award for 2021.
Next up was the presentation of Awards for the 2022 winners in each category.
Winners in the fish and bird categories were-Biggest Northern Pike was caught by Cate Briggs with a length of 28-1/4 inches; Cate was also the winner of the Vaughn Gleiser Best Junior Angler Trophy for her pike; Biggest Bull Trout was taken by Nik Briggs with a length of 14-5/8 inches; the Rosedale Concrete Works Annual Trophy for the Biggest Pheasant was won by Dean Dwernychuk with a tail length of 20-3/4 inches.
The Big Game winners of 2022 were Jim Pask, the Tower Trophies Biggest Moose Award with a score of 71-4/8 inches; Nik Briggs, the Steve Zacharuk Memorial Award for biggest pronghorn antelope with a score of 72 inches; Biggest Alpine Animal had two winners, Austin Mertz for his archery elk which scored 201-4/8 inches, and Braden Burrows for his black bear scoring 19-/8 inches; Robert Sinclair, the Perry Berlando Memorial Award for non-typical mule deer scoring 178-5/8 inches; Trevor Burrows, the Ned O’Connor-Browne Award for biggest white-tailed deer with a score of 134-4/8 inches; and Kerra Daem, the Eddie Keats Memorial Award for best typical mule deer with a score of 140-6/8 inches.
First Time Successful Big Game Hunters plaques for 2022 were given out to Kyle McCormick, Amanda, Brooke, and Katie Hanik, three successful sisters who all took their first big game animals in 2022.

Male charged for break and enter in Delburne

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Three Hills RCMP have charged a man in relation to a series of break and enters in Delburne.
On Wednesday, February 15 at approximately 12:08 a.m., a male suspect broke into the Delburne Municipal Library and stole various electronics and other items believed to be worth $7,850.
On the same day, the male suspect broke into a detached shed at a residence in Delburne and stole tools.
At approximately 3:52 a.m. on Monday, February 20, the male suspect broke into a detached garage at a residence in Delburne and stole a bicycle. Police located the bicycle at a residence in Delburne and were able to recover it and return it to the owner.
On Sunday, February 26 the Delburne Gospel Church was broken into and various electronics were stolen. Police continued their investigation and, on Tuesday, February 28 executed a search warrant at the same residence where the stolen bicycle had been located.
Police located an item belonging to the Delburne Municipal Library and a projector belonging to the Delburne Gospel Church. Police also located clothing worn by the suspect during the break and enters.
Gerald Tonner, 45, of Delburne has been charged with three counts of break, enter and commit theft; three counts of fail to comply with an undertaking; possession of ammunition contrary to a prohibition order.
Arrest warrants have been issued for Tonner.
Three Hills RCMP encourage the public to report any criminal or suspicious activity. If you see a crime in progress, dial 911.
Three Hills RCMP remains fully committed in building safer communities by working in partnership with our community as well as through investigative and enforcement efforts to achieve this goal.

Hanna coach enters Alberta Football Hall of Fame

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Cam McKeage, superintendent of Prairie Land Public School Divison, has been named a Life Member/Hall of Fame inductee to Football Alberta.
The awards will be formally presented at halftime during the annual Senior Bowl High School All-Star Game in Lacombe on Monday, May 22, 2023. The Life Membership/ Hall of Fame Awards are based on long-time excellent service to the game in Alberta.
McKeage’s dedication to football at JC Charyk School and the community of Hanna has been ongoing for almost three decades. According to a bio outlining the award in 1995 as a young teacher in Hanna at J.C. Charyk High School, McKeage went to his administration about starting a football team in their school. 28 years later that young teacher has grown into a member of the school administration in Hanna but also has been the only head coach the Hanna Hawks have ever known.
During his tenure, the team started out as a 12-a-side team and within two years, Cam had the Hawks in Provincials and by 1999 they made the Provincial Final at the Tier IV level. In 2012, with smaller enrollments, Cam shifted the team to the 6-a-side level and has had competitive teams ever since including winning the Provincial Title at that level in both 2018 and 2019 and finishing as finalists in 2021 and 2022.
With some help from the pandemic, the Hawks were undefeated for over 1000 days between August 2018 and November 2021.
Cam’s efforts have also been fruitful off-field as Hanna now sports an artificial turf stadium complete with 6-a-side markings. A leader in the game for decades, Cam McKeage is an excellent addition to the Football Alberta Hall of Fame.


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