News | DrumhellerMail - Page #1578
Last updateThu, 03 Oct 2024 12pm

St. Magloire’s goes to membership for viability

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    St. Magloire’s is taking a close look at its future as a congregation.

    The church is holding a special meeting on Sunday, January 15 after its service to talk about the viability of the church.
    Deb Bolduc, the incumbent warden at St. Magloire’s says they are facing tough times without many active members of the church coming to celebrate.
    “We are only getting 8-10 people coming to church and there is no life in our church,” she said. “You need bodies in the pews, and you need life and singing. It’s tough when you are singing and all you hear is your own voice.”
    The church has a proud history in the valley. Originally formed in Munson in 1911, the church moved to Drumheller the following year and constructed a new church.  The first official records of the church began on January 12, 1913, and the first recorded congregation had 16 in attendance.
    The church was officially dedicated on August 15, 1915.
In 1918, the church served as a hospital when the Spanish Flu hit Drumheller.
    In the 1950s, the current church was built with Bishop George Calvert laying the cornerstone on May 25, 1955.
    The strength of this community today appears to be waning. Bolduc says the church still has about 60 members on its books, but they don’t have a large enough congregation for a regular pastor, although one comes monthly. This makes it tougher to organize for funerals or hospital visits.
    “We don’t have many young people. Anglican is an older religion, most of our parishioners are older, and no one is coming to replace them,” she said. ”I don’t know if they’re too busy or if more people are cynical about religions, I don’t know.”
    “We’ve been struggling for three years, and we just don’t know what to do any more, we want to see what kind of interest there is out there.”
    She said a strong church community offers support for its members and the community.
    “It has to do with having a community to fall back on if need be. So we are there if there is someone in the community that needs help. Right now we can't even do our Shrove Tuesday,” she said.
    Sunday service is at 10:30 a.m., the meeting will follow.

Renowned NHL Player Agent proposes major scholarship program for Drumheller

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    Ritch Winter, described as the NHL’s first player agent superstar, came home to Drumheller on Monday to address the Rotary Club. He represents many National Hockey League players including Calgary Flames captain Mark Giordano and Marian Hossa of the Chicago Black Hawks.
    He spoke of our children achieving dreams – setting goals, then achieving those goals. “The idea is to inspire and encourage children to believe in themselves. It’s been found that grades increase 8 – 10 per cent.”
    With this in mind Winter, approached Rotary to develop what would be the largest annual scholarship program in the history of Drumheller. It would focus on students who may be struggling with their grades and work with them to establish goals. Often, these students will turn out to be community leaders, all because they achieved the goals they set in school.
    Winter grew up in Drumheller adding: “You don’t realize how valuable it is that you are living in Drumheller. Here, people care. This is something not often seen in large cities.”
    In his youth Winter, was the star catcher for the Drumheller Hopewells, the only area Sandlot  team (Little League) to win the Alberta championship. Following his presentation he took the opportunity to renew friendships with his coaches and managers of the club. Pictured holding the photo of the 1970 team are Nick Sereda, Bernie Wade,  Ritch Winter and Jim Fisher.

Starland CAO to retire in spring


    After almost 30 years, a name that has become synonymous with Starland County and steady guidance, Ross Rawlusyk, has decided to retire.
    Rawlusyk has been at the helm of Starland County as CAO since the late 1980s and after nearly three decades, he laughs and says he is finally going to take a summer off.   
    “Tentatively I said the end of April, I would finish, but depending on the how the replacement process goes, I would work for a while after that if they need it,” he said.
    Rawlusyk grew up in the Hanna area, and studied Commerce and Geography at the University of Calgary. He then took a specialized community planning program at Mount Royal College. He worked in Calgary for about a year, when he was invited home to work at the just forming Palliser Regional Planning Commission.
    “Sam Dookie, who was the mayor of Hanna was working with Bill Doyle. At the time, Drumheller’s planning was with the Calgary region, as was Starland, and Special Areas was with Hanna, and all of their planning services were coming out of Edmonton. Neither were happy with the level of service they were getting, so they petitioned the province to form a new planning commission,” Rawlusyk explains. “He knew I had taken planning and he phoned and asked me if I wanted a job.”
    “For sure I was the first employee at Palliser, I might have been the first warm body in the office!”
    It was a good fit, especially because so many planners at the time were from larger centres, Rawlusyk knew rural. This was in 1978, and he worked there for about nine years, when he learned the CAO position was opening in Starland.
    “The Reeve of the County was on the Palliser board, and he said ‘you should apply,’” recalls Rawlusyk of the beginning of his new career.
    Looking back, Rawlusyk guided the county through various councils and reeves, as well as provincial governments. When he started, Don Getty was premier, and then Ralph Klein in 1992.
    “When Ralph came in, I think I had just figured out how all the budget stuff worked, and at the time, the County had almost no reserves at all. Ralph did the cuts, and the one I remember was the Municipal Assistance Grant, it went from $620,000 down to $6,000. That was a 20 per cent chunk out of our budget, and by the time we found out it was the end of March when they do their budget, so we were about one-third through the year. It was a tough year - we had to let people go.”
    There were also good years and many accomplishments. When he began at the county it was in charge of secondary highways, and he managed to work with his council to make great progress in paving, including the Verdant Valley Road.
    “The councillors, myself and Stan Schumacher lobbied extensively until we finally got it redone,” he said.
    They were also able to improve Highway 839 from Highway 21 to Rumsey, and took on the realignment of 851 through Delia to the Hand Hills.
    “We had to do cost sharing and use our own construction crew. It was always a trial to get these things done,” he said.
With Rawlusyk, the County also made great improvements to recreation facilities. They built Michichi Dam, the McLaren Dam and expanded and rebuilt Starland Recreational Area.
    Like most communities, water was always a concern.
    “I spent the best 10 years of my life building regional water. We have gone from no water in places like Delia, to nearly 400 kilometers of water pipelines right now… that took a while,” he said.
    Under his leadership, the County took a lead on Solar and alternative energy. It outfitted its offices with solar power, as well as many of its water pump stations. It also helped local farmers install on-farm solar. For its efforts, the County was presented with the Municipal Award of Excellence for Innovation.
    He credits having strong councils for the County’s successes.
    Looking forward beyond a summer off, Rawlusyk, who has been candid about his bout with prostate cancer, wants to give back.
    He is planning to do a six-month volunteer stint with Cross Cancer Institute in Edmonton, where he was treated. He is looking at helping with new patient orientation.
    He also knows with his daughter’s wedding coming up, and impending home renovations, he won’t be sitting idle.
    “I thought I would get the first year lined out,” he chuckles.


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