News | DrumhellerMail - Page #1389
Last updateMon, 30 Sep 2024 4pm

Renewed optimism for energy industry

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    While it appears there is some good news coming from the Alberta energy industry, it still might take a while for this to catch up in Drumheller.
    This week the Petroleum Services Association of Canada (PSAC) released its 2018 drilling forecast and it expects 7,900 rig leases to be drilled in Canada for 2018. It also amended its 2017 predictions, forecasting a total 7,550 wells.
    The small uptick in activity we realized in Q1 of 2017 has carried on through the year. Budgets set with initial optimism for a gradual climb in prices by year-end continue with their plans as drilling and completion efficiencies improve. “Due to pressure to stay low, costs for services continue to be suppressed affording better margins for producers,” said PSAC president Mark Salked.
    In Alberta, this forecast predicts 3,998 wells to be drilled in Alberta, the largest of any province.
    While it is good news and
tops the number of wells drilled annually over the last three years, it is still 30 per cent lower than the number drilled in 2014.
     Brad Peake has been involved in the oil and gas industry locally for many years. He is encouraged by the uptick, but until prices improve more, he doesn’t expect much exploration in the local area. In fact, he divested in some of his gas interests as it was actually trading at negative prices.
    “Anything south of Edmonton and west of the fourth meridian and east of the fifth meridian is pretty much done. Unless you are down in Brooks and Tilley, and maybe some stuff in Taber,” said Peake.
    Despite this, any uptick is beneficial, as many in the community are used to working in the industry away from home. Already he is seeing work pick up in other communities, and labour is following. Last week it was reported that Alberta added 12,000 full-time jobs.
    “It is good news for the province overall,” he said. “There are things heating up in the province, just not here."

Bancroft shares story of great-grandfather’s wartime Valour

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    A Delia man went on an emotional journey last spring when he visited the grave of his great-grandfather who was awarded the Victoria Cross for Valour in World War 1.
     The Mail brought readers the story of the DVSS students who travelled to Vimy last spring to celebrate the centennial of that nation-defining battle.  On the trip, members of the Bertsch family visited the grave of John George Pattison, to which whom they are related.
     Robert Bancroft told The Mail he was there too, just days before, and in fact, Pattison was his great-grandfather, one of only four to receive the Victoria Cross at Vimy.
    “It still kind of brings tears to my eyes,” said Bancroft of the experience in Vimy. “I have never cried so much for someone I never met. It was a great honour.”
    Bancroft tells The Mail the story of Pattison. Originally, it was not him, but his grandfather John Henry Pattison who joined up in Calgary. The problem was he was only 15 years old.

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    “They were getting ready to send him to Europe, and my great-grandfather (John George) found out about it and said, ‘if he is going, so am I,’” said Bancroft.
    “They never said anything to the enlisters until they got to England, and then they informed him that he was 15 and was held back.”
    John George, however, continued on his tour in the military and went to Vimy as a member of the 50th Infantry Battalion. This is where he became a war hero.
    On April 10, 1917, in the area called Hill 145, he was part of an advancement of Canadian troops that was held up by damaging machine gun fire. According to his citation:
“For most conspicuous bravery in attack.
    When the advance of our troops was held up by an enemy machine gun, which was inflicting severe casualties, Pte. Pattison, with utter disregard of his own safety, sprang forward and, jumping from shell-hole to shell-hole, reached cover within 30 yards of the enemy gun.
    From this point, in face of heavy fire, he hurled bombs, killing and wounding some of the crew, then rushed forward, overcoming and bayonetting the surviving five gunners.
    His valour and initiative undoubtedly saved the situation and made possible the further advance to the objective.”
    He survived the attack, but seven weeks later he became a casualty of war. On June 3, he was killed in an attack on a German-held Generating Station near Lens, France.
    “What happened there, and I got this from my cousin in Toronto, John George was covering a retreating action, with two other soldiers. He was covering that to allow the rest of the battalion to escape. He held the position and was wounded and died. It was actually the Germans who buried him on the spot.”
    He was later interred in the Chaudière Military Cemetery.
He was awarded the medal posthumously. The Pattison Bridge in Calgary is named after him as well as a Mountain in Jasper National Park.
    Bancroft tells The Mail that his medal is currently in the Glenbow Museum collection. His uncle spent many years trying to get the medal back for the family.
    Bancroft explains that it was tradition that the first-born son was to receive the medals when awarded posthumously, however it went to Pattison’s widow.
    He does have a number of documents and items from his great-grandfather he is planning to donate to the Military Museums in Calgary.

Drumheller marks Remembrance Day

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The Pioneer Singers provide music for the Remembrance Day Service at the Badlands Community Facility November 11.


Lynn Hemming and Liam McDougald did a presentation of their experience last spring travelling to France to mark the centennial of the Battle of Vimy Ridge.

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Members of the Drumheller Girl Guides recite In Flanders Fields.
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Silver Cross Mother Mrs. Mary Zacharuk places a wreath at the Cenotaph.

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Drumheller Sea Cadets stand guard at the Cenotaph.


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