News | DrumhellerMail - Page #46
Last updateThu, 03 Oct 2024 12pm

Standard’s Village Shop might see new home


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There is talk amongst council members abour moving the Village Shop, which was burglarized for over $20,000 worth of tools back in February.

At the Wednesday, April 10, Regular Village Council Meeting, Standard’s Mayor, Martin Gauthier, and Chief Administrative Officer, Yvette April, discussed moving the shop and using the existing building for storage. There are six heated bays available in a larger and more secure location.

“We have a huge old fire hall here that is basically being used for storage. To me, it made more sense to move everything down here and have it all in one building. Then we use the Village Shop for signs, pylons and barricades,” states Gauthier. “This will put Maintenance and Operations under one building.”

Not a lot has to be done financially to make the move. Water will have to be blown from the lines and the gas turned off, and with the shop only being used for storage, monthly power bills will be much lower. As for the new location, a 220 AMP Breaker will need to be installed to run the compressors and other power tools. The cost of which is estimated to be a few hundred dollars.

“It’ll just be a matter of setting it up and moving everything over,” states April about how much work needs to take place.

All council members were in agreement with the idea, making it that people would be less likely to break in again. A quote for the cost of electrical work will have to be presented to Council for them to make a motion on that, but they do not have to make a motion to approve the move, as it falls under Operations.


Large turnout at Public Hearing in opposition of Kneehill landfill

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A full house of residents opposed to a proposed landfill came out at the Public Hearing in Kneehill County on Tuesday, April 23, meeting to voice their concerns.
Waste Connection of Canada (WCC) is proposing a Class 2 Integrated Waste Management Facility (IWMF) in Kneehill County and has applied for a Redesignation of Lands. If Council passes Land Use Bylaw 1895 and 1896, amending Bylaw 1808 to Direct Control (DC) land district, portions of lands classified as Agricultural District, and Local Rural Commercial District, will be classified as DC District.
Kneehill County and IWMF received backlash from residents because most of them received notice of the proposed landfill first, through a third party, then days later a letter came in the mail informing them of the Redesignation of Lands and the Public Hearing. They banded together to spread the word to everyone they could in the County, advising them all to write letters to Council in opposition of the project, who received over 450 of them.
Kneehill County’s Manager of Planning and Development, Barb Hazelton, explained the Redesignation of Lands process, how the County goes about notifying the public and what the project is all about.
“When we receive an application, as Administration, we are required to draft a Bylaw, a process legislated in the Municipal Government Act, we take that Bylaw to Council for first reading and to set the public hearing. We notify adjacent landowners within one mile of the proposed development. Our number one way that we notify our residents is through the Capital (Three Hills newspaper) and the website (
Planning Consultant, Kristi Beunder, from Township Planning and Design Inc., was joined by Dan Rochette, from WCC, to speak to the public and address their concerns.
“WCC is committed to undertaking safe and environmentally responsible operating practices. Our intention with DC is to provide Council and county stakeholders a level of assurance and comfort that this land use is appropriate here,” states Beunder.
Many of the residents main concerns about having a landfill in their community is that there will be unwelcome noise, traffic, smell and the air quality will diminish. There will likely be an increase in coyotes, skunks and seagulls, with the seagulls potentially spreading Avian Flu to livestock in the area There are concerns about groundwater contamination, the long term effects the landfill will have on residents overall health and that neighbouring landowners property values will be negatively affected.
One of many of those in attendance was Meagan Metzger, a resident who owns and operates a campground right downstream, and within eyesight, from the proposed project.
“We have a recreational place for people to fish, camp and enjoy nature. We are very concerned about the smell that will be travelling, and we are very concerned about the seagulls as well,” expressed Metzger. “It is affecting my business already because I have had some people (seasonal campers) write to me saying that if this landfill is to come, they will probably pull out of the campground.”
As for what happens next, Council will have to decide, most likely through a recorded vote, whether or not to pass the Bylaw.
“Once this Public Hearing is adjourned, we as members of council, will no longer be receiving information on this matter until after we have made this decision,” explains Reeve of Kneehill County, Ken King. “We are going to take some time so the redesignation will be coming back to Council at our first council meeting in May, which will be May 14.”

MP Damien Kurek reacts to federal budget

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There weren't many surprises in the Federal Budget announced last week for MP for Battle River-Crowfoot Damien Kurek, because everything had already been said.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland delivered the budget on Tuesday, April 16. The Budget focused on building affordable homes, reducing the cost of living and growing the economy.
“All of the details, at least the big selling points were kind of announced across the country in the couple of weeks preceding its release,” he said.
He adds the budget was overshadowed by many other things going on in the capital including the controversy around the ArriveCan app, and the contractor behind the program being admonished by the House of Commons.
"It is almost like it got lost in the mix. From the perspective of the official opposition, it was an interesting place to be because we looked at the budget, listened to the speech, and saw some concerns with it. We sort of knew what some of the themes were before, but then it seemed the government was not focused on, or not willing to spend much time focusing on their budget in the midst of everything else," said Kurek.
One concern always from the CPC is debt.
“The debt-serving cost we knew would be large, and I think it was proven to be so,” he said.
Another aspect of the budget they were focused on was the Canada Disability benefit.
“It was long lauded as something essential and actually saw cross-partisan support, but when the details were announced, it ended up being significantly less than expected. Hearing from some of the pundits and even former Finance Minister Bill Morneau and former NDP Leader Tom Mulcair, there seemed to be a unanimous chorus outside of the Liberal benches, that were saying this is not a good budget.”
He says there are many promises in the budget, but judging by the track record of the government there hasn't been much delivery. What has changed in the last couple of years is housing has become front and center.
“What was very interesting is there seemed to be both from the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minster, an acknowledgement that what they have been doing hasn’t helped and in some cases, has even exacerbated the problem. So now they are throwing money at it and trying to do a few different things, but it seems at this point, the tale will yet to be told if they have any success with that, but it seems like just making announcements saying you are going to do it after nine years, it seems they have lost the credibility to make the claims they can solve the problems.”


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