News | DrumhellerMail - Page #165
Last updateThu, 06 Mar 2025 11am

Pie for a good cause

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Drumheller and District Seniors Foundation (DDSF) held its annual pie auction on Friday, October 6, and one of the pies up for auction was not for eating, but for throwing in Drumheller Councillor and DDSF Board Chair Tom Zariski’s face. There were several varieties of other pies, all of which were donated by the community, ranging from staples like apple and pumpkin, to strawberry-rhubarb, peach, pecan, and even some specialties like blueberry, peanut butter, and flapper. Funds raised from the auction help support seniors activities at the Sunshine Lodge. The opportunity to pie Mr. Zariski sold for $200 and was purchased by the management of Sunshine Lodge. DDSF Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Glenda Youngberg (left) was given the pleasure of getting to pie Mr. Zariski with a face full of whipped cream.

Three Hills RCMP apprehend offender after lighting fire on rural property

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Three Hills RCMP have apprehended and charged a suspect from Sylvan Lake after responding to reports of a break and enter in progress over the Thanksgiving weekend.
On Sunday, October 8 at approximately 4:15 p.m., Three Hills RCMP responded to a break and enter in progress while the homeowner was home and hiding inside. Members arrived at the residence and observed suspects fleeing the area in a vehicle.
“I am proud of the responding members from the Three Hills Detachment,” stated Three Hills RCMP Detachment Commander Sergeant Jamie Day. “A lot of work went into catching this offender and I am thankful that no one was hurt during the incident.”
Three Hills RCMP located the vehicle and one male suspect after he lit a fire to a farm field to try and evade police. The male was arrested shortly after and identified by police.
Police confirmed the vehicle was stolen and officers located break and enter tools and stolen property inside the vehicle.
Joseph Vincent, 30, a resident of Sylvan Lake has been charged with Arson – Damage to Property, Break and Enter Residence, Possession of Break-in Instruments, Possession of property obtained by crime under $5,000, and Provincial Trespass.
Sgt. Day notes camera footage provided by the victims was instrumental in helping to link the individual to multiple incidents, and he acknowledged the assistance of the Southern Alberta District Crime Analyst for their assistance in providing intel critical to the investigation.
Following a Judicial Interim Release Hearing, Vincent was remanded into custody to appear in Alberta Court of Justice in Drumheller on Friday, October 13.

Safety in the kitchen theme of Fire Prevention Week October 8-14

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The Drumheller Fire Department is hosting an Open House this Saturday to mark Fire Prevention Week.
The theme of the 2023 Fire Prevention Week is, Only You Can Prevent Kitchen Fires.
Drumheller Fire Chief Derian Rosario tells the Mail that kitchen fires are by far the most common residential fires, and they are often the most preventable.
“Don’t leave your stove on and walk out of the kitchen. If you have to leave, turn the stove off,” he said. “If you do have a kitchen fire, don’t dump water on it. Putting a lid on it will probably snuff it out. Baking powder is a useful tool.”
He says if you have an extinguisher, don’t hesitate to use it. If you don’t have an extinguisher, it is important to get one that is an A-B-C fire extinguisher.
“It covers the gambit of a lot of home fires,” he said, noting that an extinguisher should be checked annually to make sure it is charged and in working order.
The Open House is on Saturday, October 14, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., the Fire Hall will be wide open for residents to tour.
Firefighters will be on hand to meet and learn more about the department. Its equipment will be laid out for residents to see the tools the department has at its disposal to keep the community safe. There will be hot dogs and cake as well as demonstrations.
Youngsters can enter for some great prizes, simply by completing the colouring contest that appeared in the October 4 edition of The Drumheller Mail and dropping it off at the Open House.
The Drumheller Fire Department has 41 volunteer firefighters who operate out of halls in downtown Drumheller, Rosedale and East Coulee.
This year, the department has responded to over 312 calls, surpassing last year’s record total.


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