News | DrumhellerMail - Page #656
Last updateThu, 03 Oct 2024 12pm

Premier focuses on rural vaccine hesitancy

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Alberta Premier Jason Kenney said the province is focusing on getting the population vaccinated, especially in rural areas where vaccine levels are lagging behind.
Kenney addressed the issue at a roundtable with Alberta Weekly Newspaper Association members, including The Drumheller Mail, on Friday, June 11.
“We do want to focus on rural because we are seeing significantly lower vaccine uptake in many parts of rural Alberta compared to metropolitan areas and cities,” said Kenney. “I think we see two things, one is vaccine hesitancy, which tends to be stronger among older rural folks, and they think maybe because they live more distant or are not in a crowded neighbourhood they are safer from COVID. Maybe some people have heard misinformation about the vaccine as well. The second challenge would be amongst younger men. I think every man just imagines they are completely immune to any kind of sickness. It is true that younger, healthy people are pretty much unaffected by COVID, but they need to understand if you are not vaccinated, you can still transmit it to other people.”
The roundtable came on Friday, two days before the province announced new incentives, including a $1million prize.
Alberta residents over the age of 18 who have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine can register to be entered in the draw for the $1-million prize.
“This lottery will help us cross that 70 per cent threshold so we can reopen and stay open. Albertans have already responded in such a big way to our vaccine program and we’ve been able to lift many health restrictions because of their efforts. We just need one final push so we can lift them all and get back to normal. If you’ve been waiting to book or you’ve been looking for a reason to get the shot, here it is,” said Kenney on Sunday.
As of Sunday, about 69 per cent of eligible Albertans have received their first vaccination. In Drumheller-Starland County, 63 per cent of the population over 12 have received their first dose. The lowest vaccine rate is among people aged between 12-19 (45.9 per cent) and ages 20-39 (48.4 per cent).
He stresses the importance of vaccines and helping people make an informed choice.
“My message to everybody is ‘if you got a loved one, a friend, someone you know who has been getting misinformation online or from the rumour mill about the vaccines, please intervene and give them the real hard verifiable scientific information about the vaccines because you could save their lives,’” he said.
Registration for the $1million prize will close one week after 70 per cent of eligible Albertans have received the first dose. The winner will be drawn when Stage 3 of Alberta’s Open for Summer Plan begins.
Details on how to register was announced on June 14.

Province enters Stage 2, announces vaccine lottery

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Alberta moved into Stage 2 of the Open for Summer plan on Thursday, June 10 as active case numbers and hospitalizations continue to trend downward; Stage 2 allows indoor fitness activities and indoor and outdoor dining to resume, and Albertans can gather outdoors with up to 20 people.
Once at least 70 per cent of Albertans have received their first dose of the vaccine, the two week wait for Stage 3 of reopening will be triggered; more than 3.3 million doses of the vaccine have been administered across the province as of Saturday, June 12.
“Thank you so much to the 68 per cent of Albertans who have gone out of their way to get at least their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Thanks to you we crushed the spring spike of COVID and we are starting to get our lives back to normal,” Alberta Premier Jason Kenney said in a video update on Saturday, June 12.
Premier Kenney gave the update from an empty Edmonton Expo Centre--one of the drop-in vaccine clinics throughout the province--and announced the province is opening a lottery for Albertans 18 and older who have received their first vaccine dose, with three $1 million prizes.
Alberta is not the only Canadian province combating vaccine hesitancy with a monetary incentive.
Vaccinated Manitobans will also be rewarded with nearly $2 million in prizes available to win. Several states, including California and North Carolina, are also offering residents incentives to get their vaccine.
As of Monday, June 14 the Town of Drumheller continues to have zero active cases of COVID-19, with 463 recovered cases-including 181 recovered cases at the Drumheller Institution. There are zero cases in Starland County, four active cases in Kneehill County, and five active cases in Wheatland County.

Outdoor Engineering Design Work to Resume on Flood Mitigation Project

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At the direction of the Town of Drumheller, outdoor engineering design work including surveying will resume immediately in Schumacher's Corner. The work is required to understand the project design requirements to better inform residents of the flood mitigation requirements. No construction or additional tree removal will be undertaken, however, some of the stumps may be removed to facilitate engineering work.

Work will include:

· A geotechnical investigation of the cleared area by Schumacher’s Corner.

· The drilling program will provide additional information for the detailed design of the berm at Schumacher’s Corner and reduce uncertainty related to construction activities, scheduling, and timing.

· The activities will include drilling of 2-3 boreholes in the vicinity of Schumacher’s Corner.

· No permanent installations will remain on-site.

· This work will take 1 day to complete.

· Work is being scheduled for July 6th, 2021.

· Line locates to support the drilling program will be completed in the area prior to drilling during the week of June 21st or June 27th, 2021.


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