News | DrumhellerMail - Page #3309
Last updateTue, 15 Oct 2024 12am

Hey Romeo returns for Dino Derby


    Hey Romeo, where ya playin?   
    The Drumheller Stampede and Ag Society has announced that Hey Romeo, the country music trio that includes Drumhellerite Rob Shapiro will be appearing at the Richard Cosgrave Badlands Dinosaur Derby. The Society has booked their Saturday night cabaret entertainment and is excited to have the band return to Drumheller. Last time they were in the valley to play was for Canada Day celebrations last year.
    About a year ago when they appeared, their remake of Fleetwood Mac’s Second Hand News was on the radio. Today they have a new single in heavy rotation. Searchin for You has broke the Canadian Top 20, and the band has a new album ready to drop on June 1.
    That’s What I Am will be on store shelves at leading music retailers such as Wal-Mart and HMV as well as iTunes.
    According to a release, Nashville songwriter Byron Hill, who has written scores of hit songs for everyone from Reba McEntire to George Straight, produced the album.
    That’s What I Am is a reflection of Hey Romeo’s commitment to their craft, whether it’s defining a great melody line, polishing a glistening chorus, or putting a new spin on a universal theme.
    “You’re supposed to get better with age, and I think that is exactly what we’ve done with That’s What I Am says singer Rob Shapiro, who was also named Keyboard Player of the Year by the CCMA in 2009. “Better songs and better singing from all of us. Byron’s intense approach to writing and his commitment to getting the best possible performances from everyone has paid off.”
    The album was recorded in Nashville and Saskatoon, That’s What I Am dishes out a perfect balance of vocalist Stacie Roper’s emotive and charged, yet sweet voice, alongside those of the testosterone driven pipes of her pals and partners Rob and Darren Gusnowsky. Those voices are painted onto material that one minute can take the listener on a deep personal ride, and the next provide the ultimate escape.
    The Dinosaur Derby is coming up fast. It is on Father’s Day weekend and features the top drivers of the WCPA Dodge Pro Tour on the aptly christened “Half Mile of Hell.”
    Along with the races, the Stampede and Ag Society has a full slate of events planned including the Hey Romeo’s performance on Saturday night. Downtown Drumheller and local businesses are also getting in on celebrating the chuckwagon races. Keep reading The Drumheller Mail and InSide Drumheller for more details.

Thrill of victory, agony of de-feet


    More than 50 men made the trek in high heels from Drumheller Co-op to Freson IGA, and along the way raised $17,000.
    The first Drumheller Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event on Wednesday, May 12, by all accounts was a success. A greater than expected turnout, combined with a large commitment from walkers and residents who donated to the cause, resulted in the event smashing its goals.
    “Walk a Mile is an international event that goes all over Canada, the US, and also Europe. We brought it here to Drumheller, never dreaming our community would respond so resoundingly,” said Marian Ewing, president of the Big Country Anti-Violence Association. “This is a serious subject, violence and sexual assault, and touches many hearts. Our community rallies against it.”
    Walkers were eager to hit the course, if only to take off the bright red four-inch heels at the finish line. Along with the shoes, some dressed up, some carried signs, some played the drums, and some marched in silence, wearing black shirts with red and white letters simply stating “I am man enough to walk a mile in her shoes.”
    At the end of the road, they were greeted with a barbecue and even the opportunity for a pedicure and foot massage. They also shared the camaraderie of fellow hikers. Despite stubbed toes, swollen ankles and blisters here and there, spirits were high.
    Half of the funds raised by the event will remain with the BCAVA to support transportation, emergency funding and assistance for those in need. The other half will go to support Communities Against Abuse, an organization based in Stettler that serves East Central Alberta. Incorporated in 1988, the organization runs preventive programs for parents, families and students. It also has a treatment service dealing with victims of abuse, both children and adults who were victimized as children, family members of victims and perpetrators of abuse.
    Judy Beebe, program director for the organization, says they have treated victims from the Drumheller area and will use the funds to continue its services.
    She told the crowd gathered at the end of the walk she was encouraged to see so many men participate.
    “I’ve always said until we really get some men on board with us, it’s just a bunch of women fighting the issue,” she said. “This shows me that we really have some men on board and that it’s not just a one gender issue, and that’s really important to me.”
    For Ewing, the walk sent a clear message.
    “Today we are helping a group of people who desperately need our compassion. On their behalf, I thank you sincerely. Your message is strong, ‘stop sexual violence and gender violence,’” said Ewing.   

Tenders released for community facility


    Tenders for the Badlands Community Facility have been released and in about a year and a half, Drumheller will have a community and wellness/ fitness centre to be proud of for generations.
    Mayor Bryce Nimmo told The Mail the tenders for the Badlands Community Facility were released on Friday, May 7. This means the project documents are available to interested contractors to formulate a bid on building the first stage of the facility.
    This includes the community centre, field house, fitness centre and library.
    “It is a good news story,” said Nimmo.   
    “We feel that by getting it out at this time we hope to benefit from what seems to be lower bidding happening in the province. Things have slowed down and people are looking for work, and the earlier in the year we release it, the better chance you have for more people bidding on it.”
    The tender packages are available to contractors at the Town of Drumheller office, and are listed on the Province’s Alberta Purchasing Connection (APC) web portal.
    Nimmo said architect Graham Edmonds Cartier has indicated a number of contractors have shown interest. While the documents were only made available to contractors on Friday, by Monday morning, Clark Builders out of Calgary is already listed as an interested contractor on the APC web site.
    Chair of the Badlands Community Association Tony Lacher is excited the tenders are out, and is confident the bids will be competitive.
    “We are finally out of the chute,” said Lacher. “What will tell the story is where the bid comes in, we are hoping to be down in our costing.”
    “We are hoping to get a lot of interest because that will really drive the pricing.”
    He said they hope to see progress on the site by next month. The fact that some of the groundwork was completed last fall, building up the site, will help speed up the project. Lacher also said soft work such as utility routing has already begun. They have a goal to have substantial completion by March of next year followed by a summer opening.
    He explains to qualify for one of the grants for which it has received approval, a substantial amount of the project needs to be completed within a 24 month window of the initial grant approval.
    The first phase of the project includes a field house with dividable gymnasium space that can accommodate everything from indoor soccer and lacrosse to basketball and volleyball. There will also be a fitness centre and studio, a running track, library and gallery space. There will also be ample space for a banquet room that can accommodate 500 people as well as meeting rooms.
    “This is the first part of our overhaul of the area which will include in the future, a second sheet of ice and a curling rink,” said Nimmo.
    The closing date for bids is June 1.


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