The musical dreams of a young Drumheller man are becoming a reality. Local hip-hop artist Jason McLean, also known by his stage name Sleezy, has released his first music video and will soon release his first album.
The musical dreams of a young Drumheller man are becoming a reality. Local hip-hop artist Jason McLean, also known by his stage name Sleezy, has released his first music video and will soon release his first album.
One of the Valley’s most iconic men is looking a little on the pale side these days.
On November 18, 2011 the Hutterian Brethren of Neu Muehl applied to the Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB) to construct and operate a new 60,000 poultry broiler operation located in Starland County.
The project has since been approved. Starland County had raised concerns, but those have been addressed.
“There wasn’t anything too concerning with the construction of this intensive agricultural operation. There was really only one big issue we found. Years ago we did a regional ground water assessment report. This report identified the area they are in has relatively shallow ground water,” said Ross Rawlusyk, Chief Administrative Officer for Starland County.
In this case, said Rawlusyk, the County suggested that some sort of a hydrogeological study be completed to ensure groundwater is protected from any possible contamination.
“It’s a matter of monitoring it in the future to make sure the groundwater is not adversely affected,” said Rawlusyk.
Another concern Starland had was the management plan to deal with the disposal of dead animals.
The disposal of dead animals is regulated directly by Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development’s Regulatory Services Branch, under the Destruction and Disposal of Dead Animals Regulation. The applicant was reminded that it is their responsibility to comply with all applicable legislation.
Since the application has been approved, the NRCB did in fact include the concerns raised by Starland County as considerations during the construction of the poultry barns.
The proposed completion date of the project is September of 2015.
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