News | DrumhellerMail - Page #1860
Last updateSun, 06 Oct 2024 1pm

Drumheller real estate prices weather storm



    While real estate sales were down in Drumheller in 2015, compared to 2014, it appears that prices are holding their own.
    The Realtor’s Association of South Central Alberta reported on the year that passed. In Drumheller, house prices actually rose 0.4% to $244,428.00 with 98 sales, compared to 124 sales in 2014, averaging $244,300. There are 59 houses on the market presently. Drumheller had 16 sales over $350,000 and 2 sales over $500,000.
    “I believe that the Drumheller residential real estate market is weathering the change in provincial and federal economics largely due to its diversity,” Drumheller’s Board of Director, Karen Bertamini. “The proof is in the stats for Drumheller’s house prices which actually rose in 2015 In part due to Drumheller’s numerous and diverse economic drivers, we are a stable community and it is a good time to buy.”
    Ian Cassels, realtor for Re/Max in Drumheller also believes that Drumheller is a vibrant community.
    “Drumheller doesn’t quite have the booms and the busts like other communities,” said Cassels. “We are kind of out of the way, and still a very vibrant community. We have the penitentiary, we have the museum and all the banks in town, and schools. We have a very good base.”
    He said that the market was pretty strong most of the year, however he noticed it slow down towards September.
    While it appears prices have remained strong, he says it has been more of buyer’s market in the lower priced inventory, such as starter homes.    
    “The upper-end houses are holding their own,” he said.

Home-Town Realty owner/ broker Kelly Boyko says there is still confidence it the market.
    “November and December were a little slow, but it’s picking up in January,” he said. “Overall last year it wasn’t too bad, and  hopefully this year is better.”
     Boyko says inventory is  little bit lower compared to most years. It is not uncommon to see in the area 100 houses on the market  at any given time.
    “There doesn’t seem to be as many buyers, but when you look at the big scheme of things, there isn’t as many listings as a lot of times. Usually when spring gets here there is usually a few more listings and more buyers.”
    Interest rates for mortgages are at all time lows, at present, so buying that first house or upgrading to something larger, is easier than ever. Figures quoted are averages of all properties sold, and the value of any homeowner’s property can be best evaluated by contacting an experienced, professional REALTOR from one of your local Real Estate offices.
    Bob Sheddy, local commercial specialist says while the valley, like much of the province is feeling pressure from the economic  downturn, But there are bright spots.
    “We are experiencing an inevitable slowdown in the industrial sector from the oilfield service companies. We are still seeing activity in the industrial park, however the reality is we have seen a number of service companies close their doors in the industrial park as a result of the low mid $30 oil prices,” he said. “Drumheller is not hit as hard as other communities that our brokerage services.”
    He adds, on a positive note, in 2015, we had an influx of Retail Businesses in the downtown core, and we continue to talk to new businesses interested in downtown.

DORVA and Nickelback lift spirits of family battling cancer


The Drumheller Off Road Vehicle Association (DORVA) takes care of its own, and they demonstrated it again, supporting a member family facing some difficult health issues.

    On Saturday night, January  9, the Association gathered for a club event. They presented a signed Nickelback guitar to the family of Sebastian D’ Anjou and Marie Josee La Montagne.
    From Carstairs, the family has been coming to Drumheller to ride at DORVA’s track since 2009. Marie Josee was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2014. After the first round of treatment, they thought she was in remission, however, they learned the cancer was hiding. They eventually went to the United States for surgery.   
    Still looking for answers, they connected with a clinic in Mexico. Some of the alternative treatments have not been approved in Canada.
    She just returned in November of last year. While she will be returning to a doctor in the next couple of weeks to learn her health status, she has been feeling healthy and is planning to participate in a 5k run come May. She also wants to be back on her motocross come next season.
    Throughout their journey, she says the support from family, friends and the club has not waned.
    Their health journey has taken a toll on the family, physically, emotionally and financially. At about this time last year, DORVA made a donation to the family to help with their medical expenses. The family has also set up a gofundme crowd funding page to support their journey.
    This year DORVA, to lift the spirits of the family, were able to secure a guitar, signed by the internationally famous band Nickelback.
    DORVA president Tim Chatten says the donation is just the nature of the club’s membership.
 “The members are passionate and they show up for each other when there is an opportunity to help,” he said.
    Not only are the family members motocross fans, but Nickelback fans, and Sebastian says he’ll try out the guitar.

Dates set for 2016 Tough Mudder Alberta

mud man sep 5 2014 tough mudder

On your mark, get set…
    It’s official, Tough Mudder will be back in the valley for 2016. Same place, different time.
    The premiere event, which attracts competitors in the thousands, will be on August 6 and 7. Nick Cogger, director of business development for Tough Mudder in Canada  explains having the event on the Labour Day Long weekend was challenging.
    “(Labour Day) is the unofficial “last weekend of summer”, a lot of people already had holiday plans that did not include Tough Mudder,” he said. “Also, over the long weekend, most hotel properties were booked solid, and some Mudders struggled to find accommodation in the valley. So, the major deciding factor was to move the event away from a long weekend.”
    Last year’s weather didn’t help. While wet and chilly temperatures tested some of the participants’ meddle, it forced them to close some of the obstacles.
    “While we billed Tough Mudder Alberta 2015 as the toughest event of the season in Canada, the weather was somewhat detrimental to the overall experience,” said Cogger. “The course in Drumheller is challenging enough as it is, without throwing extreme weather into the mix. We hope that by hosting the event in August, we can count on some warmer, drier weather, more like what we saw in 2014.”
    While the event will be roughly in the same area, the course has been completely redesigned. Most notably, the base area and parking will be down in the valley, off of Highway 10. The event will focus on canyon running, capitalizing on the natural landscape.  
    Cogger says they have not revealed what new obstacles will be introduced this season. One he does mention is the “Dead Ringer,” and the "Blockness Monster," which will see their Alberta Tough Mudder debut. Mudders can watch the Obstacle Reveal page here.    
    He is looking forward to Tough Mudder Alberta.
    “The landscape and the people are what make Tough Mudder Alberta in Drumheller so unique and what keeps us coming back. There is so much land, so many terrain features on the properties we lease that we can keep coming up with new routes and new ideas - new ways to challenge our Mudders,” he says, adding they have forged  good working relationships in the valley.
    “The Town of Drumheller, the Drumheller Festival Society, the Drumheller Chamber of Commerce, and Travel Drumheller - work tirelessly to help us put on the best events we can with the best volunteer support. Partners like DORVA and the Agricultural Society are always interested in helping make the events a success, and the business community at large welcomes us with open arms. We are thrilled to be a part of the Drumheller community and are committed to making 2016 an even greater success than year’s past.”

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