News | DrumhellerMail - Page #1827
Last updateSun, 06 Oct 2024 1pm

Mother Nature not finished with winter

photo 11


Mother Nature isn’t  finished with winter yet. On February 18, late Thursday night, she delivered approximately 10 to 15 cm of heavy wet snow to Drumheller and area. Driving is hazardous and everyone should take extra care this morning. The south hill is clear, but it gives a bit of false sense of security when you are leaving town.  As of 9:00 am, North Dinosaur Trail had not been plowed and the highway was packed with ice. The snow plows will be busy cleaning highways and streets. Caution is also urged for those who are shoveling snow off their sidewalks, as the snow is extremely heavy.

Happy SADD day at Morrin School

SADD teacher students

    On Thursday  February 11,  Morrin School Chapter of SADD (Students against Drunk Driving) held a Valentine’s candygram sale.
    SADD Alberta is a registered, non-profit, organization that had its beginnings in 1990.  Their mission is to inspire and motivate young people to stand up and eliminate the number one cause of death and injury among youth...drinking and driving!
    Morrin Schools Youth Wellness Worker Katie Suntjens said, “By lunchtime on Thursday February 11, the group had already sold over $240 worth of candygrams.  On the back of each Valentine card, the students were able to personalize a greeting and give to their Valentine.”
    On the front of the cards were several different messages specifically chosen for this age group. Two of the messages said: “I am waiting for your call, if you need a safe ride home.”  and “The road to my heart starts and ends with you.”
    Future events for the SADD chapter include participating in a RCMP check stop and a windup barbecue for the students, staff, RCMP and all the volunteers.

Wet weather leading to more mud slides


The dynamic nature of the valley’s landscape was on full display last week as a major slide near Nacmine caught the attention of readers.

    Long time resident Fred Orosz noticed the slide on the south side of Highway 575 on the way to Nacmine, just beyond the Commander Mine site. A large portion of the hill had separated and slid. He brought it to the attention of The Mail.
    He also pointed out the slide to David Eberth, research scientist in sedimentary geology and palaeoecology research at the Royal Tyrrell Museum. Eberth tells The Mail these appear to be becoming more numerous recently.
    “This is a pattern we have seen that has become more wide spread as we have seen overall more moisture over the last few years. That is what is to be expected. That is what this landscape does,” he said.
    As part of his profession, he finds himself keeping an eye on different sites where slides appear to be happening. One of interest is near the Morrin Bridge, where it has actually covered the road on a couple occasions. Another, he and other researchers are keeping an eye on, is near a road close to the Little Church.
    “We’ve had so much moisture last year and the year before in the spring, it just makes this stuff move,” he said.
    He adds that recent warm weather contributes to slides. “When you are getting freezing and thawing, it is the perfect combination to create these glide plains in the shallow subsurface, so you are getting these slumps everywhere,” he said.  
    There is potential for these kinds of slumps, especially near property, that could be of concern.
    “This is a ongoing problem and a real headache for the highways people, and I have nothing but respect for their efforts to deal with it,” he said.
    For researchers, this may give the opportunity to expose items of interest.
    “That has always been the gateway for us. The flood mitigation money the province made available to a variety of institutions, including ours, we were able to find a variety of new specimens the last couple years,” he said.


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