News | DrumhellerMail - Page #1740
Last updateSun, 06 Oct 2024 1pm

Passion Play finds Jesus

Caleb Gordon 2016 Passion Play Jesus Actor

The Canadian Passion Play has cast the role of Jesus in this year’s production.

Caleb Gordon, who has a history with the production by being first cast as a minor thief while a high school student and later as Enosh, will play Jesus in the production, which starts its run July 8.

“Finding someone to play the role of Jesus can be a bit difficult,” said executive director Vance Neudorf. “You not only need an actor who can effectively play this iconic role, but they also must be able to move quickly up and down the hills and around the stage while delivering their lines.”

Gordon was inspired to take on the role after interacting with a former Jesus while playing Enosh.

“I looked into the eyes of the Jesus actor during the healing scene and it gave me a new perspective on what it means to be an actor. Even when no one else could see his eyes, they were filled with kindness. It sparked something in me, a desire to play my role with such passion and authenticity.”

A new script is being introduced this year, an adaption of the Gospel of Luke titled “Face to Face,” written by Albertan playwright Barrett Hileman. It will encompass the entire life of Christ, beginning at his birth.

Brian Jensen, who previously played the role of the apostle John, will assume the role of lead director.  

Council encourages buskers this summer


Downtown Drumheller may be filled with the sounds of singing and jangling guitars this summer as town council moved Monday to reduce the fees charged to buskers seeking permits.

At the May 16 meeting, council unanimously amended the Business License Bylaw to reduce the fee charged to buskers from around $50 to just $25, to cover administration costs, while also amendments to better define what a busker is were made. 

Councillor Patrick Kolafa, who initialized the amendment, says the move will enhance culture in Drumheller.

“We just felt we didn’t want a business license to be an impediment for young people, or any entertainer, to share their craft. Music and the performing arts add to the vibrancy of any community,” Kolafa said. 

He noted that there are already a number of guidelines in the business license bylaw to guide against potential nuisances and safety regarding buskers and pedlars.

Director of Community Services Paul Salvatore said the town has already seen a number of buskers come forward this year, and says the town has even been promoting the activity on the front page of their website.

Buskers previously had to apply for a micro business permit from the town.

Local musician Landon Brown said other young people often just perform on the streets or in parks without seeking approval from the town through a permit. 

“You’ll just grab your guitar and go to the park. I don’t think most people even think that they are required to get a permit – they’ll just play,” said Brown.

Congratulations to the DVSS Grad Class of 2016


The Drumheller Mail would like to congratulate the Drumheller Valley Secondary School Grad Class of 2016.

The cap and gown ceremony was held at the Badlands Community Facility at 10:00 am on Saturday, May 28. The Grand March will be also be held at the Badlands Community Facility at 7:00 pm on Saturday, May 28.

Good luck and be safe tonight graduates!


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